Chapter 6

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Hey guys. I'm really sorry for not updating but I have been grounded and could not risk my mom finding Wattpad on the computers history since she also took my keyboard.

GOOD NEWS! Since Wednsday, October 4, I am offically 15!

I sigh and sit up once Padfoot leaves.

"So, what are you doing here exactly?" I ask. He sighs and sits on the bed next to me, leaning against the headboard.

"I felt your frustration and I knew that this was the first place  that you would go to." He says while facing, a strange look in his eyes that I can't quite place.

"Why didn't you tell him that I knew the truth?" I ask.

"Well, I didn't know if you wanted him to know that or not. So I didn't tell him. You should have seen his face when I suddenly appeared and you came through the wards. He was acting like a chicken with his head cut off." He laughed and just rolled my eyes.

"So what is the plan now?" I ask.

"Well, we won't know who your parents are until your birthday tomorrow night. We will then go from there." He says. I didn't even know that his fingers were running through my hair until he went to stop. I whined and grabbed his wrist and looked up at him innocent eyes. He gave a kind smile and continued. I    leaned into his chest, laying my head on his chest, curling into his side.

"Tell me, why does Dumbledore lie about you?" i ask.

"When he found me in that horrid orphanage, he could feel how powerful I was. He pushed the thoughts of horocrux's into my head, pushed the thought of living for eternity into my thoughts. I am a pureblood even though riddle is a muggle name. My father was adopted, he was originally the son of Grindelwald and Dumbledore himself, but he put him up since Dumbledore imprisoned his own mate. Anyways, you know the rest when we talked yeterday." he says. I nod and try my hardest to keep my eyes open but fail with his heavenly hands in my hair. I feel a small peck to my fore head and hear his smooth voice. "Sleep well my love, you'll need it to go through your inheritance."


I awake with a slight pain in my head and lower back. I try to go back to sleep, but the pain grows. A pain filled whimper passes my lips and the body that was sleeping so soundly, with a possesive are around my waist, jerks awake and grips me tight to its chest.

"Shhh, its ok love. It will only hurt a little longer. You're strong, you can do it."I feel a gentle hand rub circles into my back until the pain turns into nothing but a dull ache. I pull my face out of Tom's chest to see him with a look of awe and disbelief.

Does he not want me? Do I look ugly? Am I a freak like everyone says?

"You're beautiful." He whispers. I can feel the blush rise on my cheeks. He runs his knuckles gently across my cheek, over my lips, down to my collar bone. "You are a neko. He says. I feel him pet something that is at the top of my head and a content purr leaves my lips as I lean into his touch. "look in the mirror, kitten." I turn to see a mirror floating beside his head and squeak at the person staring back at me.

My hair is a whitish blonde and goes down to my waist. My body is slightly toned with curves in all the right places. I have high cheekbones but soft facial features. My lips are a soft red with a natural pouty look. My eyes are a piercing, icy, blue color that give off and innocent look. What is the most shocking is the white cat ears and tail.

I know thats supposed to be our fabulous Draco, but lets pretend it's what harry looks like now

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I know thats supposed to be our fabulous Draco, but lets pretend it's what harry looks like now

"Do you know who my parents are?" I ask. He looks thoughtful for a moment.

"It's either the Malfoy's or the Lovegood's." He says. He continues to run his fingers through my hair until I fall asleep again."We will go to Gringotts tomorrow to  get everything sorted out. I promise my little kitten." he says. I give a small, tired smile and go back to sleep.

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