First Week of Second Year

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(1974) Kazumi's POV

"Thanks again for the help Christian" I tell him again as we sat in our common room the first night back at Hogwarts. Ravenclaw had gotten seven new first years three girls and four boys. I sat with the Marauders on the train ride here then sat in the carriage with Christian and Nicole. Then sat next to Christian for the feast before we went back to Ravenclaw tower.

"Anytime, but you still owe me one" he reminds me smiling. "So what do you think we'll study in classes this year?" he asks.

"Lily told me we would study mandrakes in Herebology and learn the disarming charm in DADA. But otherwise I don't know" I explain. Entei jumps onto my lap and curled up as I begin to pat him. "I think he's trying to tell us it's time for bed" I tell Christian who agrees. We said our goodnights and I carried Entei to my room. I still had my own room. I went to bed straight away as I was already in my pj's and had brushed my teeth earlier.


Professor Flitwick gave us our time tables for the year and then we went to class. We had DADA where the new professor told us we would follow what we'd done last year. Learn a spell and then study a dark creature. Afterwards we went to transfiguration and McGonagall gave us a brief description of what we'd learn this year before having us take notes. We then had a free period along with the marauders.

"You promised Christian" I remind him as we enter the library. We were going to study with Remus after Christian apologizes to him. I spot Remus and walk over to him smiling. "Hey Remus, can Christian study with us?" I ask him and he nods his head smiling.

"Hey Remus, I'm sorry mate" Christian tells him.

"For what?" Remus asks confused.

"Kazumi told me how she beat you in chess and I wanted to apologize as I was the one to teach her" he lies.

"No hard feelings" Remus tells him smiling and we all begin to study. Remus helping Christian and I occasionally. We then all went to lunch together and I introduced Christian to the other marauders. They accepted him straight and James asks if I had any pranks planned.

"A magician never reveals her secrets James" I tell him smirking. I actually had a prank planned to use on Peter and Remus. Just need to do the potion and get a few of their hairs.


Nothing much happened Tuesday aside from a notice appearing on the Ravenclaw notice board saying when tryouts were for the quidditch team. I decided to try out as seeker and have been practicing every chance I get. I had gotten a Nimbus 1000 from the newest broomstick making company the Nimbus Racing Broom Company. Today in Herebology we re-potted mandrakes and I got ten points for Ravenclaw. Then at ten o'clock at night we had astronomy.


Christian and I have been doing our homework with Remus in the library. I had gotten the ingredients needed for the potion for my prank on Remus and Peter. I finally told James and Sirius how I was trying out as a seeker for the Ravenclaw team this weekend. Them along with the other two, Christian and Nicole promised to come watch me tryout. Benjamin our prefect is also the Quidditch team captain this year and plays keeper for our team. He was excited to see me play quidditch. Apparently Madame Hooch had told him I was a natural flier.


I had finished all my homework for the week and went back to the potion I had been making. It'd take a month to make, but I am patient. Tomorrow I have quidditch tryout at two in the afternoon. Benjamin told me there is only seeker tryouts and that he'd tell us his decision after seeing everyone trying out try. Instead of putting on the notice board the next day. Right now Christian and I were star gazing pointing out fake constellations laughing at our own imaginations. I really like Christian a lot, but does he like me?


Picture above of Professor Sprout teaching the second years in greenhouse three. Picture of Nimbus 1000 on the external link.

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