Chapter 1

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"A tiger doesn't loose sleep
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Ever crawled to shore, her wet hair beating the side of her face until red. The stupid portal opened in the middle of the ocean and flung her to the mermaids that tried to drown her several times. The scars on her back were open, due to the changing she had to endure to defeat the mermaids.

When she was safely on shore, she collapsed from tiredness and closed her big blue eyes to rest before she searched for Piper. She stayed like that for a good five minutes before her conscious started attacking her peaceful thoughts and making the blonde girl worried for her brother.

The heaved herself off the sandy floor and trudged to the forest to find the forbidden berries that could heal her scarred back. As seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours Ever found herself singing a lullaby that her mother used to sing to her. Evers innocent voice echoed through the trees of the dense forest as it attracted animals and a group of travellers alike.

A few hours later she found the berries and a bouquet of flowers with it. Suddenly a cold steel sword pressed against Ever's neck. She purses her lips and slowly stood up.

"Don't move." The voice announced as she tried to turn around and get a good look at the man but it only caused him to press his sword even harder against her neck drawing a little blood.

"Killian, she's not an Indian. You're hurting her." Another voice sounded behind Ever, "Look at her back, she's bleeding."

Killian lowered the sword in which time, Ever managed to produce pity tears. That what she called some tears but not a lot to be annoying.

She turned around slowly to face the group. It was a group of five that consisted of 3 girls and 2 boys, Ever sensed that at least two of the girls held magic. The golden-haired one looked at Ever with pity and sincerity as well as the one with the pixie cut hair. On the other hand, the other two looked at her with disgust and hesitance.

"Don't hurt me,"Ever said in the most crybaby voice she could fathom. "I'm only looking for my brother."She continued as the group as a whole felt trusting towards the teenage innocent-looking girl.

The golden-haired lady took a step forward towards Ever, "We're not going to hurt you...My son was kidnapped as well, we're trying to find him."She said, "My name is Emma." She continued as the older witch scoffed behind her. Ever nodded, saying nothing, partly because she didn't think it was necessary and partly because she wanted to know why Pan decided it would be a of good idea to kidnap boys.

"My name's Mary Margaret, can I maybe clean out your wound before it gets infected?" She asked with the sweetest tone which made it even more harder for Ever to suppress a scoff at her little 'infection.'

None the less, she nodded and Mary made her sit on a rock so that she could look at her scars while the rest of the group went out of hearing distance to discuss
what would they do about the teen. Ever moved her hair out of the way to listen to the conversation that was taking place.

"-so what do you want to do Regina? Leave her here so that Pan can kidnap her?" Emma whispered angrily

"If it comes to that...yes." Regina said and Emma scoffed, "what if she's Pan's little spy?"

"She's not Pan's spy, this whole island is rigged...he doesn't need one." Killian responded to Regina.

"Whoa, guys, she's looking for her brother who was captured by Pan...we're looking for Henry, who is captured by Pan. Remind me why we are having this conversation." The other man with blue eyes asked in annoyance.

There was a moments pause where they mutually agreed to let the girl stay to find her brother.

As they walked back, Ever looked down at the ground, to appear that she hasn't heard the entire conversation. "We'll help you find your brother." Emma said finally as Ever put on a fake smile and stood up immediately, ignoring the sighs of Mary Margret who was in the middle of cleaning her wound.

"Thank you very much, my name's Ever." She said, her smile so big it lightened the spirits of everyone.

"Nice to meet you Ever." Emma said and she held out her hand, to which Ever ignored the gesture and flunged herself at Emma, giving her the biggest hug she ever received. Startled Emma wrapped her arms around her awkwardly, "um okay then," she muttered.

After a few seconds Ever let Emma go, "Sorry I'm just so happy!" She exclaimed and started skipping off picking up flowers as she was going. "Aren't you guys coming?" She asked innocently and started to continue her lullaby as Emma and the rest of the group followed her cautiously.

"Is this the way?" Emma asked as they walked along.

"I definitely think it is." Killian replied amused by the skipping singing of the young girl they just met, "she's a breath of fresh air isn't she." Killian commented

"She seems very nice." Snow confirmed Killian's comment when they usually disagreed with anything and everything.

"Yea, she's a ball of fucking sunshine." Regina said annoyed as she received glares from everyone from their group.

Far in front, Ever smirked at the gullible group, knowing that this would be the fasted way she would find Pan at their little game of hide and seek. "Game on big brother," she sung in her mother tongue.

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