Student Council

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Sorry it's been a few days my precious reader~chans, some stuff came up so I couldn't get to writing. Here ya go tho!

The class president and  his group of chosen warriors left the room, followed by the rest of the class. As the door closes, a hand grabs it and opens it up again. All Might stood in the door way. His weaker form, at least. "All Might. You came." "Of course, you told me you wanted to discuss our student." "Yes. Izuku Midoriya. You heard him when he spoke in the cell, correct?"

"Yes. I heard what he said."

"Good. I will continue then. He stated that the man under the name Tori wore hands all over his body. He also claimed that he turned his skin into dust for punishment."

"Yeah, it's safe to say that he is the one who attacked the USJ two years ago."

"Shigaraki Tomura."

Iida POV

As our class neared the student council room, they stood back. Out of the group came the four classmates I had chosen to join me. Momo, Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Uraraka. "Ready, guys?", I asked them, confident about the meeting about to take place. "Yes." The group responded. "Alright then." My hand reached the knob of the door and slid it open. 'This is for you, Izuku!'

All POV (Sry I keep switching the pov, I just can't get comfortable :D)

As the five students entered the room, Iida closed the door behind them. They took seats quickly and started to take out the papers they had brought to support their argument. "Thank you for having us." Iida told the president. "It's alright, I said it would be fun", the student council president, Neito Monoma. Over the years, Neito's gain in strength has supported the dismissal of his inferiority complex, making him more usable as a leader, but some still remains as he likes destroying arguments in student council meetings. 

"To start, what is your argument, Iida?" Iida hesitated before speaking. "The ex-student Izuku Midoriya of class 1-A has reappeared." The entire council's eyes widened in shock. Neito's smirk turned into a serious look as he stared at Iida. "What do you mean reappeared? He was dead just yesterday, you're saying he's alive today?" "Yes, he had been captured, but he is now in safe hands and we are rehabilitating hi-" "Do you really think you can rehabilitate him this fast? He was captured by villains. Did they use him, because that's the only reason I could think someone would capture him." Neito's serious look made the entire room tense up. "Y-yes. The villains had him attack us and our teachers in an attempted assassination, but Izuku seemed to overexert himself and knocked himself out. Neito glared at Iida. "So, what would happen if he really isn't friendly? What if he attacks you or your class again?" "He wouldn't do tha-" "We will restrain him and put him behind bars." Iida cut Uraraka off coldly. 'I see now. We can't be passive about this and just answer what if's with he will not's... We have to be serious' Uraraka thought to herself. "Izuku may have attacked us, but right now he is accepting of the past we are trying to explain to him, so we should give him a chance." Momo said to the sadistic council president. On the right of him, the vice president, Shinso Hitoshi was still in shock. 'Izuku Midoriya.... is alive? The boy who saved me from my anxiety two years ago, alive?' "Shinso, you in there?" Neito spoke to him. "Yeah, just thinking to myself." After the UA tournament, Neito, who had just joined the council, invited Shinso to join because his quirk fit the role. Today, he was his right hand man. 

"Is what you say true, Iida?" Shinso spoke to Iida with a shaky voice. "Yes." Shinso grit his teeth. 

"So what do you want to do about him?" "I would like him to rejoin our class." 

"Are you insane?! He's a villain! He attempted to kill you all. I will not permit it." "We pacified him. He is no longer against us." "We will not permit it. What if he gets agitated and attacks again. I can speak for most of the school in saying that we cannot handle an out of control One For All." Tokoyami rejected. "It isn't morale to say this about an old friend, but we cannot let him fall into enemy hands again. We need to have him in a safe enviroment." Neito began to disagree, but felt a menacing glare coming from the student. He looked to him to not see it coming from him, but an eight foot shadow lingering behind him. He looked up at before looking back to him. "I get your proposition, but we cannot just let him into our school. What if he's tricking you in order to host an infiltration." "Villain or not, Izuku isn't the type to do that. He started a head on attack on us because that's his style, along with the One For All style in general." Todoroki confidently stated. "Alright, I get it." Neito responded. "Even though, you all understand my position and I understand yours. I will not permi-" He was cut off by a sense of fear spread through the room. He looked around for the cause, and ended up looking to the class 1-A students, who kept their composure in the intense aura in the room. He looked back to the shadow using student to see the shadow had grown to cover the room fully. 'I'm.... inside his quirk? What is this aura it's giving off.... it's making me shake a little....' "That's enough." Neito said as the quirk cut off. "I have a way to settle this." "What's that, president sir?" Iida asked. 

"One of your class will fight me one on one to decide Izuku's re-enrollment." He smiled his classic sadistic smile. The five students then started to whisper to each other. 

"We should do it, it seems like a nice gamble." "Yeah, we just have to make sure he doesn't adjust to our quirk fast enough." Iida listened to the confident statements worriedly. "I don't know, if we lose Izuku can't come ba-" Uraraka interrupted him claiming strongly, "We can win, Iida, don't worry. We will get Izuku back." Iida thought for a minute, but nodded his head in agreement, newly found confidence added. 

He turned back around to the class 1-B's copycat. 

"We accept the challenge."

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now