Chapter 9

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The next day Bonnie and Ever drove back to Mystic Falls. She dropped Bonnie off at her house, making plans to get coffee sometime and carefully driving back to the Mikaelson Mansion.

She drove into the driveway that was nearly full. All of the cars that belonged to the Mikaelson children were parked neatly one next to another. Ever jumped out of the drivers seat, happy to get out of that awful claustrophobic metal box, or as she liked to call it: the box of DOOM!

As she walked to the front door, she couldn't help but notice that everything's as quite somber and quite. Ever opened the door and was met with complete silence.

"Hel-lo-oo?" Ever sung as she stepped inside putting the keys on the table and closing the door behind her. "Anyone home?" She called again.

"In here." A quite voice ressoned throughout the mostly empty hallway.

Ever advanced towards the living room, her Mary Jane's clicking and clicking against the marble floor. When she reached the living room, Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah were all sitting on the couch. Remains of the shattered vases littered the place.

"What happened?" The blonde girl asked her family as Elijah motioned for her to sit as she did. "Did a lot happened when I was away?" She continued.

"I'm afraid dear sister, a lot of grave thing happened while you were gone." Klaus said taking a sip of his scotch as tears repeatedly rolled down Rebekah's face.

Ever stood up and walked over to comfort Rebekah. "Dear sister, do not cry, it can't be anything compared to the good news I have." Ever said smiling, "and what good news I do have. But before I share that, what is the matter?" She continued, rubbing her hand on Rebekah's back trying to calm her.

"Finn and Kol are dead." Rebekah said, finally finding her voice. "They were killed by that stupid doppelbitch's subjects." She spat, tears continuous rolling down her face as Ever furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"No that can't be right." Ever said with a sad smile on her face. "They can't be killed without a-"

"White oak stake." Klaus finished as she downed his scotch in one go. "They found some and created 7 stakes with it. Thankfully we burnt them all"

Tears were welling up in Ever's eyes as she was facing reality. Her family was dead because of some baby vamps who kidnapped her. Kol the prankster, cracking a laugh ad making Ever feel better when she was down. Finn, charming Finn who only wanted the love of his life back and taught her how to read. Finn who promised to finish the story after he came back would never be able to finish it. Ever sat there, staring at the blank wall for the rest of the day, as the family tried to wake her, they were thrown back by a gust of wind created by Ever.

She was stuck in a world of her own. Tightly knitted by her dreams and reality and she tried to come to terms with the death of her brother but couldn't. How much she thought how much she cried and tried to convince herself that they're in a better place... she just couldn't come to terms with it.

At exactly 9pm when all her family were either getting drunk, painting or writing in sorrow. An idea popped into Ever's head, She walked over to where the rest of her family were.

"I'm going to get Piper and we are going to bring back Finn and Kol." Ever said. Before there was a reaction from any of her family, she walked outside. Clutching the little parcel she opened it with caution. Inside lay a small irredesant glowing bean which she picked up.

"Ever!" Elijah shouted from behind her. Her three remaining sibling walked out the door and up to her. "Good luck," He said kissing her on her forehead.

"Safe travels." Klaus said also kissing Ever on the forehead.

"Be back in time for the ball," Rebekah continued smiling at the little blonde and with that, the three sibling matched back inside, with high hopes.

Ever took a last glance at the bean before throwing it on the ground creating a luminous blue portal that could blind and normal human being. Stealing a gland at the Mikaelson Mansion. Ever fell into the portal thinking about The Land of Never.

Pan picked up his beloved flute and started playing it as Henry danced with the rest of the lost boys.

He shivered slightly as a familiar tingling sensation spread throughout his body. He stoped playing for a minute as he smirked and laughed as all the lost boys continued dancing to their own beat.

"Welcome back sister, it's been a very long time." Pan mutter and walked back to his treehouse.

Ahhhhh! That's the end of part one of this three part book! Next stop once upon a time!!!

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