Chapter 14

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So since no one gave me any new ideas on what to do for the meeting scene, I am just going to make something up off the top of my head. I would have thought people would have jumped to the oppurtunity to do such but not a thing. 


When we reach the room, Tom takes his arm from around my waist and instead places it holds his arm out for me to take. I blush at his being a gentleman and walk through the doors with him. I school my features and force the blush that is creeping up to go away. Tom sits in his throne and I'm confused as there is no seat. All of the sudden I am pulled down onto his lap with a possessive arm around my waist. I let out a small squeak of surprise and look at him wide eyed to see a smirk in his eyes. I pout but lay my head on his chest and look at all the faces. Some are suprised, some disgusted, some cooing at me, and one specific glare. I look away from her angry glare and just snuggle further into Tom's warm chest. 

"My followers, it is now a joyous occasion! I have found my mate, your queen. You will treat him the same as you treat me and are not to question him. If I learn that any of you have so much a touched a hair on his head, I will lock you with Mooney." He says. I can hear some of the lower ranks gulp and tense up. I kept getting this weird feeling off one of the Death-eaters but just let it go. " I want you to know that he was taken and forced to be Harry Potter. He has returned home to his parents and twin. Our goal now is to take the Order down and claim the Ministry." I heard a few intakes of air but no one said a thing. I could feel that cold glare intensify. 

" Tom . . ." I whisper. His gaze switches down to me and he gives a soft smile. 

"What is it, kitten." he whispers.

"Someone here is from the Order. Their magic feels familiar." I say. His eyes darken in anger and his gaze snaps up to the lower rank Death-eaters. 

"Show me." He whispers. I nod and slowly stand up and look around the room to try to detect exactly who it is. I let magic take me to a low rank Death-eater who looks a little too nervous. I turn and give them a sweet smile. I extend my hand and he looks at Tom before excepting it. I turn and take him to stand in front of Tom who is giving me a curious look. 

"My Lord, My Queen?" He says with uncertainty. Tom stands up and I sit down in his seat and watch him as he circles around his prey. 

"Do you know why my queen brought you to me?" He asks as he comes to a stop in front of the cowering man. All I can see is his strong back muscles and ass. Not now Hadrian. Focus on something other than your sexy mate! 

"No M-my L-lord" the man stutters out. Tom lets out a hum and turns to me and smiles. 

"He is all yours my sweet." He says as he helps me up. My eyes light up and I give him a quick peck on the lips. I smile and I walk to the cowering man. I pull out my wand and he starts to violently shake.

"You lied to your Lord; why?" I ask as I give a look of confusion. 

" I don't k-know wh-what -"

"DO NOT LIE TO ME! YOU KNOW GOOD AND WELL WHY I CALLED YOU UP HERE YOU DISGUSTING PRICK!" I yell. I rip his glamours off of him, to reveal Fudge. He is cowering. "You must have known that I would have sensed you once he told you who I used to be. Do you have any regrets before I kill you?" I say. I hold back the tears as he glares at me.

"Just that I didn't get more." He says. I see red as I cast the cutting spell at his lower regions and let him bleed to death. I storm out of the room and to our room, violently wiping the tears that fall from my eyes away. I jerk open the door and slam it closed as I lay down in the bed and curl up. After a few seconds the door is jerked open and Tom comes in mad.

"What the hell did that mean! What, were you just whoring around with the order members, huh!" He yells. I sit up and new tears come to my eyes.

"What . . ." I say as my body racks with sobs.

"You know what, get out. Get out of my room, I can't have a slut for a mate, and certainly not you." He sneers. My eyes widen before I get up and run out of the room and out of the house. I run to the garden and collapse near the water fountain. I curl up into myself and lay there, shaking and sobbing. Why would he say such things? I thought he loved me. No one loves you. Your parents got rid of you and the Potters probably begged to be killed. The only reasons the Dursleys kept you was because you brought in money. NO! That's not true.  But it is and you know it. It's the truth.

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