Chapter 21 (Part Two)

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Hadrian's POV

I walk into the foyer and see Tom standing there in a white button up with black dress pants. His hair was a little tousled and it made him look sexy. He give me a nervous smile and holds his hand out for me to take. I smile back and hold on as I feel us aparate. I grip his bicep as I try to steady myself. When I open my eyes, I see we are standing in the middle of Milan, Italy. I gasp as I see hundreds of other wizards in different colored robes go by. I turn to Tom and see him with a small smile on his face. 

"Tom! I love it!" I squeal before giving him a big hug and pecking his lips.  He lets out a chuckle and then drags me off the hill and through the streets. I look at all of the cool places and compare them to Brittians wizarding world. I saw a pretty necklace that was silver and had heart shaped ruby. 

I know Tom saw me looking but I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to waste money on me by buying it

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I know Tom saw me looking but I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to waste money on me by buying it. I then saw a little cafe on a corner and walked up to it since it was beautiful and had a band playing music inside. There were couples that were up and dancing around with smiles on their faces. I smiled and next thing I knew, I was inside and being twirled around with Tom's hand on my waist. I let out a small giggle as he spins me out and pulls me back in. 

"Are you having fun, kitten?" he asks when we take a seat and  order some food. 

"Yeah." I say. I get up and sit in his lap and lean back into his chest, resting my had on his shoulder. "It's beautiful here." I say as I play with his fingers.

"I agree, it's almost as beautiful as you." He says before pecking my nose, making me giggle. I sigh and just lay against his chest waiting for our food, listening to his heart beating.


After we ate, we decided to walk around for a little longer and Tom dragged  me into the store with the necklace on display. He bought even though I objected to it. He placed it around my neck and gave me a deep, loving kiss. 

" I love you." He whispers against my lips. I give a smile smile and give a soft peck and then go to a frozen yogourt shop that I saw earlier. I order some chocolate cheesecake frozen yougart and put fresh strawberries on is and then some whipped cream. (Don't go dissing my dessert choices. It's amazing) Tom got just plain vinnila with chocolate and nothing else on it. I teased him wich resulted in an intense tickling contest. Tom winning of course.  

"How about we go check out the muggle sites, kitten?" Tom asks. I nod and I cling to him as we appear in front of a beautiful water foutain. I turn to tell Tom how beatuiful it is, only to see him on his knees, a nervous look on his face as he holds out a small box. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands as tears of joy start to cloud my vision. 

" Hadrian Black Malfoy, from the moment I saw you as nothin but a little babe, i knew that I would always love you. Not only because you are my mate, but because of you. You are so kind but have a strict hand when it is needed. You bicker back with me and don't just cower in fear. You see the real me and you love the many flaws that I have. You repear me just as I do to you.  Would you please be my Queen?" He says. His voice shook the whole time so I know how nervous he is. It takes a moment for me to process everything as the tears stream down my cheeks harder before I choke out the words I want to say. 

"Yes." I whisper. "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" I say a little louder now. He give a sigh of relief before opening the box and slipping the ring on my finger. Before he can stand up I pull him into a bruising kiss and he places his hands on my hips, standing up and pulling me closer to his body.


Ok, so just to let you guys know because now that they are engaged, the smut will start to happen. 


You will not be missing anything if you do not read. They will not be chapters. (EX: Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Smut chapter, Chapter 24, etc. { only using titling as example, update after chap. 23 is not going to be smut)

You can unfollow me after and I will not have a problem with it. I promise. 

I plan on having my question chapters out by end of march. Please check that.

Love ya and always be a Dramaticater!

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