Chapter 15

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Pan walked down the stairs to open the door for a mysterious visitor that decided to show up at 1 am in the morning. To be perfectly honest, Pan was already expecting this visitor. After so many years away, it was predictable that this person would run back to their most loving family member.

"Who is it, Piper?" Ever calls from the top of the staircase. Her long white hair glinted in the perfect darkness of their house. Her long white nightgown grazing the marble stairs as she patted down. 

"Someone you'll be glad to see I think," Pan says as he opened the door revealing their dead brother. Kol stood in front of the threshold, his hair wet from the pouring rain outside and a smirk plastered on his face. 

"Hello dear brother and sister, long time no see." He said as Ever immediately rushed forwards and jumped on him, tears flowing from her pale blue eyes. Chuckling, Kol embraced his sister in happy sadness.

"I thought you were dead again." Ever cried as Pan smiled at his family's reunion. "What happened?"

"A bloody lot, my little sister, a lot," Kol said, tears wallowing in his eyes.

They all sat down on the couch and Kol, with the help of bourbon started to tell everything about what happened the past two years. Since the twins were cut off in Europe, they only realized the reappearance of Kol and Finn when it was too late. This pushed Ever off the edge which lead to the isolation of them completely. After Kol explained everything from Klaus's baby to Mikeal, Esther and Dahlia threatening the family the twins were dumbstruck.

"You know this would've all been resolved a lot faster if you'd just pick up the phone right," Pan said raising his eyebrows. "I mean if we were all united, witches, vampire and werewolf."

"And we would've gotten Siberia all over again wouldn't we?" Kol reiterated making Pan nod in approval.

Pan stood up suddenly. "Wait, so why didn't we get told sooner that I have a niece, and also who is this girl that revived you, I want to meet her."

Ever was dumbfounded, that was all that could describe her still expression. She stood up, muttered a quick goodnight and slowly made her way up to her bedroom.

"Is she going to be okay?" Kol asked Pan who sat down next to him on the couch. 

"She'll be fine, just a lot to process, I think, "Pan says as he shakes his head.

Stiles was peering out of Scott's window, admiring the present moon that appeared from the shadows not so long ago. It's beams of light illuminated the road better than any streetlamp insight and showed the secrets of the unkept side garden of the McCalls. As he looked down, a white-haired beauty was sitting halfway out of her window. her long pale legs dangling helplessly as she stared at the beauty of the night sky. Stiles fished out his phone from his pocket and sent a text to his crush:

Stiles: hi 

The girl suddenly looked down at her phone that was resting on the ledge immediately looked in front of her and gave stiles a small wave.

Ever: hi

Ever: what you doing up so late?

Ever bit her lip, she would be lying to herself if she didn't have some feelings for the boy, but it was far from a crush. She viewed him more as like the best friends little brother, someone you can't help but like because you see someone in them, but they are still too naive to ever be anything more. 

She was hesitating.

She knew well that he was infatuated with her, and it took almost no effort. Maybe it was due to all those Hollywood movies that he watched growing up that romanticised the manic pixie dream girl and he finally found a real-life version of that in Ever. She was Summer and he was the beginning of the film. She brushes the thoughts into a mental dustpan. It would be wasteful for her to think about the feelings of mere mortals. She was bound to live forever and he was bound to die.

Ever: i like the moon when it's like this

Ever: not full 

Ever: not half 

Ever: not new

Ever: a perfect cresent

Ever wiggled her toes that were freezing up slightly. Her yellow nail polish was cracked at some of the edges and her ankles were sore from all the walking they've done from. Stiles smiled at the innocent-looking girl and thinks about everything she went through. After Deaton told them their real name, stiles made sure to surf the web until seasick, finding all different types of information on them. Their story was tragic and he could definitely see why they insisted on them keeping their false names. Olivia was a beautiful name though. But however many times Stiles looked at the white-haired girl and uttered that name in his head he couldn't help but notice how much it didn't suit her. Ever was very much suited to her. From her snow skin to her blush pink lips, her rosy cheeks and her Pearl white hair. Everything suited that name.

Suddenly the girl launched herself out of her window, landing not so angelically on her front. Stiles widened his eyes, but Ever put a finger to her lips, her eyes begging him to be quiet. Taking the hint Stiles stuck his upper body out of the window and whispered to her. "Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes bleeding with worry.

Ever jumps up, dusting off her nightgown that reached just below her knees and readjusting her pale blue cardigan that fell of one of her shoulders. She made an okay sign with her hand before mouthing "goodnight" and waving goodbye, running off into the woods that were just opposite their houses.

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