another author note jeez dud

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Hey my precious reader chans! So I now have all of my shit sorted out so here is my new ideas : (comment if you dont agree) also before i start this is my last author note in this damn series of author notes ive been posting, and im sorry about that :T

1) The story will not be yaoi or anything like that. This is due to the fact that I know the majority of you wanted there to be KatsuDeku, but I agreed with myself that even if a few people didn't, I wouldn't. This is because I want everyone to enjoy this story. What I will do regarding this will be explained in the next step.

2) I will make a new KatsuDeku story completely separate from this story, so this story will stay the same and the other will be KatsuDeku, please comment below if you want the KatsuDeku to be an alternate/continuation of this story or one of it's own. (If one of it's own stories please tell me the subject or sort of plot you want)

3) I was thinking I could make a story with complete OC's in the future. This story would most likely be an "over-exaggerated" or "more dramatic" version of my own love life idk some people that I know tell me that i'm like ZZZZZuper lucky so I kinda got interested in this subject, you know? Comment here if you want this to happen, or if not! Anyways to be serious its just its own story with events that represent things that happen to me. Comment away ples!

4) Just remember that I like writing all different subjects, my precious readers! If you all want me to make a certain new story with a certain "type" of plot (not a full on just me writing what you say kinda thing but like if you want drama or fights, i will) please tell me and I will happily consider doing it!

5) Last thing i really want to say is bc of school, I might not post as often to my stories. DO NOT WORRY HOWEVER! I will post on weekends guaranteed unless something happens like my mom wants to go somewhere with me or something and of course I'll try to work on the stories during the week. To sum it up I'm just saying i won't post everyday like i did during summer :p

Please comment on the specific paragraphs you want to answer questions to like on 3 or 4 please comment your answers or ideas ON THAT PARAGRAPH so I can see it easier...

thank you all for understanding, please comment your answers so i can have an idea of what to do in the future, and god bless the pirates of the Caribbean series.... no seriously its the best shit

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