Chapter 2

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"Nobody dies a virgin
Life fucks us all."

-Kurt Cobain

"I swear this map doesn't work," Emma complained once again.

"Well why don't i try using my magic then?" Regina asked, clearly pissed off at the incessant complaining that seemed to soar out of Emma's mouth.

Emma turned to the brunette, raising her eyebrows, "Yea, Cos I'll totally let you do that after that thing you just pulled that nearly got us killed."

Ever watched this unfold from the back, walking after Killian. "Are they always fighting?" She asked turning her doe eyes to the pirate.

He sighed, "Yes." He answered, short and frank.

Ever noticed that David kept on touching his shoulder like it was in agony. " What happened to you rib cage?" Ever asked, her voice as airy as a fairy. "You look like you're in quite a lot of pain."

Killian narrowed his eyes at the prince, only taking notice of his indiscreet injury one Ever had pointed it out. "You quite alright mate." He said placing his hand on his injured side to make his turn around. But the only reply he was was a hiss and a little squeal.

In mere seconds Killian demand what happened in a quiet manner, careful not to disturb the girls with their row.

"I got scabbed by one of those arrows the other night." David said as Ever heard Killian mutter dream shade under his breath. Immediately she remembered the lethal substance that could kill almost anyone either in seconds, (controlled liquid) or in months of agony, (pure untouched liquid.)

"Do you know what that means?" Killian asked and David shrugged his shoulders.

"Of course I do." He said simply as Ever didn't feel pity but tried very hard to look the part of the innocent nymph-like girl.

Ever looked up at the two men that were too close for liking as the angered tension was as clear as day, "Are you going to tell the rest of them?" Ever asked trying to get them to focus on her more than their incredibly complicated family problems... and she thought her's were hard. Compared to this lot, she's on a holiday.

David turned his eyes to the blonde who was lost in thought. "No I haven't yet, and until I know that it's the right time, you're going to keep you mouth shut." He said harsher than supposed to, but he hoped the message went in her head.

Ever, who didn't like the tone that David spoke did the only annoying thing she could think of on the spot. " Pretty!" She squealed as skipped off ahead of David and Killian.

"That girl has nothing between her ears does she?" Killian said biting off a piece of bread that he retrieved in his backpack.

"I'm afraid she doesn't," David said chewing at his lip, afraid that Ever would sing his secret for the whole island to hear.

As night fell another day without finding Henry or this Tinker bell girl that they were trying to find since...a day ago.

Mary Margret built a fire and soon they were all sit around it, munching on a hare Mary managed to shoot with her bow.

"So Ever, aren't your parents awfully worried about you?" Mary Margret asked as Ever had to choke down a laugh.

"I don't think so." She said cryptically thinking about her mother and father who are burning in hell, Lucifer their good friend made sure of that.

"What are they doing now?" She asked in the same exact sweet tone that no one could hate...find annoying, yes but not hate.

"Nothing much." Ever said as the whole group clocked their heads to the side in confusion. "They're dead."

The whole group were stunned and felt even more pity for the girl. " I'm sorry," Emma said sadly.

"Meh, good riddance." Ever let slip before she could stop it. As soon as those words left her lips, a wave of confusion and skepticism crushed into the emotional part of their brains.

"Why?" Emma asked.

Ever thought for a second, contemplating making up a story or just telling a vague truth. She decided to do with the vagueness.

"Papa wasn't a very good man. Mama did her share of horrible things for Papa." She said simply taking a bit out of her rabbit s'more.

Ayyy I think I'm getting a hang of these daily updates.

I'm thinking of Ever having a brotherly/sisterly connection with either Hook (Killian) or Regina. Comment who do you think it should be!!!

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