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A familiar bar sat in the outskirts of the city. Jazz music played quietly and the lights shone dimly. A man, a villain, sat at the bar with a glass of wine in his hand. The bar keeper started pouring another glass for himself. A boy sat on the floor, still shaking over being back in his hell. 

"Izuku, aren't you happy to be back?" The man covered in hands asked the boy quietly, just louder than the music. He didn't look at the boy. The boy didn't look back. "Fuck you, Tori..." A chuckle was finding itself into the air. 

"Hah... of course you don't want to be here again. To bad we have to wipe that mind of yours again..."

Izuku's eyes widened. "W-what do you mean? That wasn't the deal!" "Of course it wasn't, Izuku... We're villains! What did you expect?" Kurogiri said to him before laughing to himself. A man walked into the bar. He pulled him lab coat up before taking a seat. 

"Oi, Kuro. Can I get some of the stuff Tomura has?" The doctor asked. He turned slightly to see the 'experiment' sitting on the floor. "Huh... I see you're finally back."

"Well, after this drink it's back to the table for you..."

The straps were tight. He couldn't even open his palm. The surgery table would never feel comfortable, especially for this procedure. "Let's calm down, Izu..." The man said before dipping a syringe into a bottle and filling it. Izuku moved his head in the direction of the man.

"What's wrong, you damn trash?" The doctor said before sticking the syringe into his arm, but not ejecting the serum."

"Don't.... call me that... You're not allowed... only them..." 

"Whatever, Midoriya."

The syringe poured the chemical into Izuku's veins, matching the speed at which Doki pushed down on it. "One... last question..." "What would that be, boy?"

"What is your real name?" 

"Oh... you know it so well you'd never forget..." As Izuku fell into the agony and pain once again, the chemical swirled around in his arm like dancers on as stage. "Dammit..." Izuku cried out before starting to fall unconscious. 

"S-shit... it's been so long since I've felt this that I'm blacking out..." As Izuku fell into darkness, he saw light. Fire, exiting through the doctor's mouth. The doctor put the syringe on a nearby table and started towards the door. As the doctor walked out of the room, Tomura was waiting outside. 

"Hey, Midoriya." 

"You know I don't like being called that name, Shigaraki."

"Sorry, sorry." He started to scratch his face. Before he started to speak again, he was cut off with a familiar scream of pain from the surgical room. "The boss says he has another quirk to suit your skills as our doctor." 

"Last time it was the chemical quirk from that poor woman he killed, what is it this time?"

"Don't worry, it will help that dragon breath of yours..."

At UA, the entire school, students and teachers alike, have been packed into the auditorium. Class 1-A sat in the front row. Their heads hung low. Grief spread through them. Judging from the scars Izuku had when they found him, they thought about just what could be happening to him now.

A familiar hero walked up to the microphone on the stage. Eraser-head, Aizawa Shouta, grabbed the mic before speaking. His voice seemed stressful and cracked. He was clearly depressed about his student leaving again.

"UA. We are a high school of the elite dreaming of becoming the rich, strong, or wise. We all have made our own place in this school. We all have our own lives. We all are together. We are family. One of our students, Izuku Midoriya, was captured two years ago and tortured until his memories were plucked from his head. He was then dangerously trained to master his quirk for two years. He then was forced to assassinate my class and I. It did not succeed of course. We saved him and brought him back into the school. We saved him. We welcomed him with open arms, and he accepted it. Everyday he went through the pain of trying to appeal to everyone's expectations, even without his memories. We have had enough of it."

Students murmured about what he was saying.

"He has been captured again. Using multiple of our quirks we have tracked him back to the gang of villains' base. We will save him once more, and bring him back to our school." Class 1-A's heads rose to find their homeroom teacher look down at them from the stage.

"Tomorrow we will send a group of students and teachers to rescue him. Be ready if you are picked. The rest of the school will back those students up. This may become a war zone if it doesn't succeed." 

Students started to look to each other in worry and fear. "Do we have any volunteers?" The listless teacher asked. No one answered.

Aizawa huffed before he started to turn around and walk back to the stairs into the crowd. He heard foot steps. He turned his head to find that the entire class of 1-A was now standing.

"You can't all go, you know? Only a few from each class will do."

The class huddled and whispered their plan before most of them sat back down revealing the classes line-up.

The only students still standing were the Racer, the Glacier, the Gravity, and the Bomb.

Aizawa smiled before turning his head and continuing to walk to the other rows, looking for other students that started to also stand.

"That'll do then..."

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now