Chapter 30

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Hadrians POV

Tom and I sat in the front and Severus stated back on his begining of the year lecture beofore telling us to make one of the five potions listed on the board. 

"I'll get the ingridents and you get the supplies." I say. He nods and I go to get the stuff for the potion. As I walk to the cabniet, I am bumped into by Weasley who sneers at me. 

"Whatch where youre going you freak!" he snaps, causing a small, inaudible whimper to leave my lips. There is suddenly a growl and Tom has him by his collar and shoved up agianst a wall. 

"Don't you dare talk to him, and appolagize." He seeths out. Ron gulps and dares to talk agian. 

"The l-little sl-slut need t-to learn his l-leasson." He says. I frown and cast my eyes downwards, trying not to cry. there is a roar as Tom is ripped off of Weasle and the red head falls to the floor, holding his nose with tears in his eyes. 

"Don't you dare talk to him like that you little shit!" everyone gasps as the one person I didn't expect speaks up. 

"What the hell! Why would you defend a slimy little snake!" Hermoine yells at the red faced Gryffindor. 

"Because you all are just bullies, you bumped into him and then you called him a slut. If anything, that would be your sister who has slept with every boy and girl form 3rd year and up." He sneers like a true snake. 

"I-i you take that back!" Ron goes to get up, only for Snape to grab him by his ear and drag him out and to the headmasters office. 

"Two months detention and 100 point form Gryffindor." He mumbles as he drags a screaming 5 year old. 


The rest of the day was uneventful other than Tom and I having a heavy make-out session in an abandoned hallway. 

"Love, get dressed in something warm and comfortable. We are going out on a "hunting" trip. " (Am I the only one that thinks of Supernatural when I read this?)  I nod and go to the closet and grab a long black hoodie that comes down to my thighs  and some thigh high socks. I put my hair in a messy bun and slip on some small flats. (Like this byt solid black)

 (Like this byt solid black)

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I turn to Tom to see his eyes a red color as he looks at the little bit of exposed skin on my thighs

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I turn to Tom to see his eyes a red color as he looks at the little bit of exposed skin on my thighs. I blush when he suddenly lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. 

"God kitten, the things you do to me." He mumbles. I giggle and press a kiss to his lips and force my tongue i his mouth. I moan as he starts to take control and squeezes my thighs, allowing his tongue to dive deeper into my mouth. I pull away and pant for air, leaning my forhead on his. 

"W-we should g-go." I whisper. He nods and relunctly places my feet on the floor. I grab a hold to his hand and swing our arms as we walk through the empty corridors of the school, I quietly giggle as he smiles down at me. We walk up to the doors that lead to outside and as we are about to leave, the toad shows up.

"And just what do you two think you are doing!" she shrills. I pout and we turn around to face her. 

"Hello Mrs. Umbridge. I need to hunt for food and do not feel comfortable leaving my mate in the room alone. I am feeling a bit possesive today." Tom says while showing her his fangs.

"S-students are n-not allowed out p-past midnight."She stutters out, cautisoully looking at his fangs. 

"Well, I have permissoin from the headmaster and either I hunt, or I get so hungry something bad happens. I can only take so much from my mate and hes already given me my weekly pint." He says. He makes his eyes turn red for more of a show. She seems to think for a minute before slowly nodding and walking away. He gives her one last smile and we dissapear into the night. 

Who do you think punched Ron and what do you think Tom wants to show Hadrian? 

So far Blaise and Luna are winning. I will give it another two weeks and then the contest will be over.  

Love you guys and always dramaticate.

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