One For All

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Izuku stood in place, seemingly frozen. Petrified? Who knows... Except Iida, Uraraka, and Shinso Hitoshi. "Not this again..." Uraraka said to Iida. "Is that what I think it is?" Ojiro said as he walks up to them. Many of the classmates have joined the conversation. "If you mean Shinso's brainwashing, then yes." Iida responded. "If I had remembered that Shinso was the vice president, I would have warned him about that damn quirk..." Ojiro said to himself, clearly worried.

"Izuku, raise your hand and forfeit the match to me." Neito spoke in a sadistic manner. "Don't do it, Deku!" Bakugo yelled to him. Izuku, unable to listen, started to raise his hand. "I learned from two years ago that you couldn't break out of that brainwashing unless you had some time, so I won't give you any. Keep raising your hand and forfeit." Neito was clearly enjoying this. His mouth was curved upwards in his classic smile as he put his hands into his gym uniform's pockets. "BOOM!" An explosion erupted into Izuku's hands as his fingers turned a bright orange in power. This time, however, his finger's didn't break. Izuku couldn't wake up. His own quirk, not being able to hurt him anymore, cannot wake him up from the brainwash.

Suddenly, a bigger explosion. Still, not enough. As his hand finally reached a full height, raised up into the air. His mouth opened to say the words of loss. "I for-", Izuku attempted to say before being cut off by an explosion that sent smoke all over the arena. "What happened?" Jirou said as Kaminari covered her body with his. "I don't know..." He replied. As the smoke cleared, the other students were all seen. The explosion wasn't from the crowd. Izuku stood, his hand lowered, and the bones broken. The fingers in his hand were broken almost completely and the bruising reach almost all the way up to his elbow. "What power? How did he do it if his 100% can't hurt him?" Iida asked Aizawa. Aizawa was smiling wildly, excitedly. "He surpassed his own top to use 200% of his power. His broken fingers show that." Izuku's face was blocked out from the ash and the smoke. He moved his head upwards slowly to face a frightened Neito. "I will win this fight, and rejoin my friends."

Izuku started a full run towards Neito. The president tried to dodge, but was caught this time. Izuku grabbed his tie and held his up with a fist forming in his other hand. "Give up, or I'll send you back to your own classroom." Izuku's fist started to power up. "Not necessary." Neito said as he placed his hand onto Izuku's. Suddenly, Izuku flinched. The grip on the tie was loosened as Neito's grip itself seemed to become inhuman. 'He copied my quirk?!'

Izuku stepped back as Neito dropped to the ground. As he got up, he held his hand very tightly. "What is this amazing power? I feel like I could destroy this arena if I wished." Neito's eyes seemed fraud, almost like someone else's. "Neito, if you use my power, you will break your limbs. You should just give up." "You think I'd give up this quirk? I'm going to try it out before this match ends, you know!" Neito yells as he starts to attempt to charge up power in his right hand. As his hand brightens, the blue lines start to show up on his hand. 

'He copied One For All? He'll get hurt if he tries to use it!' "Iida, we should stop the fight. I fear that One For All is too much for Neito." Todoroki said to Iida. Iida responded with a "Yeah." and ran to Aizawa. "Aizawa-sensei, we should stop this fight, before Neito breaks anything. One For All is going to be too much for him." Iida says to his sleep-deprived teacher. Aizawa looked at Iida, to the fight, and back to him before responding with reassuring words. "You're right. Alright you two, the fight's ove-" He was cut off as Neito tried to step forward towards Izuku, the power still flowing through his hand. Before he could step again, he coughed and a considerable amount of blood spilled out. Neito, finally understanding the power he just attempted to use, raised his hand as quickly as possible. His face held total fear. If Neito trains everyday, but cannot even activate the quirk without hurting himself, what training did Izuku do to get to the level of not gaining pain as he used 100%. "I forfeit, please take me to recovery girl." Neito said as he started limping, but Kendo grabbed his shoulder and supported him. Before he left the cement stage, he looked to Izuku. 

"You win this time, you damn villain. You better not lose until I beat you next time we fight." Neito smiles genuinely and continues to walk. Izuku looked to the fellow hero, and smiled back.

No one noticed, but Bakugo sprouted a wicked grin on his face.

Even if the fight would start, Bakugo knew it would last seconds. Even if Izuku didn't move.

'I knew you would be powerful, but not this powerful, Deku.'

After the fight, the teacher led Izuku to the recovery girl as well to heal his broken hand. Before going to the dorms with the other guys for the night, he also picked up some registration papers he needed to sign in order to rejoin the class. "You ready for tomorrow?" Sero asked him, waking him up from his daydreaming. "Y-yeah. I may not be able to rejoin the class until the day after tomorrow, though." Kirishima looked up from walking. "Why's that, dude?"

"Well, I need a parent signature on this paper, so I need to go meet my mom."

I really liked writing this chapter, can't wait to write the next! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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