Chapter 4

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All of the Weasleys turn their heads to look at me with shock and disbelief.

"Harry dear, tell us that's not true?" Molly says. I give a half-hearted glare to the twins as they smirk. I then look at Hermoine and Ron to see looks of disgusts on their faces. I look back to Molly and give her a shy smile.

"Yes Mrs. Weasley . . . I'm gay. I've been trying to find a way to tell you guys, but with Cedric dying and everything, it didn't seem like a good time. I actually have a boyfriend." I say with a slight blush to my cheeks.

"WHAT! NO! Mommy, you have to tell him he's wrong. Harry you love me and I love you. You can't be gay. That boy is just tricking you with a potion." she says. I turn and give her a glare.

"Oh, like you?" I say. "Sorry Gin, but I only ever saw you as a sister." I look to see Ron's face turning a very interesting shade of purple. "What's the matter Ron?" I ask.

"How dare you! You little shithead! First you lead my sister on and come up with some shitty excues as to why you won't date her!" he roars. I blink slowly while staring straight into his eyes.

"Well, I see that I am no longer welcomed hear and I'll just go and stay with Siri." I push out my chair. I stand and make my way up the stairs to pack my trunk. When I go to leave the burrow, Ron and Molly are standing in the way.

"Harry dear, you're being ridiculous about this whole thing. Come back in, have a seat and apologize to Ginny so you two can continue dating." she says. You can smell the plastic coming off her. I stare at her like she just asked how to spell the letter 7. ( Today in geometry, the teacher asked me to give him a letter to use for a variable and I said 7 . . .)

"You just can't get it through your hormone filled brain can you? I'M. GAY!" I yell before pushing past them and walking to the edge of the wards. I apperate outside of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. I walk through the wards and knock on the door. I hear a few hushed voices before one finally yells.

"LET HIM IN!" The door is suddenly jerked open and standing there i a terrified Sirius and behind him with a bored look on his face, the one person I don't feel like looking at right now.

"Hello love." He says with a sinister smile.

The reason why this is so short, it because I had it all typed out and finished for a week and a half a day forgot to publish it. and it was about 1,000 words, but then my phone restarted and deleted the whole chapter.

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