Taken, and possibly dead...

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"MMMMHMMM!" Bakugo screamed, though muffled, through the metal mask placed upon his face as All Might gave a gold medal to the teen. This was the Sports Festival in UA for the first years, and the last day I was the person known as Izuku Midoriya. 

"That was fun!", Uraraka said as she stretched her arms in the air and started to yawn. (Just for the sake of IZUKU's suspense, nothing will happen to Iida's brother, bc all of you guys know that Iida had to leave early bc of that) "As our class representative, I can say our class did very well and be proud of it." Iida stated firmly to her as we walked. As I walked in between my two best friends, I grinned and replied, "I feel bad for the other classes, though. We were the only ones to have any winners... But then, I sort of wish I could have won too..." "You did great, Deku! You won the race without your quirk, and you even hit Todoroki for the first time I've ever seen! You did great." Uraraka reassured me quickly. As we all started to get closer to our own houses, we separated. Uraraka and Iida's houses were nearby when we split, but my house is another block down the street. As I kept walking, the evening light flooded the sky with an orange color. I watched the sky as I walked, and closely observed the barely visible stars that seemed to hide behind countless clouds and the orange color itself. 

I spotted my house after twenty more minutes of the seemingly endless walk from school to home. I smiled, I saw my mother, someone who has believed in me that I could become a hero. Once I became a hero, I hope we can sit down and laugh as I tell her the short, but meaningful story of how the greatest hero of all time passed his divine power to me. Before I could continue to walk, my mouth became covered with a white rag. A chemical smell radiated off the blank kitchen rag as my eyes slowly started to force themselves shut as if they were drawbridges from a medieval castle used in the crusades. "M-om.....Hel.....p.......," I attempted to yell, but the last resort wish did not come true, and I fell asleep.

I awoke in a full sweat. I seemed to be in a room of sorts, but for some reason I couldn't move....at all? In the corner of the dark room, I swear a a camera sat, watching like a vulture. The lights suddenly turned on. I was in a room with pure white walls and metal tables with surgeon tools lying on them. "Wha-what the hell?!" A man, a doctor, walked into the room in a prideful stride. In the doorway a man with hands attached to his arms, chest, and face stood, leaning against the wall. He was the man who attacked the school before the festival along with the Dark Mist and the ominous Numa. "You're..." I tried to remember. 'Wait, what was his name again? There's no way I forgot the name of the man who almost killed my mentor,' I thought. What was his name....What the hell is this?! "I see the serum is starting to take effect, doctor." He stated. The prideful man responded in a voice that sounded boastful. "Of course, my friend. My quirk, Chemical, allows me to make any chemical that has already been invented. That means my own inventions, however, like this." The lab coated man smiled crazily while he hovered over me. I could feel his aura lurking towards me, almost going through me. "My name is not necessary, but you may call me Doki, and my associate over here is known as Tori. Alright?" I heard what Doki said, but I had been thinking of Tori's name the whole time. 'Tori? Was that his name I heard in the fight before? Wait...where have I fought before? I can't remember. I think I'm starting to forget things.... I can't even remember my name now.....what's going on....' "I think the serum worked over my expectations however..." Doki stated with a stern face. "Huh?" Tori asked. "It actually worked over what I thought it would erase and we won't have to use it again. He seems to have forgotten everything." "That doesn't matter, he may be faking. Just inject him again. If he's not faking, he can handle the pain." The doctor smiled freakishly and continued to inject me with a dose of the serum he wielded.

The pain overwhelmed me. I arched my back. My mouth opened and my voice started to flow out in loud, painful, nonstop screeches. The two men left the room and locked the door. I attempted to use One For All to break my braces, but to no avail the straps around my legs and arms seemed to be made from a quirk.

Twelve hours later I had already given up attempting to escape the pain. I still screamed, however, or at least my open mouth emitted the sound of a dry throat attempting to create sound. Suddenly, the pain stopped. I was just barely consious, thanks to the serum as well. My head hurt like shit. I couldn't feel my legs or arms anymore. The door slid back open and the two men reentered the room, this time accompanied by a man wearing a suit, but his head was just a hazy black mist. I started to shake....'What is that thing?' "Calm down, son...it's alright....just breath." The mist said seeming almost sympathetic. "We are here now, so you are fine...." Soon after, Doki started to ask me questions, while I thought about what I even was or who I was. "What's your name?" No answer. "What's my name?" "Doki is what you told me," I said with almost dead eyes. "Looks like it worked!" He said back to Tori and the dark fog. The mist leaned down on his knee to talk to me. "Your name is Izuku Midoriya. You are my son. You still have memory of what quirks are, correct?" He asked. "Yes. Also I know what quirk I have." I tried to keep my talking to a low due to a surge of pain every time I would talk. "Call me Kiri, alright? After today you will be trained in how to use your quirk without hurting yourself. You may break your arms and legs a few times, but our doctor, Doki, can create a serum in order to heal that. After a while, you will have full control and will not break yourself while using the quirk." I thought for a minute. 'Can I trust him? Is he going to hurt me? No.....he said he was my father...and right now I can't remember anything other than my quirk... I will have to trust him.' "I accept your idea. I will train starting tomorrow to master my quirk."

So you know, this is 1200 words at most... So you know......I will keep working on this one and not work on the other one as much, but if you like my other stuff, don't worry, I will continue them.

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