Chapter 32

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Hadrian POV

so far it has been a month since school has started and there really hasn't been any trouble. Ron has backed off since Nathan (Neville) punched him in the nose. I have been noticing the he has been eyeing a couple different people but I havn't said anything. The only complaint is that Umbitch is and awful teacher.  She thinks we can learn just by reading and not practicing. I have learned to keep my mouth shut because Ron got kicked off the quidittch team for saying that Voldermort was alive and that is why we need to pratice. If only she knew he sat 2ft in front of her. 

"Tom, wake up." I shake him awake. He was shaking and sweating. "TOM1" I yell before slapping him across the face. He wakes with a jolt and cups his cheek. His eyes were wide and he looked like he had seen a ghost. "Tom." I whisper. He jerks his head in my direciton and before I know what is happening, he rushes to the bathroom and empties his stomach. I cringe but follow him and push his hair out of his face. "Are you ok?" I ask. He shakes his head and just leans back  into me. 

"I just need to rest. You go get ready for the school day." He says. He stands back up on shakey legs and crawls into bed, pulling the covers over his head and going back to sleep. I give his forehead a kiss and put a pepper up potion on hte dresser before dressing in some Leggings with a white button up. 

I give him one last look before starting my day

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I give him one last look before starting my day. If only  I knew what I would get myself into. 


As I was walking into DADA, I over heard Weasley talking to someone in the coner of the class, but I couldn't hear. 

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, where is your mate?" I look up and see Umbitch staring down at me with teribly hidden hate in her eyes. 

"He was not feeling well and told me to go to class even though it is against my submissive nature." I say. She give a small hum in response and walks back off. Something doesn't feel right. 

"Class, we are doing a project for the next month and I will be assigning your partners. " she states. There was a collective groan and she simply continued. 

" Longbottom - Granger

Gaunt-D. Malfoy


Parkinson-Zanibi ( I know i didnt spell this right but i just dont feel good and will go back and fix it later. And i am only showing the main characters painrings)

and Crabbe and Goyle" 

She then gives each of us a slip of paper with a creature on it. 

"Get in your groups and I will tell you what to do" I slowly trudge over to Ron who is sneering at me and you can just feel the hate coming off him in waves. 

"Hello Ron." I greet with the best fake smile I have ever if I do say so myself. He just glares and I shrug and take a seat. 

"Now, for your assignment, you will use your books to resaerch theese an- creatures. You will tell me what rank they are, who they normally mate with, if they have mates, and abour the pregnancy. Theese are due before Christmas and I will give youa few days here and there to work in class." He "smiles" sweetly and dismisses us to get to work. 

"Of course we get something girly and stupid." Ron mumbles. I perk up and look at our paper, only to let out a silent growl towards the brainless chicken. 

"I don't know, I think neko's are really neat." i grumble and go to grab my book out of my bag. 

"They are just little sugar babies that get fucked and carry the children, Nothing more." He says. thats when I snap. I hiss and jump on his back, pulling at his hair. 

"MR. MALFOY! GET OFF HIM RIGHT THIS INSTENT AND GO STAND OUTSIDE IN THE HALL!" the toad yells. I grumply pull my nails off his face and slunk out into the hall. 

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