Chapter 18

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It has been three days since I have been back and I love it. Tom has been so nice, he has not left my side and we really just spend all day cuddling in bed and just talking about little things. This morning I woke up and I was not engulfed in my mates scent, causing me to panic. Suddenly the door opens and I throw myself at Tom, burying my face into his strong abdomen. (Just to give you guys a height difference)

"What is wrong, kitten?" he asks as he runs his fingers through my hair and gently picks me up, placing me on his hip. I shove my face in his neck and gently lick at it in order to calm me down. I can feel him shiver and I force myself to suppress a smirk. I feel Tom sit down and I lay my legs across his lap. I feel his thumb rub small patterns on my thigh while I relax in his strong, arms. 

"I just woke up and didn't smell you. I thought you had left me." I mumble.

"Aw, kitten; never. You're too cute and adorable to do that to. Beside, I would like to keep my family jewels, thank-you very much." He says, causing me to giggle.

"I would prefer that too." I say. I suddenly blush, realizing I said that out loud. I hear a soft growl, causing a shiver to go down my spine.

"Is that so?" He says as he licks the shell of my ear before softly nibbling on it. I softly whimper before gently pushing at his chest.

"Not now." I whisper. I look up and see him nod, closing his eyes to calm down a little bit. 

"You might want to get off of my lap then, kitten. It is definitely not helping anything." he says. I playfully swat the back of his head. He laughs and I climb off and go to the closet and pick out a pair of grey leggings and grab one of Tom's black, long sleeve button ups and tie it into a dress.  I go into the bathroom and I put my hair into and elegant bun and I decide to go barefoot today. I walk out and see a shirtless Tom looking in the closet for something.

"Looking for something?" I ask.

"Yeah, have you seen one of my black button ups? I swear I had a clean one left." He says. I giggle.

"Yes, I have." I say. He turns around and waits for me to tell him.

"Where did you see it?" He asks.

"I'm wearing it." I say. He then takes a moment to look at what I am wearing and his mouth falls open.

"Well, in that case, feel free to borrow my shirts anytime. You look sexy as hell." He mumbles as he walks closer to me and wraps his arms around my wait. I smile and he reaches down and gives me a simple, sweet kiss. I pull back and gently flick one of his nipples. He hisses and covers his exposed chest. I giggle and walk out of the room.

"PUT ON A SHIRT!" I holler through the door. I hear a groan.

"YES MOTHER!" he yells back. I smile and shake my head as I walk down to breakfast.


This is just a filler chapter since I want to start changing some things from the original version. I am keeping a few things the same, but the way they happen with be different and I may ask. 

I still would like what you guys would think a teen devil/satan would look like. It is for my other book that I plan to start when I finish the first part of this one. Yes this is a two part series, but sadly I have not come up with anything for the second book due to writers block. I have one of my friends and MidnightNinja27 helping me with that as soon as this part ends. I will warn you guys, I will accepts hate mail because of how the first book ends and I do not know how long it will take me to start posting on the second book. 



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