Chapter 13

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"I've seen you at your worst,
and I still think you're the best."

A tearing sensation enveloped her. A longing sensation tearing her away from reality and back her her home. Someone was trying to locate her. She let them. She smiled.

The bus came to a halt as they stopped briefly for a toilet break. Scott, who was practically dying at this point, was rushed to the bathroom, clinging onto Issac and Allison while Stiles hung back lecturing Pan.

"I appreciate your faith towards your leader stiles, but as it so happens, if I do not collect as many of these flowers as Evie wants my head is on the chopping block...quite literally."

Stiles ran a hand through his hair as he swayed from one foot to the other. "Come onnnnnn pleaseeeee!" He went down on his knees and latched onto his leg like a 3 year old child. Pan frown as he stood there stunned.

"You're weird." He said shaking his leg as Stiles clinged on like a baby.

"I know." Stiles replied pouting.

"Hell on Ragnarok I have no idea why my beloved sister is fond of you." Pan complained at he continued to pick up flowers as Stiles let go of his leg and stood up.

"What do you mean, what did she say about me?" He questioned as pan turned around at looked at Stiles's pathetic face.

Pan found the boy extremely weird but was too tired to do anything about it. Pan found out that ever since coming to Beacon Hills he has been extremely tired. All those years of running has finally gotten to him in a nasty way and he couldn't be asked to do anything anymore...well apart from his hobbies of course. Alas even though he was tired, 1000 years on this ungodly world did make sure that he wasn't stupid. As oblivious as he wanted to be, he knew very well that Stiles has developed feelings for his twin. Throughout all those years Everfell only had one other love and in those years away from her, he could still sense how happy she was. Just because he was away doesn't mean that he didn't have someone eyeing her as he always wanted to see if she was in danger. When Ever was happy, everyone was happy. She was the family's sunshine hope that deserved more that she ever got. Although he thought this boy was weird if he made Evie happy, he would accept...not right away but with time. However if he broke her little fragile heart, we could just say that he would live a very long death.

"Look boy," Pan started. "If anything helps I would listen to my inner voice. Sometimes it's just the thing that reveals our inner desires."

Stiles pursed his lips, " Jeez well that sure is goddamn helpful isn't it." He called out to pan as he was walking away. "Also why are you calling me 'boy' I swear I'm older then you! What if Scott dies!"

Pan pointed his finger up to the wire as he continued to walk into the dead field. "Not my problem!" He shouted not even looking back.

Stiles crossed his armed "Fuck! Trying to convince this guy is was harder then trying to baptise a fucking cat."

"I tried that once and I agree it's very hard."

Stiles jumped out of skin and turned his head to see Ever looking up at him with her big blue eyes. "Sorry about my brother, he doesn't like people that much, that's why he doesn't have social skills."

"No um that's f-fine." Stiles stuttered as Ever smiled at him. Everything about her was shining, her hair, her eyes, everything was gleaming in the hot sunlight.

"I'll help you if you need me." She grinned "let me just put this in the bus and I'll try my best to help Scot."

"Yeah thanks" stiles said scratching the back of his head. He never gave it much though about how nice Ever was compared to her brother. Ever since she took him out and they played tag in the moonlight it was like something woke up inside of him. Finally he could understand how protective Pan was of his sister. He understood that he could do horrible things for her. As much as understanding that Stiles became scared. Because he too would consider doing the same.

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