Chapter 2

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I stare at him while he keeps his eyes anywhere but at mine.

"What?" I whisper. He sighs and  sits back down at the edge of my bed, running his fingers through his hair.

"Do you know anything about creatures in the wizarding world Harry?" He asks in a soft voice while looking into my eyes. I try to think back to when we had Moony for a teacher and what he said about magical creatures.


"There are many common creatures such as Vampires, elemental vampires, elves, forest lords, shape shifters, werewolves, veela, winged ones. Then there are the rare hybrids and extinct ones, like nekos, angels, demons, phoenix, darklikgs, winged/veela ones, dark phoenix, dark elves, demonic nekos, and finally angelic demons. All creatures come into their inheritances at the age of 15 unless they experience extreme trauma, then they are forced into their inheritances. All creatures have mates. There are submissive and dominates in each mated pair. The dominates can be male or female dominates in a hetrosexual pairing. The dominates are very protective and tend to be older at least by a few months. They will be bigger and will have a sense to protect their sub(s). If harm is brought to the sub by another person, the Dom can take any action they see fit or brings satisfaction to their sub. The subs can be both male and female. the males can have female dominates. All subs can bear children and it doesn't have to be with their dominates although then those dominates. Now once male subs become bonded with their male dom(s), during the week after they will need to be on bed rest to let their magic create the needed womb to carry a child. Subs are ones who let their mate do a majority of the fighting and only step in when they feel their mate needs the help. Creatures find their mates by their thin bond that lady magic uses to let them know who their mates are. If the submissive mate rejects their mate, the dominate will just become ill and feel dressed. If the dominate rejects their sub, then the sub will become deeply depressed and will most likely commit suicide. If the sub cheats o the Dom, the will feel extremely guilty, but if the Dom cheats, the sub will feel its their fault and become depressed and they also feel a severe pain."

My eyes widen as I look into Tom's eyes and see nothing but love there for me.

"No, we can't be . . . no . . . no one could care about a freak like me." I say. A low and soothing rumble emit from his chest as his eyes fill with sadness.

"Don't say that about yourself . . . please. you're not a freak.You're my mate and I promise you on my magic that I care about you Harry. Please believe me." He says as he brushes his knuckles across my cheek, sending pleasurable shivers down my spine. His voice changes, becoming soft and sounding like he just found the most precious piece of glass and if he breaths too hard it would shatter. "you have been lied to from the beginning, harry. You have been treated horribly and you have had to carry all the loads. Please . . . let me take care and love you. Let me take those heavy loads that burden you and let me show you that you are more important than life itself. Please." I feel his lips lightly touch mine as his fingers cup my face. I didn't even realize that I had my eyes closed. I slowly open my eyes, letting my emerald ones look into crimson ones. I search for any sign of this being a cruel joke or prank to find nothing but love and sadness. I turn my head slightly as I climb off the bed.

"I . . . I don't know . . . I can't." I say as I walk to a window and look out to see nothing but clouds. I feel him come behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist with his chin on my head and chest pressed to my back.

"Please, Harry. Let someone else be strong for you." He whispers as he nuzzles my hair. I think about it for a minute. He truly seems to care about me and i explains Dumbledores behavir a littebit. I turn around in his arms, ready to give him my answer.

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