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Felt really hyper and enthusiastic so here ya go, next chapter


As the class calms down, they start to think of something that they hadn't thought of.

Kaminari walked up to Iida, and whispered the question everyone was thinking of to him, hoping he had some sort of solution. 

"Oi, where is Izuku gonna sleep?" "Of course he'll sleep in......damn where will he sleep?" 

"Don't ask me man, I didn't think he would accept the past so quickly..." "Well, what should we do? He can't just stay in the cell tonight. He needed treatment for some electricity that he took in." "Don't blame me for that, that was your fault Iida!" Kaminari shouted that last part. After a few minutes of discussing, the group asked Izuku a question that made him hesitate. Tokoyami approached them. "Sorry about it, but he has to stay here tonight. Not that I don't trust him, it's just he's been 'dead' for two years. His face could put students into shock around the school and fear will spread." "Alright then," Uraraka responded.

"I'm sorry, Deku, but could you sleep here for the night? There's a bed and stuff in the cell, so you can sleep here. We don't mean to keep you here, it's just tomorrow we need to ask you a few questions.", Uraraka said politely. "No offence dude, it's just that Aizawa-sensei and All Might are going to be pretty on edge tomorrow, and will definitely want you to be somehow locked up," Kirishima added. "We'll try to explain the situation to them tomorrow, so don't worry." Todoroki spoke to Izuku. "Aizawa-sensei?" "Eraser head," Todoroki responded. Instead of being ticked off, Izuku was completely fine with sleeping in the cell that night. He had been in a condition worse than a cell during the past two years before today. "It's alright, guys. I'm used to it anyway." The class president looked at him with a confused, but understanding look for a second. He then led the rest of the class out of the cell room and into the hallways of the school. "What did he mean by 'used to it'? Ojiro asked the president. "He probably went through worse than just a small cell these past few years. Tomorrow we can ask him about his past, but please everyone, do not pry to much or we could hurt him. We need to proceed with caution." Even Bakugo agreed and nodded at the command. As the students walked out of the school, they all tried to think of other things, but couldn't get their mind of one subject. They all thought of the night of the UA festival. What happened that night? What could they have done to take away his memories? They would find out tomorrow.


The entire class stood outside the cell door, waiting. They all wanted to enter, to see Izuku's face again, to talk to him again, but couldn't pull themselves to do it. Iida burned with guilt. He had put Izuku through complete torture the night before, just for Uraraka to find a completely different way to solve the problem. What he did was not necessary. 

"Are you guys going to open the door or not?" Aizawa-sensei walked up to the group along with All Might. "Yes sir," Tokoyami replied as he opened the door and the students started to pile into the room. Before he knew it, Iida was the only one standing outside the room. *Tug*. Iida looked down to see Uraraka pulling on his sleeve. "Come on, he's waiting for us." Iida quickly replied the first thing on his mind. "I...I can't look at him again....not after that crap I pulled last night."  Uraraka then let go of his sleeve, got onto her toes, and looked him straight in the eyes. "It's alright, Iida, you may have overreacted, but he will forgive you. We need to talk to him today to find out which people pulled the strings and hurt him. Trust me, he will not be mad." Iida looked down at the short, brown haired girl. In the past two years, she had become more independently strong and reserved. She trained with many fighting type heroes to learn to stay calm and reserved in fights, or in situations like this. Iida spoke again. "Alright, Uraraka, I'll come in." They entered the room to find Izuku sitting in the same chair as yesterday. He had slept, but the bags under his eyes remained on his face like scars. 

Aizawa-sensei walked up to the cell. Last night, Todoroki and Uraraka had explained what happened to Aizawa and All Might when they found them in the infirmary. Aizawa observed the boy in the cell before he spoke. He widened his eyes after seeing the scars on his arms. The suit's sleeves were rolled up, so Izuku's arms were visible. "Izuku Midoriya?" "Yes, Eraser Head sir?" After the response, opposite of what happened last time they saw each other (when he got his face bulldozed) his eyes widened again in surprise. He then asked him the questions he had written last night in the infirmary, the questions he wanted to ask.

"Why did you attack two teachers and a class belonging to this school last night?"

"I'm sorry, the man who took me in ordered me to."

"Do you know this man's name, location, or accomplices?" Aizawa asked, but gently in order to not hurt the clearly broken boy.

"The only name I was given was the code name Kiri. His location is unknown to me, I only left once to come here, and I was not given maps or newspapers or anything. His friends are under the code names....." He clearly hesitated before saying the next words. He sat staring at the floor. He was awoken from his staring contest on the floor when Uraraka grabbed his hand through the bars. "It's alright, Deku. He won't hurt you." Izuku nodded. Aizawa noted something else. 'After last night, even if he lost his memories, he is very connected to his friends again.' "The code names are Tori and Doki." "They gave you no real names?" "Probably so I wouldn't spill they're real names." 

"Okay... do you know their appearances?" Izuku tightened up. He was trembling.

"Doki was always wearing a lab coat. His brown hair was messy, though short. Nothing more except his quirk. He could create any chemical invented already, he used them to....." The boy tensed up again while hugging himself. He started to grit his teeth. Again, Uraraka comforted him with her hand on his. "It's alright, just tell him. The villains can't get you here." "Okay.... he used it to inject me with his chems and tested me to see how different mixtures worked on humans." Sero gagged. The whole class had a frightened face as they looked down to the boy who they used to know. "W-what else did they do to you?" Aizawa knew it was passing the line, but he felt he needed to know more. He wasn't frightened like the rest of the class, just surprised. So was All Might. "The man named Tori had hands all over his body," Izuku grasped his face and bent his head down in fear. "When I would fail the training drills or miss a lap while running, he would burn the skin on my arms and legs off and let Doki experiment on them even more." Izuku moved his legs up into the chair and rested his head face-down in them. He then put his arms on his legs and let them lay forward off the chair. "I'm gonna be sick..." Kaminari said as he left the room and started towards the nearest bathroom. "The man named Kiri didn't hurt me, but I could feel a glare coming from him when I failed, as if signalling the others to jump in." By the time Izuku stopped talking, he was visibly trembling in his chair and tears were leaving his face, buried in his legs, and dripping down his pants. The whole class stared in shock. 'Uraraka was right, he probably didn't care if I was harsh yesterday.' Iida thought. Uraraka grabbed his arms through the cells and lifted them up to reveal major scarring and bruises. She then immediately looked to All Might, who hung his head low. 

The teachers decided after this that he was harmless to the students unless they crossed a line he hoped they wouldn't get to. The principal heard the news and ended up giving a room in the boy's dorms to Izuku, in which he shared with Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari. 

As Izuku walked to the dorms with the rest of the boys, he looked into the sky and smiled, as he witnessed an evening sky littered by barely visible stars that seemed to hide behind countless clouds. He then looked back to his old~new friends. "Is it really alright if I stay in the dorms with you guys? You guys aren't afraid of me?" Before he could ask another question he was pulled into a tight hug from Kirishima. The other boys watched, but didn't speak. 

"It's alright, we were never afraid of you to begin with, friend."


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter major stuff is happening, so be ready for that. THX FOR READING :p

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