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✘ My Little Angel ✘

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My Little Angel

❝Missing is the sure mind
It bends to whomever it wishes
It is now them in a different body❞

Ever and Pan Mikaelson, It's always been Ever and, Pan. If you talked about the devious Pan Mikaelson you were sure to talk about the angelic-looking Ever Mikaelson.

Born and raised together, they were never apart for a long time. They'd always find each other no matter what.

Ever and Pan are the 7th and 8th child of Esther and Mikael Mikaelson. They are the second youngest, born before their youngest brother Henrik. They were the mischievous ones in the village, while Pan would go steal a bit of bread, Ever would aide him, distracting everyone with her beauty and seemingly good nature.

They were both born with magic and they would always channel each other when performing spells.

When Niklaus carried the dead body of the twin's favourite sibling, everything went downhill for them.

Esther tried the spell of immortality first on Niklaus, Finn, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah, but not on the twins for they were her favourite children. When the spell worked, she proceeded to perform the spell again on the twins but she made a fatal flaw in the spell, combined with the twin's sacred bond with magic they transformed.

Pan, strong physically as well as mentally because of his training with Mikael survived the deadly spell and didn't die, but came back ten times stronger than his mother. Able to do whatever he wanted with a flick of his wrist.

Ever, however, did not survive the deadly spell. She died like her siblings and came back but as another monster, a demon from hell itself and an angel, a free spirit of good.

They fled from Mikael with their siblings, not knowing their full potential and not knowing what they were.

In the 1500s while in Siberia, Russia. The twins finally decided to channel each other and create a safe haven for their whole family. Wiping out the whole top of Russia, they were transported to a land where time stands still and children visit in their sleep. Ecstatic with their discovery they left in a rush and when they decided to return with their siblings, the land of never vanished.

In the 1800s when they settled in New Orleans, Pan wanted more adventures and to finally discover what happened to their island. After a lot of thinking, he finally decided to go live a pirates life and leave their family. The first time he has left his sisters side.

Ever joined the coven of witches and quickly became their Regent. One fateful night after her father Mikael caught up with them and burned their city to the ground, Ever changed through a fit of rage and wiped the whole population of Texas and Oklahoma in one night. The day after she found out what she did, she demanded the witches of Salem to put her under a sleeping curse until her family found a stone that would help her control her powers.

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