Chapter 10

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"Everybody's business is nobody's business, and nobody's business is my business."

-clara barton

He didn't mean to hurt him.

Well, truth be told he did. But then again he was known for his sudden outbursts of rage.

It happened instantaneously that even his high senses couldn't connect the dots. He felt an overwhelming flood of rage and power that consumed every fibre and logical thought in him. Some part of him, the smallest cell wondered if what he did was right. He flicked that bug right off.


"I can't believe you don't want to play truths or knives." Pan said exasperatedly as he pulled the warm popcorn out of the microwave, "plus Nastia is coming to play too. You should get to know each other."

Ever shook her head, "I don't really like her, she gives me the heebie-jeebies."

Pan chuckled as he looked over to his sister who smiling, "Heebie-jeebies? Wow, Evie, you've been spending to much time with that weird little boy." He said walking down to the living room. Placing the popcorn down he immediately walked over to the bar where he kept his mothers spell books. "Plus, Nastia actually did like you quite a lot." He said looking through the book.

Ever's eyes lit up, "Really?!" She asked and he nodded. She skipped over to Pan and sat on the barstool as Pan was deeply concentrated on what he was doing. "I thought she didn't like me that much either." She continued and looked over Pan's shoulder, she turned a few pages for him before landing onto the unveiling spell.

"You sure about this?" Pan asked as Ever bit her lip. She nodded hesitantly.

"Okay then, we'll go after." He said slamming the book shut. "Nastia's here."

A joyful ring of the doorbell confirmed Pan's phrase as Ever skipped to the door, opening it with a gleeful smile. "Heya!" She said smiling as she ushered the girl in. Nastia didn't show one inclination of wanting to be with the twins, but as always her complexion was stone cold.

"Excited to play truths or knives." He asked and Nastia's face brightened up with a murderous glance.

"Ecstatic." She said as she collapsed on the nearest couch. "How do we play?"

Ever, who recalled how much fun the ancient game was, became happier about the situation, "Oo, I'll explain, so you get called on and you have to answer a question, if you don't want to answer, you get impaled with a knife which is coated with some nostalgic magic that will give you a hallucination. The game ends when either you lose your mind or bleed to death...very good fun." She said as Pan places the knives on the table.

"What's extra fun about it is that these five knives can either be good hallucinations or bad ones, up to you to choose," Pan added with a happy smile.

Nastia nodded as the twins sat down, "I'll go first." Ever declared "Nastia, what school do you go to?" Ever asked as Pan protested.

"That's a simple question!" He cried as Ever shrugged.

"I'm curious."

Nastia smirked at Ever, "I don't go to school, I'm a patient at Eichen House, it's a mental institute." She said and grabbed a handful of popcorn. "Pan, who was your first love?" She asked grinning maliciously at the warlock.

Pan looked slyly at the werewolf as Ever erupted in laughter. "I love this game," she exclaimed as she ran over and huddled next to Nastia who, funny enough, didn't protest.

"Good one Nas." He said trying to cover his embarrassment with a smirk. " My first I think it was...yes it was Amalie...the French girl from the 13th century," He started staring at his glass of water for a moment. "She was arranged to be married to another so I killed her and her family." He continued looking up and grinning at the two girls.

"Romantic isn't it." Ever said dreamily looking up at the ceiling as Nastia looked slightly annoyed.

"Never call me Nas again or I will cut you." She said bluntly at pan who chuckled, very amused at the redhead. But before Pan could retort something to deeply annoy the girl, the doorbell sung informing every one of the delicious goods that was outside the door.

Nastia stood up slowly, "I ordered Pizza if its okay with you guys." She said. Not really waiting for an answer she stood up and walked to the door. "I don't have any money though." She shouted making Pan huff and stand up and jog to the table where his wallet lay. Producing a 20 dollar bill he jogged back to the door where Nastia stood frozen looking at the Pizza guy who was questioning her.

"...How is this possible, how'd you get out?" He demanded getting quite angry. Pan furrowed his eyebrows at the teen.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" Pan asked slightly angry.

The boy looked back and forth between Nastia and Pan, "Gosh, you have to go back!" He shouted before turning to make a run for it. As quick as a flash Pan flung the boy against the tree that sat in their front yard, completely cracking his spine in two. The clouds overhead started to rumble as Pan's anger got out of hand. Nastia grabbed Pan's wrist as a red light illuminated their hold.  He looked down slowly and with a burning curiosity, the thunder stopped and Nastia slowly let go of his wrist.

A grin took over Pan's complexion as he looked at the redhead. "Marvelous." He said before walking over to the pizza guy, snapping his neck instantaneously.

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