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Hello. My name is Hanta Sero. I am a student at the prestigious hero school, Yuuei High School, or UA for short. I myself think I am a normal guy living in the world with quirks. So, god, answer me why I am standing in front of class 1-A's strongest students?

In front of the tape dispenser stood the bomber, the generator, and the prince of ice. 'What got me into this situation?' A hand found it's way onto Sero's shoulder. "Hey, it's alright, we will win this." Izuku reassured him. "Yeah, yeah. We can if we try hard enough." "Stay in spirit, it helps." Tokoyami also told him. "I have an idea, anyway." Tokoyami then called for All Might. "Can both the teams have 5 minutes to make a plan?" "It's dodgeball, Tokoyami." "Yes, I understand, but all of us want to win, so Shota's team would probably want a moment to talk as well." After a minute of thinking, All Might agreed and the two teams started their planning period.

"Alright, any ideas guys?" Sero asked his two teammates. "Dark shadow being hit with a ball counts as an out for me, so I can't use it for attack..." Tokoyami added. "Not for me, though." Sero added. "I.... have a plan." Izuku said hesitantly. "You guys may not like it however, because it requires that only one of us won't get out." "It's alright what is it, Izuku?" Sero asked, curious. As the plan as told, the other team finished talking among themselves. The Red clearly had withdrawn a lot since the pep talk, as they are holding on to the balls a little longer than before.

"What's wrong, you guys scared?" Izuku asked. Katsuki laughed. "Smack talk from you will never get old. It just doesn't suit you well, Izuku." "That's alright, idiot." Denki sweat dropped. "Y-you shouldn't say things like that to Bakugo, Izuku, you know how he is." "Oh, it's OK, he's on a team of idiots anyways. It fits him." The Red team lit up in rage a little. Even Shota was red in the face for a second before winding up his arm. The opponents released the green orbs at the same time. The first one to hit Izuku was Katsuki's. He had buffed that one with explosive power. After the last two also hit him, the balls were straight up in the air above the Blue team. Above Izuku, Tokoyami was ready to hit the balls with his Dark Shadow. "Sero! It's up to you!" He yelled as he smacked the balls down towards Sero. "S-Sero? What could he do with all 6 of the leftover balls?" As they neared Sero, tape shot out from his arms, all 6 balls being wrapped in it. As Sero spun to face the three other players, his smile still remained. "He's going to launch them towards us from his chest, we can dodge them." Todoroki stated after analyzing the play.

The three other boys heard Shota's warning and started to get ready to jump. As they leaped into the air, they noticed something crazy. A shadow loomed over the tape that was shooting out of Sero's elbows. "You said I'm out if my shadow gets hit, but my shadow is it's own person as well!" Tokoyami said mid-descent back to the ground. The tape, which was heading straight for where their chests would be, shot itself straight up. "What!?" Kaminari said before the tape tracked him mid-air and one of the balls hit him. Before Todoroki was hit, he formed fire on his arm and used it to melt the tape. Katsuki tried to change his course using his explosive hands, but to no avail was hit by a ball before he could escape.

The boy with two different colors littering his hair fell back to the ground and landed on his feet. Sero seemed surprised, but also seemed to understand that at least one of them would escape. "Was that your master plan? To sacrifice the two stronger players to leave one weak player?" "T-that's not what the plan was at all, idiot." "What?" Before he noticed, tape was fully wrapped around him. "What is this?!"

"All Might, what happened?" Momo asked. "Ha! That was awesome! He hid his tape in Tokoyami's shadow! When the tape was burned, he used the shadow of Izuku below to extend it all the way around him and grab him! Now that Tokoyami has left the arena, Dark Shadow has turned off showing the tape! What a spectacular play by you three!"

"I-I'll give you a taste of the strength I've gained, because I'm not weak like last time we fought two years ago!" Suddenly Sero started pulling the tape. In Sero's hand was one of the balls that fell back to the ground earlier. "That didn't work last time, and it won't work this time." Todoroki started trying to burn the tape with his left side while trying to freeze his feet to the ground with his right, but his quirk wouldn't start. "W-what's happening?" "I cut off the blood flow to your arms, you can't move or use them until you escape this tape, which is stronger than normal tape of course. Todoroki started to attempt to loosen the tape on his arms by wiggling around. Sero continued to pull the tape towards himself, along with the other boy. "I'll escape and freeze you like last time!" Tokoyami yelled. "Not gonna happen!" Sero yelled back as he smashed the ball he was holding into the now close boy on the enemy team.

As soon as he did this, he loosened the tape and started to help up the other guy. "Sorry I hit you with the ball that hard, it kinda just happened." "T-that's alright, that was a fun fight." 

1st. Hanta Sero

2nd. Shota Todoroki

3rd. Fumikage Tokoyami

Izuku walked back to the group of eliminated students along with Sero and Tokoyami.

"Sero, that was awesome dude, so manly!"

"Tokoyami, you're so smart!"

Uraraka walked up to Izuku. "That sucks you couldn't place, are you alright with that?"

"Yeah, that was a really fun game. I hope the festival is like this as well."


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