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Hadrian's POV 

I giggle as Tom pulls into his chest, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Well hello ther darling, how was your day?" He asks. I sigh and lean into the embrace a smile gracing my lips. 

"Good. The kids and I went into town and your son found his familar. A baby viper. Just like his father." I giggle. He smiles and I yelp when I feel a strong kick to the stomach. 

"And what about the little soccer player." Tom chuckles. 

"Get ready to go to St. Mungo's in the next few days. He hits the goal spot on, right in the bladder too" I gurmble. 

Some would say that having 5 kids would be too much, but I love them all. After the final battle 10 years ago, Tom became the "king" of the wizarding world. He keeps an eye on the rebels, banished all laws on lcreatures, and abolished the laws on pregnancy. Nathan and Blaise are trying with Luna, having found a potion that makes barren people able to have children. Dumbledore and his "army" were executed by the people, some were killed in the final battle though like Ron, Hermoine, and Arthur. I had funs ripping Ginny's intestines open. 

"Love, how about we go out tonight, get Padfoot and Mooney to watch the kids or maybe even Severus and James' daughter?" Tom nuzzles into my neck and I let out a content sigh. 

"Yeah. The truth is great, isn't it?" I hum. 

"Yeah, it is." 


If you are stopping here, I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading and I appreciate your support. 

To those of you who are not done and wish to read the second book, this is not how the official end to the story will go, just wanted to wrap this up for those who whish to stop reading and simply want an ending. 

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