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welp, i was planning of releasing this tomorrow morning as a follow up, but LindberghFalqueza and ThisHornyBitch bullied me so here it is...

"What's wrong?" Katsuki asked his classmates, whose mouths were still gaping open from the surprise that took place just seconds before. The class then huddled for a minute.

"You know, this isn't a bad idea." "Yeah, this could be a cool fight." "It's just like last time!"

"Whatever, it worked out like that for a reason." "Let's just forget about it. We''ll fight him at the festival anyways..."

They then looked back to the confused time bomb and bowed. "We of class 1-A give you our blessing!" Iida yelled to him. "Yeah, but what?" Katsuki shot back. "You don't know?" "Know what, just tell me dammit." "Y-you came in last place." "What of it, are you trying to make fun of me?" He then walked over to the glasses wearing racer and pulled him close, holding his collar. "You came in last along with Midoriya, so you'll be fighting him in today's duels." No response. "Bakugo? You in there?" Katsuki's face was visible stunned. "O-okay. I'll beat that shit nerd!" He yelled suddenly as he walked over to All Might to submit his tardy form.

Because the other classes were canceled in order to extend the hero practice classes, the class had the rest of the day to fight. Of course, some fight went fast. Iida beat the crap out of Mineta in seconds. Some went slow, like Tokoyami against Todoroki. That one went on until the ice prince finally figured out the crow's weakness. By the time noon ended, and evening began, the entire class sat themselves on the bleachers to watch the last match of the day between the last two students in the race.

Izuku Midoriya~One For All vs Katsuki Bakugo~Explosion.

The two boys stood in across the field from each other, staring straight into each other's eyes. "All Might, why aren't they fighting on the arena we fought on? The one Cementoss made." Jirou asked the hulk of a man. "The two need more room. Both their quirks cannot be used to the fullest in a restricted area like that. They get to fight without an arena." Some students watched intensely, while others made friendly bets over who would win.

"Totally Katsuki. He'll blow him out of the fight." Kirishima said to his group in confidence. "You sure that your quirk didn't make your brain dense, too? Didn't you hear the distance Izuku threw yesterday? He'll beat Katsuki for sure."

All Might stood up and walked to the middle of the field. "Midoriya, Bakugo. Fight!"

Before All Might had a chance to back up, the two were already in front of him, their fists aiming for each other. "What speed!" All Might exclaimed as he ran back to the bleachers in awe. "They're faster than I am!"

Izuku's fist found Katsuki's shoulder, while Katsuki's found his elbow. After both flew back a few feet, Katsuki used his feet to stop from flying back farther, as did Izuku. "Damn, I missed his shoulder, but he got mine..." Katsuki held his shoulder for a minute before letting his classic, wicked smile back onto his face. "This'll be a fun fight." Izuku, who didn't hear, smiled back as if responding to him. The two lunged back towards each other. 

'Remember, what moves did Izuku use before he was captured. He may not remember them, but no one can stop the power of instinct.' Katsuki tried to remember as many of the attacks Izuku used before two years ago, before recognizing that Izuku was going for an uppercut from below. Changing the course of his fist, Katsuki smashed his fist into Izuku's chest, surprising him. "Y-you weren't going for the face?" Izuku said in confusion as Katsuki started up his quirk to strengthen up the punch. "Nuclear bomb!" Katsuki screamed in unison as the entire field was filled with the smoke from the massive explosion.

"W-what was that?!" Kaminari asked his classmates, before being answered by Iida. "Nuclear Bomb, an attack Bakugo practiced with me to be able to hit targets at a range with a great punch. He used it up close, so that's gonna do some damage. The only downside..." the smoke cleared to reveal Izuku, limping multiple meters away, and Katsuki holding his right hand. "is that it takes a whole quarter of his firepower until he starts hurting himself."

Izuku stood back up fully to look back at the other fighter. "That packed a nice punch, I'll have to look out for that." He than coughed up a little smoke and dust. "You better hope this doesn't hit you again, or you'll be out of the game. You could barely take one of them." "You're right, I should be extra careful." Both of the boys looked at each other with serious glares, before starting to laugh with each other for a moment. "I'll win, Kacchan." "No, you'll lose, Deku."

Again, the fighters locked fists with explosions littering the battlefield. Holes were found every few feet in the training field now. The One For All's cowl didn't seem to be letting up. Neither did the explosions, however. After mutiple minutes of continuous fighting, the two stood back from each other, staggering in their steps. "You...*pant* *pant*....are going down, you know." "I wouldn't be....*pant*... so sure about that, Kacchan."

"This is bad, Katsuki's explosive power can probably only hold up for about another 15%." Kirishima said while holding his hands in his manly hair. "Hah, told you Izuku would win. He may be staggering, but he doesn't seem to be out of power, you know." Kaminari responded.

"You know Deku, I've finally set up for the win." "Huh, what's that about." "In the past few years, I've invented more and more ways to use my power. I learned that my nitroglycerin sweat doesn't have to be connected to me to be detonated." "And? How will that help, Kacchan?"

"Well, throughout the fight, I've been wiping a lot of my sweat off onto you while punching."

Suddenly, Izuku looked down and raised his arms to his view. He immediately noted that his arms were covered in sweat. "I knew you'd also sweat from this, so you wouldn't notice."

Izuku attempted to wipe off the sweat before suddenly it ignited and an amazingly huge explosion filled the field. The students watched in awe.

"This is bigger than that attack from earlier!" "What was that explosion?!"

As the smokescreen covering the field dissipated, the students were again in awe to find a crater the size of a meteor had taken the place of the field. In the middle, two pillars of dirt were still standing. On one pillar, the bomb. On the other, the berserker. 

"Oi, are they both conscious?" "They both look pretty dead to me." "They're standing up though!" 

All Might stood from the bleachers, looking to the crater. 'Cementoss can fix this, it's alright. But them, which one of them is still conscious?' "Oi, you two! Who ever is still conscious, please say!" The two stood in complete silence. Both standing, completely without sound, their hair covering their eyes. Suddenly, one boy started to tip over, and fell of the pillar. "He's falling!" "We need to catch him!" "We can't get to him on time!" "It's alright. students." All Might calmed them. He then used his low time limit of power left to run to the falling boy and save him. Then he climbed to the top of the other pillar to grab the other.

"I told you he would win, Kirishima."

"Damn, I thought he got him with that. Looks like he used his last amount of strength to activate that explosion." Kirishima responded to a prideful Kaminari. "But who knew he hid that he could do that without needing to be in contact with the sweat. He would've blown me out of the city!" Sero jokingly said.

On the ground lies the winner ~ Izuku Midoriya.

And the loser ~ Katsuki Bakugo

Don't worry, reader~chans, this double update will not affect my schedule and I'll still try to write another chapter tomorrow! Hope you enjoyed~!

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