Chapter 4

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Everfell looks at the mansion that stood at her feet. Its grand pearl pillars shining in the sun, curling around the corners of the house. On the left side, ivy climbs the high walls, birthing grand lilac flowers that memorised the girl. The windows were tall with crown mouldings that framed them. They were in a style that reminded her of the classic renaissance era in france that she briefly experienced before going on a rampage in southern america me. "This is our new home?" She turns to her older brother her eyes big and taken aback by the beauty of the building. "I hope neither Niklaus nor Kol had to murder the occupant for me?" She continued biting her lip and taking a step back, her white frilly socks becoming more brown than white.

Elijah chuckles, clasping Ever's nervous hands into his own, "of course my little one, and no, Niklaus built this just to your taste as he was very keen on waking you up. He just wanted to clean up a few loose ends so we could all focus on family for the first time in decades." He moves closer to his sister and puts his arm around her, "now everything is complete, nearly all of our family are reunited."

Ever looks down in despair longing her dear twin brother who was god knows where. "Nearly..." she muttered casting her sadness away and taking Elijah by the hand and leading him towards the house "Is everyone out of their coffins? Even Finn?" She asks a blessed smile appearing on her face at the thought of her older brother.

"Yes, even Finn," Elijah says chuckling at his younger sister's antics.

"Becca?" She continues

"Yes and Kol." He says leading Ever past the threshold add through the grand oak doors. As the door bangs shut behind them Everfell barely looks up before she is pulled into a tight embrace by her brother.

"It has been too long my dearest sister."Kol murmurs, fighting back his tears as he holds his sister as tightly as he could, not wanting a second to pass by nor for her to leave his embrace

"Brother, my dear brother." Ever cries out, returning the tight hug. It was been over two decades since they last saw each other, since Kol was daggered and Ever couldn't for the life of her find out where Niklaus hid the coffin. Kol was like a magnet to Ever whenever she was separated from her twin he would always pull her down to earth and ground her. And Ever was Kol's moral compass as he would never like to go on a complete rampage in fear of disappointing his sister. Although Ever liked messing with peoples heads, she would never go on a full killing spree...well with the exception of one time.

"What's going on here?" Rebekah says entering the room with the clicking and clacking of her heels.

"Sister! Ever has come home!" Kol says tears running down his face as Rebekah paused before running to me and engulfing me in a hug.

"It's really you?" she says bawling her eyes out. "Finn! Nik! Come quickly!" she shouts as Finn enters the room the same way as Rebekah.

"Yes, sister. Can't you see that I'm quite busy?" Finn says annoyed but all that disappeared when he saw me. My eyes red with all the crying but my iris as blue as ever. "Ever? My dear sister is that you?"

"Yes, Finny!"I say as I get out of Kol's and Bex's tight grasp unsure if they let me go if I'd be gone forever. I run into my eldest brother's embrace as he held me tighter than ever. "It's been too long!" he choked

"Ever?" A voice that I know all too well whispers.

I turn around to see Niklaus in all his glory. His stormy blue eyes watery and his sandy blonde hair trimmed to perfection. He was wearing black clothing like the other guy but he had bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept in quite a while. I stare at him and him, me. Our dear siblings waiting for a reaction as we both run to each other. He smothered me into the firmest hug but also gentle, lifting me off the ground as I latched onto him like a koala. Then all our siblings joined in, exchange tears.

"Okay! If I cry anymore I will have permanent red eyes!" Bex says wiping her eyes, smudging her makeup even more.

"Wait," I say releasing myself from Nikys grasp. "Bex..."I say pointing at Rebekah and turning to Kol. "Koly." I say moving onto Finn and Elijah "Finny, Jah." and finally falling on Niklaus. "Niky." I turn around again looking around for Pipe. I turn to Elijah who was the only one who knew what was going on. "Jah, where is Piper?" I ask as all my siblings look down in sadness.

"Well...He was very angry when Niklaus locked you up so he kinda...sorta...maybe left."Elijah said solemnly

"We'll find him right?"I ask hopefully

"Of course. Always and Forever."

We enter a kinda pub thing called the Mystic Grill, not very original seeing as we are in Mystic Falls. We choose a booth that is near the band, where quite a few people are dancing. I look at the menu and find lots of fun drinks like Milkshake, Smoothie and Fanta, not to mention Coca-Cola, which kinda sounds like they named this drink after Kol.

A man approached the table and almost immediately Rebekah, straightens her back and a smile is found on her face. "Ready to order?" The blonde blue eyed guy asks nervously.

"Yes 3 scotches 2 bourbons and what would you like little one?"Niky asks smiling.

"I'm gonna try the...Coca-Cola, because it's like Kol's name."I say looking at the blonde guy and he walks away.

Kol looks up happily at me, "Well little one I'm honoured."

"So what's going on in the 21st? Any wars?"I ask, trying to pick up a conversation.

"Yes 2 actually and believe it or not, Nik didn't wake me for any of those!"Kol says glaring at Nicky. "2 great wars called the first and second world war."

"That sounds drastic," I say as the waiter brought our drinks and left in a hurry. I look at the drink I've just ordered and stir it with a plastic thingy they gave me.

"Oh, Ever you're supposed to drink it with that," Rebekah says taking my drink and drinking it from the plastic thingamabob. "There!"She says handing it back to me with a smile.

I cautiously take a sip, but then I was met with the most ghastly substance I ever tasted. I started coughing so much that all my sibling started laughing at my distress. I quickly grab Jah's drink that I mistake for water and gulp it down only to be met with a burning sensation in my throat that really was burning up my insides and lighting them on fire. I restart my coughing looking up at a very amused Jah and Finn and full on laughing Kol, Bex and Niky. I quickly rise from my seat and run into the bathroom and start to gulp down the precious water. After I drank 5 tons of water I make my way back to my siblings that are grinning wildly.

"Nice drink?" Kol asks cheekily

"That is the vilest substance I've ever tasted!"I wheeze, "Is that drink even legal?" I continue which earned a few chuckles. I sit back in my seat and try to calm my heartbeat down. "And why didn't you warn me about your revolting drink?"I ask pointing my finger at Elijah who started to cover up his internal laughter.

"Well sister, you didn't quite give me the time to tell you that my drink wasn't water," Jah says smirking.

"I always count on you to drink water when the rest of our family are alcoholics. You've been spending too much time with Nik. He has corrupted your pure soul."I say as all my siblings laugh.

"My dear sister, I think that Elijah's soul isn't as pure as you give him credit," Nik says laughing and taking another sip of his drink.

"I wanna dance!"I exclaim and everyone groans except for Rebekah who loved the idea. "Koly! Finnegan! You two were the ones who were in the box for most of the time! Come dance with us!"I say flashing my amazing puppy dog eyes.

"Why meeee?"Kol whines.

Every points accusingly at Elijah, "Because Elijah is too stiff and Klaus wouldn't do it even if he was on his deathbed,"I say dragging two of my brothers to the band and started dancing.

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