Chapter 16

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"These are definitely sacrifices, right?" Scott hung his head peering up at Stiles with his chocolate brown eyes.

Stiles huffed"Yeah, it's the one Deaton mentioned, Healers. "

"What about Danny? He threw up mistletoe. That's not a coincidence, and if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would've died. Danny's not a healer. So why and who'd do that?

Stiles couldn't stop thinking about one person that somehow always went missing whenever the sacrifices were made. That one person that he always pushed to the side and never bothered to investigate...However, he couldn't rule her out any longer. H peered behind Scott's back, piquing an interest at his Dad who just answered his phone, "Hey. Can you hear that?" He said motioning towards the two adults

Scott turned his head and concentrated on the Sheriff for a moment before turning back around. "They found a body." He declared solemnly.

Stiles let out a sigh of exasperation and put both hands on his head. He couldn't believe another person was dead. A part of him blamed himself that he hasn't figured out who was the murderer yet and this was because of one girl that he yet had to investigate.

"Scott I need you to not freak out when I tell you this okay?" Stiles let his arms sway at his sides. "Remember when you went downstairs to make your microwavable mush for dinner?"

Scott nods his head.

"Well, I had a little chat with Ever, I mean Liv..."

This definitely piqued Scott's interest as he stood firmly on both feet and his eyes looked straight into Stiles' eyes. "Well, go on."

"Well, we chatted a bit and then she um left...yea," Stiles muttered as Scott raised his eyebrows, begging him to go on.

They lock eyes for a few minutes before Scott broke the silence, "Well! Where did she go?"

Stiles starts scratching the back of his neck, "Umm out the window, yea she fell, I guess."

Scott furrowed his eyebrows, "Is she okay?"

"Yep," Stiles said popping the p, "Jumped up and kinda just ran...yea she like ran into the woods, and like disappeared."

Scott had no words to describe this, he simply let his jaw hung loosely in disbelief. Stiles nodded his head back and forth. "So I think she and her brother should be back on the list of suspects to rule out." He said, "And I'm going to go find out where they are."

Scott let out a sigh, "Yea you do that Stiles," He said placing his hand on Stiles' shoulder, "You do fall for the crazy ones."


Stiles knocks at the yellow door of 819 Williamson Road. He fiddled with his fingers nervous at who'd open the door. He couldn't lie to himself anymore, Pan scared the living shit out of him more then any other monsters they've encountered. Maybe it's because they've been traumatized so much by their older witch brother and they had to flee and change their names from Luke and Liv to Pan and Ever that they adopted the mentality of kill or be killed.

Much to his surprise, a tall 20 something man opened the door smiling like the polite stranger in the purge.

"Hello dear teenager, how may I help you." His British accent was smooth as butter but made the atmosphere 10x more terrifying.

"Ummmm....who are you?" Stiles blurted out which made the old vampire chuckle.

"Who am I? The real question is why are you here?" The man widens his eyes and grinned maliciously.

Just as stiles was about to run away screaming bloody murder, Ever skipped down the marble steps, her ankle bracelets jingling in time. She peers around the corner, her eyes lighting up as she saw the lanky boy. She runs up to the man grasping her long white dress in one fist and her straw sun hat in the other.

"Stiles, what are you doing here?" She grinned, Kol loosening up when he heard his sisters voice.

"Oh um I was just gonna ask you something about something...but like who is he?" He said pointing at the man, jealousy dripping down his last words.

Ever smiled at the small boy who was so much more dainty than her brother that stood next to him, after a moment she regained her conscious, her mind racing to who her brother has to become. "Oh um him? He's nobody" she blurted out.

Kol furrowed his eyebrows, "Nobody?! Am I a nobody to you?" He asked crossing his arms, as he focused on his sister.

"Um no, nobody can be a nobody if you really think about it like even the nobodies of the nobody aren't a nobody because they're always a somebody to someone..." Ever bit her lip, the boy and man both looked at her, confusion written on their face. " He's my uncle Karl."

"Karl?!" Kol shouted making stiles momentarily jump out of his skin. Ever widened her eyes and raised her eyebrows at her brother to which he lowered his head and put his tail between his legs in surrender.

He turned back to Stiles and offered his hand, "Uncle Karl nice to meet you." Stiles took his hand warily and shakes it.

"Nice to meet you," Stiles said and turned back to Ever, " can I talk to you for one sec?"

Ever smiled and nodded her head. She grabbed Stiles by the hand and lead him out to the front of the house. As soon as they were out of hearing distance, well, at least what was plausible hearing distance for stiles, Ever turned around and grinned. "What's up?"

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