Chapter 3

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"Don't kill your friends."


David stood up after that awkward silence that followed, looking a lot paler than before. Killian following in his footsteps.

Emma looked up at the two, "Wait, where are you going?" She asked.

"We're going to find my brother's sextant, it's in his satchel somewhere," Killian said wiping some of the dirt of his black leather trousers.

"A sextant?" Emma questioned sceptically, "You're telling us about this now? How do we know you're not lying?"

Killian smirked playfully, "Oh, you don't, but I'm not. It's the best hope yet we've had of an exit plan. And don't forget, we're gonna need one."He rambled as Ever stood up quietly and started to take a few steps back towards where she suddenly remembered that she hid something to her advantage.

"Then what are we waiting for?"Emma said as Killian sighed

"Emma..."He started putting an arm on Emma's shoulder. "You were right. We need to get that message to Henry. And every day without hope is a day closer to becoming a lost boy. Your father and I should go." He said and with that started walking off.

"Hook's right." David piped up from the sidelines to which Mary Margaret cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Uh, you wanna split up?" She asked not believing that her husband decided to agree with a pirate, let alone trust him.

"It's the last thing I wanna do. But there's a chance he can get us home."

Mary Margeret bit her lip in confliction but decided to go with a feverish "Okay."

"And, Emma, while I'm gone, just..." David started

"Listen to my mother? "

"Be careful." He continued to which she quipped an "Always am."

"And when you send that message to Henry, add something to it, would ya? Tell him"David asked, his thoughts spiralling around him. Then with a smile, he added, "tell him grandpa loves him." And with that David gave the biggest and most awkward hug to Emma who vomitied out various words

"Oh.Um, okay.Good luck." Emma said as Mary Margaret looked very suspicious of David who seemed to be creating his own eulogy

"You all right?" Mary Margaret asked but she was shushed by David to told her yet again that he was alright, (even though he was dying) and that everything would be okay (even though it's not.) But the sweet nothings that David said lowly so that only Mary Margaret could hear, seemed to calm the distressed and confused thoughts she was thinking.

When David and Killian finally left, the group of girls awkwardly stood in a circle and didn't speak to each other for a good five minutes before Mary Margaret piped up.

"Hey guys, where's Ever?" She asked, and the girls turned on the spot as they trashed the whole camp, looking for the blue-eyed beauty.

Meanwhile, Ever managed to slip out of the group's entangled fingers when this whole goodbye locomotion was happening, she was in search of her items she made when Ever and Pan created Neverland the first time. She skipped around the forest, everything becoming more and more familiar as she walked around. Just then she stopped, tapping the ground with her foot to a rhythm. As quickly as possible, she got on her hands and knees and started digging with her fingers. As her nails turned black due to the dirt that was underneath her nails and her hands and wrists began to tire she hit a box. She heaved against the handle until the box eased it way from the small crater. Swiftly Ever unlocked the box and there lied two items, a golden dagger and the first clothes she tried to make on the island that were never worn due to the scratchy texture of the material. "Not the box I was looking for but oh well." Ever muttered as she closed the hole and taking the two items that she sensed that she would have use for, one way or the other.
As the blanket of the night swept across the land, Ever heard shouting from not too far ahead, as she walked into the clearing she found Emma strangling a lost boy.

"Emma!"Ever shouted and the group including the lost boy, "That's not very kind of you." She said skipping towards them. Emma let go of the boy and  marched all the way to the blonde girl.

"Where have you been?" She demanded, anger cord ring through Emma's veins.

"Butterflies." Ever said smiling dreamily, while the lost boy snorted.

"No, let me rip out his heart." Regine said as she advanced towards the boy as Mary Margaret held her back.

Emma and Ever walked back to the group of girls and they put themselves in a circle excluding Ever.

"Emma we can't do that, it's brutal." Mary Margaret complained as Ever advanced towards the boy, her head tilting to the side.

"God what's she doing?" Regina exclaimed, pinning her annoyance onto her.

"I can help." Ever said turning around to face the group and then back to the boy. She cupped his head in her warm hand so that he was looking directly in her eyes. "What's your name darling?" She asked sweetly, projecting some of her memories into his head. "I'm not a very patient girl."

"Adam." He said quickly, his eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Okay Adam, I need you to unlock that gate of yours, can you do that?" Ever whispered smiling, and he nodded. As quick as light his face became slack and there were no longer thoughts swirling around in his head. "Adam, can you help us?" She asked in a more demanding tone and he nodded. Ever turned to face the group who had no idea what was going on. "He's good to go." She said clapping her hands

"How?" Regina asked in a kind of smug tone.

"People like my face." She answered simply.

Soon enough Adam was ready and the seeing mirror was created. They agreed that Ever should go with him, just to have a spy in the camp and for the eager to finally see her brother.

Her modern pink dress was replaced with the brown scratchy rags that she had in her box and upon her head was a hood.

"Ready?" Emma asked and the blonde girl nodded her head smiling.

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