Chapter 22

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Snape's POV

I smile as he leans back into me and sighs. I wrap my arms around him, only to have him fade away from me. I scream for him as he is being dragged away, along with the child that is in his belly. I crumble and fall to my knees as I scream for him to come back to me. 


I wake with a start and wipe the tear stains off my face. No one needs to know. I get up and take a shower and just stand under the spray. I miss them. As I finish washing my body, i feel the painful tug in my soul, crying out for its mate. I promised Lucuis that I would stop looking because all it did was hurt even more.

Draco's POV

I wait outside the Weasleys wards for my sweet beloves. I was surprised that day that the talk went well. My head snaps up when I see my sweet little Fred leaning on a little bit taller George. Fred looks at me and a huge smile breaks across his face as he runs to me. He jumps and wraps his legs around my waist and I place my hands under his ass so that he doesn't fall. George comes up and smiles as he stops in front of me. His face and neck have a red flush to it and so I reach out with one hand and grab him by the waist and pull him closer as I apperate to the manor.


So, just a little insight and filler.  love you guys. 

Ok, so I want a vote. 

Go farther into Draco and the twins


Snape's mate?  

will delete each vote after is is talled and will keep track of who votes. the means no voting twice. voting will close on april 11th. 

VOTING IS CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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