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Hey my precious reader~chans! I have an important question for 'yall. So just a moment ago it said this story had 0 views, then it returned to the normal amount. Is that a glitch or something bc that never happened before and it returned after i fully exited out. Not after i refreshed the page or anything. Any of you know why?


Kirishima and Sero started to turn around and walk. "W-wait!" Izuku yelled back at them before standing back up. "W-what's wrong this time, Izu?" Sero asked him in confusion. "Thanks you guys... I didn't handle that event very well, did I?" Izuku asked his classmates. He was answered with two toothy, somewhat childish, smiles. "Of course! Also we'll help no matter what even if you get in trouble, you know? No sweatin' it." Kirishima responded. "Besides it was pretty manly."

Izuku laughed at his classmates over excessive use of the manliest word, manly. "You always say that, don't you?" Izuku asked Kirishima. The red headed stone block smiled again and responded with : "Of course, if I didn't it wouldn't be very manly!" "That's not how being manly works, dude..." Sero added.

After the two left, Izuku continued towards the doctor's office. As he walked he thought about how his life had been going ever since he returned to his friends. He remembered about how Iida tried so hard to help Izuku with his memories that he made himself look like a villain. He remembered helping his somewhat weaker classmates win in events like the dodgeball practice. He remembered how Katsuki pretended to have never bullied him in order to help rehabilitate him quicker.

'I have... such a great life now, huh?'


Jazz music played quietly in the background of a dimly lit bar...

A man, hands covering his body, sat down on a stool after entering...

"Welcome back, Tomura."

"Yeah yeah, I'm back Kurogiri... How is that One For All brat doing?"

"He's currently in the UA festival. The street garbage we sent to disrupt him seem to have completed their mission..."

"You mean those kids we paid the other day?"


"How are the Nomus? Are they ready yet? How many?" The man started scratching his face intensely.

"Only a little longer. We have but just a few fully ready."

"Hmmm.... Ready faster than last time I see..."

"Yes sir."

"With those hoodlums we could place a tracker onto that damn hero trash..." The scratching continued.

"I even heard that they succeeded in placing the formula the Doctor made onto him. Good progress in my own words."

"Good. Good." *Scratch Scratch*. "You mean the one that'll make him go crazy? The adrenaline thing?"

"Of course."

"Good... Really good." The scratching got so intense Tomura's face started bleeding. "With those stupid code-names Izuku couldn't have told them our real names, but with information on our Quirks they probably already figured it out... That hero scum All Might already knows..."

"Yes, and with the formula he will start having visions that will put him into fear... We may have lost that little toy last time but we will get him back, for our boss of course..."

"That's right, Kurogiri..."


Izuku grabbed the doorknob of the clinic and opened the door. As he entered, he looked around at the chemicals and medicine on shelves and the walls. The room was empty. Izuku never met Recovery Girl, or at least he doesn't remember from before he returned. He was all alone.

Izuku sat in a white chair in the middle of the room.

He observed the vials and beakers around him.

Memories of the torture from the Doctor resurfaced quickly. Izuku held his body in fear and visibly shook. His eyes shut. He opened them again to find the doctor injecting him with one of the many serums he had for him. "P-please! Please don't!" 

"Bad boy, Izuku... You ran away before we could finish testing you... We'll have to punish you again... Maybe we'll make you shake in pain? Maybe spit up some blood."

"D-don't do anything! Please don't hurt me again! I won't run away! I'll become a villain again if you just don't put that stuff in me again!"

Suddenly Izuku was shaken back awake. He was lying in the middle of the clinic on the floor. Uraraka and Iida stood above him, crouched over on their knees. 

"Izuku, what happened?" Uraraka asked. Izuku didn't want to tell them. He didn't want to tell them he was so scared just seconds before that he even thought he would become a villain again. 

"N-nothing, I just fell asleep." "You were shaking violently. I think you may need to rest." Iida responded with.

"It's alright, I'll just go watch the mid-game show stuff..." "Do you want us to come with you?"

"N-no, it's alright. I..... I just want to be alone for a bit..." Izuku said in response to Uraraka. She held a sad, but extremely worried face.

After closing the door, Izuku made his way back to the stands to watch the show.

"H-he definitely said that, right?" "Yeah. I heard it too." Iida responded. Uraraka let out a few tears as she spoke again.

"H-he said he would become a villain again..."

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now