Chapter 13

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ok, so I know I told you guys that I already have this all written out, and I do. I just want to ask yall if there is anything that you want me to add to the story. I will also take ideas for another story to start writing (on paper ). I just want to hear your thoughts. And to let you know, I will make the smut chapters private. If you choose to unfollow  me after, that is perfectly fine. If you choose to skip the smut chapters, anything that happens will either not change the story, or the information will be given in the beginning of the next chapter. 


Last night we all got settled in and had a nice family dinner. Today after lunch, there will be a death eater meeting to introduce me and tell them the truth. We have told  Severus the truth and it came to a shock to me that he only hated me because he thought that I was James and Lily's son. I'm, still part way confused but I'm sure it is much deeper than what it seems. 

I wake up to the sun shinning through the window, wrapped in warm, silk sheets. I raise my head off the comfortable pillow and look down to see that I had fallen asleep right on top of my mate, our legs tangled together, his hanging off the bed a little.  

"Good morning love, how did you sleep last night?" He asks, startling me. I thought he was still asleep.

"Good, yours?"

"Excellent since I had you in my arms." He says. I blush and lay my head back down onto his chest. He rubs soothing circles on my lower back , and I start to purr from the sensation of his soothing touch. "Are you nervous about today, love?" he asks me. I hesitate but nod. "It will all be fine. I won't let anything happen to you." he says while nuzzling into my hair.  I let out a tierd  hum of contentment. 

"I have to get up, don't I?" I say. He sadly nods and i let out a groan. I untangle myself from him and walk to the  closet to get clothes. I then proceed to go in the bathroom and take a much needed shower. When I strip, I notice a big purple bruise on my stomach and wince a little. I hop in the shower and wash my body and shave. When I get out, I lotion down and grab the clothes that I chose. I put on the dress that mother had bought me. The dress was tight fitting at the top but then flowed out at the hips and came to my feet. I put on dainty heels and walked out into the bedroom. 

"Hadrian are you r-" Tom goes to turn around and he stops mid sentence once he sees me. He just stares with no  emotion present on his face and I get worried. "Hadrian -"

"I'll change, I won't wear a dress again. Promise, just don't leave me." i cry out. I go to change but i am pulled into strong arms and feel a running through my hair.

"Hadrian, i was just shocked. You look absolutley beautiful in that dress. If I could i would make you wear that dress all the time. I don't ever want you to think that ill leave you just because of what you wear. I love all of you." Tom gently kisses my head and walks us down to breakfest.


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