Chapter 7

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"We are the children
Of the bad revolution."

Ever was still quite anxious at what happened this morning during cross country. She left her brother at the canteen where he made friends with Stiles, the teen that helped with her breakdown a few days back. She skipped outside and started picking various fresh flowers to put in her locker. As she skipped back she couldn't help but notice the vending machine that was propped up against the storage cupboard. As she walked closer and closer she could hear shoutings. As quick as a flash, Ever dropped her flowers and ran to the vending machine but as soon as she layed a finger on the vending machine she was nudged back by Scott who wrapped his arms around it and pushed it back so that he could open the door. He bursted inside the storage room flinging a boy out in the open for Ever to see. His eyes were golden and he had hair growing at the sides of his face. At first glance it seemed that it was your typical werewolf mid transformation, although that was technically not possible since 1 it wasn't the full moons and 2 even if it was, Isaac was clearly not in excruciating pain. Ever backed away, her fear of the unknown filling every blood stream she had inside of her. Various thoughts clouded her vision as she looked at Scott who started at her wide eyed and Allison who attempted to approach her slowly.

"Ever, listen to me..." She said but Ever was in such a trance that it seemed like she was in a nightmare and everyone was in slow motion. Ever dropped her bouquet of flowers and turned to run as fast as she could, she made it to the end of the hallway before Boyed jumped out of the corner and banged her head on a metal pole. As Ever lost consciousness she opened her mouth to let out a last peep of air she had strangled in her lungs.


"You did WHAT?!" Stiles shouted as Scott revealed the young girl strapped to a pole in the clinic which duck tape.

Stiles paced around the back as Isaac readjusted his scarf a Alison continued to bite her nails.

"Okay so you thought it was a good idea to kidnap the sister of a suspect serial killer who we know is a complete loony and we know she can scream probably as loud as Lydia. Great plan Scott, really great plan if your plan is to get us all KILLED!" He said flaying his arms around in spastic jolts.

Scott hung his head, finding great interest in his worn out shoes. He knew he messed up, but technically it was Boyd who knocked her out and he wasn't just going to leave her there.

Suddenly the young girl stirred. All of them turned to the silver haired girl who was waking up. She fluttered her eyelashes and opened them as quick as lightning once she gained full consciousness. She gasped wide eyed at her captors.

Furiously she started screaming and banging the metal bench that she was attached to. "Ahhhh! Help! Pleeease someone!" She shrieked hysterically. Then suddenly she stopped, closing her eyes and started to mutter. "Permisso Laca Tha Tar." She chanted in a low voice, begging for Pan to see her visions of where she was. Stiles widened his eyes, realising that the young girl was saying something that wouldn't end well for the group.

"She's saying something, calling someone!" He annonced.

Ever panicked, saying her spell once more she fidgeted with her fingers.

Allison walked by Stiles, "I know what she said, let's go find out what it means." She said as she walked with Stiles in tow. Scott and Isaac glanced at the girl who was considerably calmer then usual as she constantly tried to pull at her necklace but couldn't due to the fact that her arms were tied up.

Scott glances at Isaac, "I'm going to check if Deaton's got something for her." Scott said feeling guilty about his stupid actions. Isaac nodded paying absolutely no attention to him. As soon as Scott was out of the picture Ever turned to Isaac.

"Isaac right?" She asked sweetly batting her eyelashes as he looked up and nodded, "do you know what's me favourite feature?" She asked, "my blue eyes, do you like my eyes?" Isaac looked at her eyes but as soon as their gaze locked, he fell under her spell. "Isaac, honey, do you think that you could get me out of this hold?" She asked again as Isaac's eyes began to glow with every step he takes forward. He knelt down but as soon as he placed his hands onto her chains, Scott pushed him back like he did earlier and roared at him. Isaac stood up and brushed off his knees.

"She like hypnotised me!" He accused pointing at Ever who was curled up in a ball.

A few moments passed as Deaton rushed into the clinic, after Stiles blabbed concerning their question about Ever's chant (that was created by a good friend of Pan's who killed his whole family). He helped the girl up and sat her down on the couch, preparing her a mug of hot tea.

"What in the name were you thinking!" He scolded the four teenagers, "Kidnapping a girl because she has some issues and her brother protected you against He alpha pack!"he tapped his foot at the teens who were feeling quite guilty. "I've got the answer to your question Stiles, this particular chant was created by Luke Parker, his family were a killed by his brother only his twin and his older sister survived the attack." He said while Ever was eavesdropping on the clan, she shook her head slightly as she took a sip of tea.

"So right but so wrong." She thought as he teens were continued at being scolded. As soon as she finished her cup, she lifted herself off the seat and walked towards the door.

But fate had another thing up it's leave as Pan flinged the door open, grabbing Scott by the neck using his magic and strangling him. "What have you done to my sister," He asked quietly but his tone was seething.

Ever ran up to the back of him, tugging on his sleeve and hugging him. "Pan let him go!" Ever pleaded. Pan relentlessly let the beta go as he gasped for air. The blonde twin looked at his sister up and down.

"You're alright, they didn't hurt you?" He asked worried.

"Excuse me I hate to interrupt, I'm terribly sorry about the behaviour of these boys." He said kind of scared. "You're Luke Parker. Am I correct?" He said as Pan decided to roll with it, can you blame him? He loves his petty mind games.

"How did you know?" He replied but before Deaton got the chance to replie Pan clasped his head with his hand and the other to Ever's head. After half a second he let go, leaving Deaton being slightly dizzy.

"Dr Deaton, the famous Druid emissary, I thought I knew you from somewhere." Pan said while Stiles cut in, bored by staying quiet.

"You know who he is?" He asked suprise dad Allison stomped on his foot. "Ouch."

Pan glared at Stiles, burning holes through his eyes. "Liars and cheats don't get to talk."

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