Chapter 1

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"I think I might have one
Of those faces you can't stop believing."

-norman bates

The ocean breeze whispers like a lover, placing salty kisses on her cheek and tousling her long blonde hair. On days like this it playfully fillis the sails of the harbour boats, flutters their flags and pushes along the clouds. She smiles back and stretches out her arms like a dove taking flight. She will never forget that this breeze is just a mere hint of its power, that when roused it can toss whole ships like toys to smash on the rocks. She will never forget the freedom she felt when she stood on the edge of the cliff, breathing in the fresh air that was given by a breeze coming from the ocean. Her white flowy dress slightly blowing in the light wind. But today the breeze tells of only sweetness and joy. She stands there content, whole, happy and with a soft grin drew on her face.

The shore was a graceful arc of sand, glittering under the summer sun, a place for a placid ocean to lap. The waves rolled in with a soothing sound, the salty water a brief flurry of sand. Every few meters of so lay a shell, a treasure of the aquatic world just out of reach, and the footprints they left behind were soon erased. Ever quit her haven on the cliff and descended down to the shore. The sand is softly cream with just the right comforting warmth. To rest on the beach feels like a cosy hug, one only matched by the sunshine filled the sky. Ever stretches out both arms and legs to look like a girl-starfish, her grin growing slowly into a broad smile. The only marker of time today is the sun above, the moments savoured by the waves that wash the sands in white lace.

As the sun set at a quickening rate, Ever stood up from her comfortable spot on the abandoned cove and ambled back to their Villa. Pan watched from afar his sister strolling back like the setting sun that was retreating into hibernation. From the desk, Pan's phone buzzed incessantly like an annoyed rattlesnake. He wandered to the phone and lazily picked it up and smirked when he saw the caller ID.

"Настя, как ты?"He asked as he walked back to the window, looking at his beloved sister who was aimlessly picking up wildflowers off the green lawn.

"Pan you know too well that I don't indulge in small talk." An emotionless voice answered and Pan smiled.

"Okay, what do you want?"He asked once more, moving away from the window and sitting down on the couch. "And be quick about it."

A small chuckle sounded from the phone, "Ahhh, Pan...quite impatient as usual. You know the мудак I was telling you about...yeah well I want to wreak some in?" She asked

Pan popped a grape into his mouth, "I'll think about it, До свидания."He said and hanged up. At that moment he hears the dinner bell ring the soft and melodic tone. He strode down the winding staircase, smoothing down his checkered shirt as he descended the stairs just as Ever walked through the front door, clasping onto a bouquet of flowers and shrubs.

Ever gave the bouquet to the maid that was next to her. As she saw Pan her grin grew wider, showing all her perfectly lined teeth. Pan smiled at his content sister and linked his arm with hers. The two walked into the dining room, stitching down opposite each other so they can see one another better.

"I talked with Nastia just now," Pan informed as their entres were being served by the butler. Ever's eyes lit up at the sound of the girl's name.

"Really?" She asked "We must meet each other. I've never seen let alone met a type B werewolf." Ever continued as she attacked the salade with her fork.

"Actually she has invited us to come over to her home town." He said and Ever looked up gleefully.

Ever put down her fork. "Yes we must, and while we're there I want to try out this terrible thing called 'school' everyone's talking about." She said clapping her hands together as Pan smiled at her innocent nature. "Tell her we'll be there tomorrow evening." She said as she stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asked confusion etched on his perplexed face, "you haven't finished eating yet."

Ever spun around facing Pan, "I'm just popping to the kitchen to let everyone know of our plans!" She said skipping out of the dining room, leaving Pan to sigh and continue his salad in peace.

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