Chapter 38

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If you are planning on leaving this as a one book story, do not read the next 2 chapters.  The alternate ending will come last and will be titled as so. If you wish to read both, than go ahead. 


(Valintines day)

I walk down the hall, heading back from the bitches room. I look around and slowly decend down the stair, holding onto my baby bump. (Ignore the 7th month. He is  3-4 months pregnant.)

I let out a breath as I make it into the dungeons, slowly waddling to the painting of Slytherin

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I let out a breath as I make it into the dungeons, slowly waddling to the painting of Slytherin. 

"Hello there little neko" he greets. I smile and he opens the door and allows me to pass. I walk to my room and lay down on the bed, surrounding myself in my mates scent. I unconciously scratchat the scar on my hand, whining when I feel a kick. 

"Masssster! Sssssomethingssss wrong!"  I look to my left and see my mates fimilar's panicked expression. 

"What?" I mumble, my vision blacking out. Suddenly the bedroom door burst open and I see my mate looking at me with a worried expression. 

'Hadrian, kitten answer me!" Tom screams. Suddenly the doorway is blocked by Draco and the twins along with mother and father. 

"NO! What's wrong with my baby! I will kill you Tom, I swear what the hell did you do!" Mother raises her hand and smacks Tom, causing his head to move to the side. 

"S-stop. H-he didnt do a-anything." I caugh out. "It w-was th-the t-toad." I wheze out. Tom's eyes turn prue black, teeth out and ready to kill. My vision starts to blurr. 

"I love you Tom." I whisper. He starts to cry, tears in his eyes. 

"Dont you dare close your eyes.!" He sobs. I smile. 

"I'm just gonna nap. I'm sleepy" I mumble. I nuzzle my face in his hands right at Poppy rushes in, running scans over me and everything. I close my eyes, letting the darkness cosume me. 

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