Chapter 1

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

𝔢ν𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔞ω𝔞к𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤

Bonnie follows Abby's leaping figure through the gravelled path of the cave, half-dreading that moment when she would pass through the arch into a tighter claustrophobic tunnel.  The unnaturally loud footsteps of the two girls bounces off the walls and the slow drip of water drops from the low roof. She quickens her pace, looking ahead of her, Abby's light was beginning to be entirely consumed in the darkness. 

They finally enter the last cave where a coffin laid, its ebony wood and gold details a stark contrast with the rest of the beige rock that surrounded them. Quickly they abandon their candle lights which they place on the ground and hurry over to the coffin, placing both of their hands onto the cold glossy coffin. 

"You're not trying! We've been at this for over an hour." Bonnie complains after half an hour of continuous chanting. She tucks a stray hair behind her ear and glares at her fellow witch.

"The spirits are angry with me. For leaving you. Maybe they didn't want me to have my powers again."Abby says putting down her hands in surrender. She glances around the cave sighing in self-pity.

Bonnie walks over to Abby and clutches her shoulders in her hands, almost to shake her awake from her piteous daydream."I had all of those dreams for a reason. The spirits wanted me to find you because you're my mom. It's not them, it's you. You won't open yourself up to it. You know Dad never talked about you? And neither did Grams. I had no memories of you. So you know what I use to pretend? That you were dead. It was easier to do that than to wonder why you never came back for me."Bonnie says her eyes filling with tears. Looking up at her mother, the two exchanged glances as if to comfort each other in some way. 

"There is no way I can tell you how sorry I am for what I did, "Abby says choking on her own muffled words that try to ease the harsh words spoken by Bonnie, those words were now forever stuck in Abby's heart like golden daggers.

"Yes, there is. You can help me." Bonnie said with a final shake and she let go of Abby's shoulders and instead reaching for her hands. She returns Abby's hands to the glossy case of the coffin, starting to chant the spell again but this time was different. This time Abby poured her broken heart and soul into the spell.  At once, the dim light of the candles flare up like fireworks exploding, and a deep ominous rumble echos throughout the cave, like a warning sign. Then, almost as suddenly as it came, the lights dim and an eerie blanket of silence settles in the cave.

Bonnie steps cautiously to the edge of the coffin. Her hands trembling as she reaches for the latch and opens the coffin to find a girl no less than 16 years old laying down like a porcelain doll. Suddenly her eyes explode open and her hand reaches out, clutching bonnies neck and squeezing it tighter and tighter. The girl's eyes start to water, as her memories flash in her mind like a neon light show.

"What have you done?" She whispers as Abby cries to save Bonnie from the girl's ever-tightening grip.  "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" She repeats in a shout that echos throughout the cave, luring a vampire to their location. As soon as she was awakened, a crack of a neck rings in Abby and Bonnie's ears as Damon rescues the two witches from almost certain death and immerses the blonde in a black pool of darkness. 

Damon turns to the two witches, shaking his head at the stupidity. Bonnie collapses to the ground, clutching her neck that was now painted purple. 

"What the hell were you thinking, awakening a Mikaelson by yourself!" He shouts at the two witches that were pathetically sitting on the cold floor, Bonnie hyperventilating in her mother's arms. 


Ever's eyes shot open, looking side to side checking for her captors that awakened her from her deep slumber. Slowly she rises up taking in full view of the room she was in. It was an old dusty room, decorated in a style that she wasn't familiar with. Deep brown oak covered the room from the floor to ceiling with books littering the floor like a carpet. She looks down at the bed that she's currently sitting on and her hands move across the fabric. Black covers adorned the bed and held no designs like how she remembered bedsheets were styled. She scrunched up her nose in disgust at the poorly decorated room, at once disapproving of it. She places her feet onto the cold wooden floor, making sure to not make a sound, her legs trembling at the weight of her whole body. She tiptoes around the room, shaking her head at the black curtains, the black desk and even the black books. 

"No, this was not adequate at all." She whispers to herself stopping at a black shelf which appeared to house liquor. She frowns in disgust. "Not adequate at all. Where are the colours, where are the plants?" She questions, her hand reaching for the doorknob and she opens the door with a small creek. First, she needed to answer a small distraction of hers. Her hunger.

She walks across the hallway which matched the room almost exactly. The same black wood and floors adorned the hallway and a deep red carpet laid on the floor like a dirty red carpet.

"What's her deal Bon Bon, Is she a vampire, werewolf, witch, hybrid?"

Whisperings start to reverberate through to the blonde's ears. She scampers to the landing where downstairs she could see a familiar face and an unknown one and crouches down to eavesdrop of their conversation

"I don't know Damon, but she sounds old, like really old." The familiar witch folds her arms. Her bruises now so clear in the light of day that peeks through the windows. The blonde frowns in pity and shakes her head somberly.

"She's a 16-year-old girl. What harm can she do?" Damon retorts, Bonnie now glares daggers at him. Pointing at her bruised neck, Damon puts up his arms in fake surrender.

"Well, why don't you wake her up and ask her! Because God knows I'm not going to do that again!" Bonnie whisper shouts at the vampire. Damon turns around, his eyes catching a white glint that makes him look up at the exposed landing where the blonde-haired girl was sitting, her eyes wide in fear.


Written: Jan 27, 2018
Edited: Jan 6, 2020

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