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yeah i dunno precious reader~chans i'd rather just write a new story about KatsuDeku with close to the same theme but im sorry but its kinda hard to write two stories of two different topics but they have the same plot so tell me if i should just write a new KatsuDeku instead of just an alternate version of this 

also i liek that song and i think it fits this chapter

it'll make it kinda easier to update u know :p

As Izuku walked back to the box, his head was filling with memories he thought he got rid of.

'They tried to hurt you...'

"No... they didn't..."

'You can get revenge on them, Izuku...'

"I... I don't want this... please get out of my head..."

As Izuku walked he didn't even notice his surroundings. He bumped into a few people who looked at his with confused stares for a moment before returning to their own agendas.

As Izuku bumped through more of the crowd he finally found himself into an open area. An empty hallway. 

Uraraka POV

'Deku just talked about being a villain... Why? Haven't we been really good friends to him since he came back?' Uraraka looked to Iida, who seemed to be just as frightened.

'M-maybe he never thought of it as fun... Hanging out with the class...'

"Uraraka, we should tell our classmates." "W-what?! Are you kidding Iida? You should know what would happen if we tell Aizawa or All Might!" "That's not what I mean, Uraraka. I mean we should tell our classmates and not the teachers. Maybe we can help him if we all talk to him." Uraraka thought about it for a minute before nodding. "Fine... We can tell the rest of the class. Let's just try to help him, not hurt him."

The two stopped talking as they started to run down the halls towards their classmates.

Izuku POV

As Izuku somewhat limped through the halls, fully absorbed in the painful memories. 

*WHIP* 'A metal rod was slapped across Izuku's back. "Please stop... Let me try to hit the target again..." *WHIP* "One more shot, make it quick. We need to get back inside." '

As he trudged through the agony of the memories, he found himself in a bathroom.

The room was dimly lit, the lights flickering slightly. The stalls were empty, and one of the sinks were not fully off, so a drop of water fell every few seconds. Izuku walked towards the mirror and stared into it.

In the mirror he found himself looking at a boy, around 6.1 tall with shaggy-ish black hair with green highlights. The boy's eyes were drooped, almost dead-seeming. Bags sat under his eyes like canopies on a summer day. His face was pale, as if he had never left a building for two years. 

Well, he had never left that building for two years. 

The girl with brown hair had rounded up her classmates, and they were running down the hall looking for their friend frantically. "I knew we shouldn't have left him alone!" Sero yelled as they sprinted. "Calm down, Hanta! Let's just be calm about this and we'll find him in no time!" Denki yelled back. As they ran, they passed a few doors, including a bathroom inhabited by just one boy and his own reflection.

As Izuku stared, he finally realized he was looking at his own face. "Wow, I really look like shit right now..." His reflection seeme to agree, as it's face drooped down copying the same awkward smile Izuku held. 

A hand found it's way onto Izuku's shoulder. He didn't flinch. "What's wrong?" Izuku asked the man behind him. Tomura walked out from the shadows. "We've been watching you, Izuku..."

"Heh... it's you, Tori... what are you doing here? Are you going to take me back and hurt me again?" "No... no I'm not.... I was just here to talk..." "What would you want to talk about?" Izuku asked with an emotionless face staring back at him from the mirror.

"You know, I'm a villain... The alarms should've gone off already and the heroes should've came to save you already... They could've saved you back then too, they didn't however... It's like they don't want you anymore. After you defeated me and my first Nomu years ago, they seem to have lost... interest with you... That's all I have to say..."

As the man left, Izuku grabbed his shirt sleeve. "What is it, Izuku?"

"I.... I forgot where the base is..."

The mirror broke. 

The sanity has been severed. 

The boy is gone, yet again.

Izuku walked out of the restroom to find the other students hugging him. "I-Izuku we thought you left or something!" Kirishima yelled through manly tears.  

"It's alright everyone, I would never go anywhere..." Izuku responded.

Of course, the other glaring eyes behind the boy told him he wasn't getting away easily...

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now