Chapter 14

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The beaten-up school bus pulled up in front of a gruesome bed and breakfast...if you could still call it that. Moss had eaten up half the courtyard as various vines were breaking through the stone walls that were nothing more than a ghostly silhouette of some previous existence and previous life. Clumps of flowers that had grown tall together were trodden on by coach and all the other lacrosse members. They were assigned room and off they went. Ever and Pan weren't in the same room much to their dismay and were auctioned off to Erica, in Ever's case and Ethan and Aiden in Pan's case.

"I don't care I don't want to go." Ever complained. She tugged on Pan's shirt "I have a bad mojo and I'm tired, I don't want to deal with all this stuff. Can we just leave?" The silver-haired angel pouted her sweet pink lips at her twin.

"But it could be fun..."Pan retorted but one look from Ever's eyes was enough to change his mind. "Jeez, Evie the things I do for you, once I find something to counter your charms its always going to be my way."  He complained as Ever smirked playfully and started skipping away from the hotel. 

"Honestly I have no idea what you're talking about." She said cheekily as Pan smiled and shook his head, following the blonde.


"Lydia, I'm sorry, okay?" Stiles shouted after the redhead as she stormed off into the parking lot, "Look, I didn't mean that you're trying to kill people, okay? I just... I just meant that maybe... maybe you're somehow involved in getting people to kill themselves, you know? Which now that I say that out loud, it just sounds really terrible, so I'm just going to stop talking."

"Stiles... Do you hear that?" Lydia said as she stopped dead in her tracks

A perplexed look overtook Stiles features as he stopped a few meters away from Lydia "What? Lydia, what do you hear?"

Lydia crouched down next to a sewer"A baby crying." She put her ear next to the pot-hole but not close enough that her dangling locks were touching "I hear... I hear water running...Oh, my God..." She whispered, "She's drowning the baby! Someone's drowning!" As those words left her lips Stiles and Lydia took off.

Stiles crouched down near the ground, "He blocked it. He blocked the drain with something. I can't get to it!" He lept up fumbling with his phone he searched for the phone number that he never thought he'd call. "In all my life, never ever would I've imagined this." He said trying to console Lydia with a pat on her head. "Why isn't he picking up?"


"Much unlike you my dear sister, you don't like bars very much." Pan taunted as he sat ever down in a chair. "Nor you like fizzy drinks."

Ever looks up at her brother, a sweet smile printed on her face. "Well you know how we all grow older brother, and I am passed my 1000s so I think it's about time!" She says as patted the table. "Also I looked it up on the interweb how there's a thing called teenagers! it's like a transformation between the ages of 13 and 19 and it says that through these times, "teens" go through phases."

"Like werewolves...mmmm okay I'm following," Pan said, deeply interested in Ever's studies.

"Yes, so this website said that teens go through artsy phases where they paint or draw, I think I've already got that covered! Emo phase, where they wear black...hmmm I don't think I could do that one though..."

"Yes, black is not your colour," Pan said nodding his head and leaning back on his chair.

Ever nodded her head religiously, "Yes that's exactly what I was going to say! Anyways. there are many more phases to choose from: the stoner phase, ah Damon ugly face told me that this was when you take medicine to make you dizzy," She continued pointing her finger. "and vegetarian phase which I'm not quite sure what that is!"

"Wow sister, you clearly are the best researcher, when you decide on what phase you do, ill do it with you m'kay!" Pan said grinning. A furious buzzing noise came from his pocket. Sighing he takes out his phone to see 15 missed calls from the skampy little kid. "Urghhh do we ever catch a break." He moaned, banging his head against the table.


"There's no hope."

Scott was standing in the middle of the road, drenched in fuel, holding a lighter. His friends gathered around him like a cult ready to prosecute its sacrifice. The darkness poured down and the only light radiated from the broken neon signs and the flame that could end the group of friend's lives.

"What do you mean, Scott? There's always hope." Allison declared, stifling back the beady tears that were forming in her eyes.

"Not for me. Not for Derek." Scott murmured lowering the flame towards the liquid.

"Then do it!"

A cursed voice echoed from behind the group of friends as Ever stepped into the light, a smirk played on her lips and her eyes narrowed. 

"What are you doing?" Stiles whispered maniacally, but Pan swooped in holding stiles back.

Ever cocked her head to the side, "Kill yourself." she said, stepping into the pool of petrol. "why aren't you doing anything? Are you scared? Are you scared of dying? I don't understand, I thought you wanted to kill yourself? Why aren't you doing it then?"


"Your scared aren't you?"


"You don't have the balls to do it?"


"Wow, you're such a coward, DO IT ALREADY!"

With every sentence, Ever took a step forward so now she was head to head with Scott, looking down upon him even though their hight was greatly different.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Allison shouted, tears streaming down her face.

"Funny," Ever chuckled, "That's what I thought," she said as she snapped Scott's neck upwards and he fell to the ground. Allison screamed and raced towards Scott's limp body as did the rest of the group.

"He's not dead you dummies," Pan taunted "He's sleeping." He said as Ever skipped back to him.

-------------------------------long time no see..............

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