Chapter 5

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"I was a drizzle and she was
a hurricane."

-john green

Pan sat outside on the porch, reading a new Horror book he borrowed from the library. He was fully divulged into his book, not seeing the concerned mother who walked over to their house.

"Is everything okay?" Melissa asked as a wail sounded throughout the whole suburb. She visibly flinched at the sound that came from their house. Pan smiled like there was nothing going on and as if it was a normal Monday.

"Don't worry, it's just my sister. She seems very annoyed at the incident that happened at school today...I don't think it helped that my brother found the whole thing terrifically funny." Pan said in a voice that was way too happy for Melissa's comfort. Feebly Melissa retreated to her house calling Scott immediately.

"Scott, we need to move." Was the first words that left Melissa's lips when Scott picked up the phone. Her voice rung with a scared tone that Scott picked up immediately.

"What?" He asked confused at the sharp tone that he hadn't heard since his dad left. "What do you mean we have to move." He said as Stiles, who was sitting next to him screeched to a stop.

"What! You have to move!"He exclaimed, flailing his arms around like a kid on crack.

Melissa huffed at the boys that started their own conversation. "Our new neighbours...they're crazy!"She shouted at the phone, running a hand through her hair.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes," Scott said as he hung up the phone. Turning to Stiles he bit his lip, stressed. "We need to go to my house now." He said a bit frantic.

Stiles immediately stepped on the accelerator, going on more than 1 red light. "Was I right? Are they hunters?" he asked with wide eyes.

"I really don't know?"Scott said, hanging on to dear life as Stiles drove like a maniac, pulling into his driveway in a record time of 1min34secs. Melissa ran out of the house informing the boys on what happened, as various bashing noises resonated throughout the suburb and the rest of the neighbours were in hiding. Suddenly, Ever flung open the terrace door, flinging different items of clothing that were on fire.

"FUCK DO CHARAIDEAN MARBH KOL!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, as Pan peered up from his book, chuckling slightly. "FALBH A GHABHAIL DO GHNÙIS AIRSON CAC!" She shouted once more as she flung a very expensive looking vase out the window and disappeared once more inside. Pan sighed as he stood up shaking his head.

"Sweet darling, don't throw the expensive stuff out the window." He shouted at the open window.

"FALBH DÀIRICH FHÈIN!" She shouted once more.

Stiles and Scott watched the scene unfold with their eyes wide and mouth hanging open. "See! that's why we have to move!" Melissa whispered urgently as she retreated inside. Stiles looked at Scott and raised his eyebrows.

"No no no no no, we're not going there." He said as Scott walked over to the neighbouring house, where Pan sat on a rocking chair as if nothing was happening. "Of course we're going there...Why do I even..."Stiles rambled as he followed Scott.

"Can I help you?" Pan asked not even looking up from his book that he was reading. Scott looked at Stiles who placed his hands on his hips.

"Um...yeah...your sister, is she okay?"Scott asked hesitantly, as more wailing sounds resonated inside the house.

Pan looked up grinning. "She's fine, it's just a measly temper tantrum...All Kol's fault of course, as per usual." He grimaced, leaning back in his rocking chair, "You're welcome to try and calm her down." He said raising his eyes slightly from the book in a devilish way.

"Okay, no thanks we'll be on our way," Stiles said quickly as Scott grasped his arm, pulling him back and raising his eyebrows, making an ultimate puppy face. "Really?" Stiles asked in an exasperated voice before walking straight into the screaming house. The two walked up the stairs silently, trying to be as careful as possible. They dodged the broken glass that was scattered across the wooden floor as they walked closer and closer to the room where the noise was coming from.

"Hello?"Scott said as he opened the door slightly, all when quiet and there was no more noise of crying. "My name's Scott, I'm your new next door neighbour." He said slightly confused. At that moment, a silvered haired girl launched herself at Scott wrapping her legs around his waist and bashing his head with a plastic umbrella. Stiles stood there and laughed at the scene that was unfolding before him. Not long after Scott managed to get the small framed girl off him, she started to throw various cushions at his face and repeatedly slapping his with a pale pink scarf that was decorated with bumble bees.

"Stop, stop! I'm trying to help!" Scott shouted as Ever finally stopped throwing stuff at the puppy-faced teen. She pouted her pink lips, her eyes red from crying and her hair dishevelled but she still managed to look extremely pretty in her state of least that's what Stiles thought as Scott tried to take a step forward.

"Why?"She asked dropping her pillow and looking at Scott with her big blue eyes. "Why do you want to help me?"

Scott shuffled his feet. "Well, you seem upset...and you're kinda freaking out my mom." He added smiling slightly as Ever giggled. Suddenly the whole atmosphere felt lighter and more happy.

"Sorry about that." Ever said sheepishly as she sat down on the bed and Scott sat next to her.

"Don't be sorry...what's the matter anyways?" He asked as Stiles was still looking at the blonde with awe.

"My brother." She started her sad demeanour coming back. "The other one...Kol...this was the first day of school...ever and he with what happened today...he laughed at it and at the whole idea." She said sniffing and wiping her eyes.

Scott rubbed her back, "that's terrible."


Scott and Stiles left half an hour later, after a cup of hot tea and cakes. Their morals heightened due to the fair haired girl's giggles and smiles.

"Everything turned out as planned?" Pan asked as he walked into the kitchen as Ever was tidying up. He picked up a dirty cup and started to rinse as Ever dried.

"You doubt me?" Ever asked playfully, smiling at her brother.

"Of course not sister, but to overthrow a king, you need to be a close subject." Pan replied. "And I want to be king." He finished as Ever looked at her brother with nothing but love.

"And you shall dear shall."

Ooooooo creepy. What do you think about this chapter. At what about cute Stiles who could keep his eyes off Ever.

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