Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to @lovegreststuff. She helped me with starting this chapter because I was stuck.

(Back to hadrian)

I let out a choked sob and we are both frozen, too shocked to move. Then a beautiful woman rushes out and her eyes land on mine.

"Oh my god, my baby!" she shouts. She runs to me and wraps me in her warm embrace. We sob into each other and cling to the other in fear of it being a dream.
"Momma." I sob out. I feel another set of arms on my and I know that they are my twin's. We just hold each other. At this point there was a crowd gathering around us. I can feel Tom getting slightly nervous but other than that, everything was going fine. Then i hear another chocked sob an we look up the see the crowd parting to let my father through. He sees me and i can see the tears falling from his eyes. I stand and run into his arms, crying my heart out. He holds onto me, not caring who sees or what they think. After a while, we pull away from eachother and he starts to check me over.

"Are you ok. What happened. Where have you been. Do you need anything. Are . . ." I giggle and they all stop and look at me with a fond smile. I wipe my eyes and go and stand by Tom. The three of them just now realize that the Dark Lord is there and they just got all emotional about it. I giggle again at their reactions as I snuggle into his side. They look back at me in awe and happiness.

"How about we go to #12 and discus things."  Tom says and they look to each other then me and nod. The three of them apparate and I let strong arms wrap around me and I feel that familiar pull. We land in the living room to find Remus pinned against a wall with Sirius' tongue down his throat.

"Eeewww!" I squeal. They separate and the werewolf's blush can match my own. 

"Oh hush. You and Tom have your tongues down each others throats too." Sirius says and I blush also, hiding my face in said mans robes. 

"What?" I turn to see amused looks on Mother and Draco's face and a horrified look on Dad's. "Had baby, what is Sirius talking about?" He asks. I blush and look away in embarrassment. 

"Well you see Lucius, I knew that he was my mate when he was just  a baby. We need to tell you the truth about where he has been for the past 15 years." Tom says. 


We had just gotten done explaining everything to them and they were in shock. Then Draco was the first to crack.

"OH MY GOD! I bullied my own twin brother. I am so sorry!" He says as he envelops me in a hug. I laugh and just rub his back. 

"It's OK, Draco. I'm fine now. I really did want to accept your friendship in 1st year but both Haggrid and Ron told me that all Slythrins were evil and you were a prat." I giggle. I look up to dad and he still has a look of horror on his face. 

"I almost killed you. I wanted to kill you. How could I not know it was you. Your magic should have called to me." He says. I get up and I hug him.

"I'ts ok. I know you meant well and you were just mad that another person was following Dumbledore like a lost puppy." I say. He smiles and pecks my forehead.

"OH! Hadrian. When I went to get my familiar, I came across yours." Draco says as he pulls out a small, white cat with red eyes. I squeal and take it out of his hands and cuddle it to my chest.

"Its so adorable!" I lean in a rub our noses together, causing her to sneeze. (Which everyone coos at. I mean, who wouldn't)

"I think it is very fitting that Draco has a black winged bird and you have a white cat. Draco's veela wings are black and your cat ears are white." Father says. I smile and set the cat down, who immediately goes to Tom and starts rubbing on his legs. I giggle and everybody smiles at me. I'm so happy, and I hope everything stays this way. But sadly, nothing ever works out for me.

Sorry guys. I had it updated Wednesday, but for some reason it didn't load and I just realized it. 

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