Chapter 9

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"I wanted to save the world."

-elliot alderson

"Something's on your mind." Ever said smiling sadly at the boy who held his head in his hands. They were currently sitting in a crappy pizza house waiting for their midnight pizza. The others had gone home but Ever sensed that there was something wrong so against the subtle objections, she decided to accompany the boy.

Stiles looked up exasperated, "Yeah well Liv it's not everyday your teacher mysteriously goes missing." He said not even trying to be subtle.

"You think I did it don't you." She said, her voice lingering with sorrow. "You think I'm crazy." She looked down for a bit. Stiles looked at the girl's sad state and began to think if this girl was really a sociopath or just born in the wrong family.

Suddenly she leapt up, grabbed Stiles by the arm and tugged him towards the door and into the warm night. She lead him into the middle of the parking lot. "You see that constellation over there..." She said pointing to the dark sky. "The one that looked like an M." She continued as Stiles nodded. "That's Cassiopeia, my brother and I were born under the constellation Cassiopeia and Cepheus, my mother nearly named us after them but my father refused." She said turning away from the sky and looking into Stiles's confused eyes.

"That's all nice but why are you telling me this?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

Ever looked straight into his eyes, "I can give you all the excuses in the world about not being involved kidnapping. As long as you don't know me, you'll always be suspicious." She said calmly and she held out her hand, although it was such a cliche moment, Stiles couldn't help but keep his mouth shut as he held onto her hand and let her wisp him away into the forest.


"My family lived near a big forest like this one, in Mystic Falls Virginia," She started as she jumped over a log, her dress blowing slightly in the light wind.

"Wait I thought you were from Europe?" Stiles interrupted.

"My father and mother were originally from Europe but I was born and raised in Mystic Fall." She explained as they walked through the haunted wood that seemed more magical than tragic. "I had 6 brothers, including Pan and a sister." Stiles widened his eyes at the number of siblings Ever had.

"Modern day Von Trapp family." He commented and Ever laughed.

"Yeah, exactly...When I began to walk and talk my Pan and I made up a place where you go to when you dream and yo have loads of adventures, every time Pan added something dangerous I decided to add something pretty that was out of ordinary on our little imaginary island." She said dreamily as they approached a small clearing.

She smiled happily at the field in front of them. "Did I tell you my favourite game that my siblings and I played every day?" She asked putting her hands behind her back and leaning back and forth on the pads of her feet.

Stiles shook his head. "Nope, I don't think so." He said but as soon as the words left his lips Ever placed her hand on his arm.

"Tag, you're it." She exclaimed, happiness coursing through her veins like a drug.

"Really?" He cried playfully as Ever took off, running further and further to the Center of the clearing. As much as he'd hate to admit, The small silver-haired girl was growing into him.

"Alright then." He muttered following the small figure. They raced around for a while, Ever's giggles echoing throughout the whole forest in the strong light of the moon.

Her laugh was contagious, the way her face changed into that vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained glee. Yet truly, it wasn't in her face either. Her laugh came from within, it was the window to her soul.

Stiles was definitely not sceptical now, his eyes stopped flittering from corner to corner and in the moonlight, Ever looked out of this world, but real... You could see light freckles that littered her face like a constellation of her own, because there were galaxies hidden away all over her body. From her wide smile that could heal all sicknesses, to the sea wreak that were concealed in her eyes and the light scars on her arms that you could only find if you searched for it. She was perfectly unfiltered, and she held the secrets of the universe in her hand. And like being pushed into the deep end for the first time, Stiles fell in love with the silver-haired angel.

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