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Izuku POV

"We are here to ask a few questions of you, Izuku Midoriya. Will you give us some time?", a half-startled half-confident class president asked. His legs were already lit up with dim flames leaving the metal pipes, as he was ready for the All For One to go berserk in the school.

"What is your motive for entering our school, Yuei high school, or much more known as UA?"

"No reason."

"What is your reason for an attempt to assassinate two teachers in our school, as well as our class?"

"How'd you figure my plan out?"

"You stated, 'All my targets are in one place!' during our fight, so I deduced you were attempting that, guess I was right."

"Alright, I understand my blunder. But I won't tell you my reasons."

"Kaminari, you're up."

Jirou started to talk to Iida. "I didn't think we would get to this, we should rethink it." Kirishima agreed, "Yeah! We can't just do that when he doesn't answer!" "Silence!" Iida responded. "We have to get to the bottom of this or we cannot fix it. Kaminari, go ahead."

The boy known as Kaminari flinched, but slowly walked up to the large cell I sat in and put his hands on the bars. "Sorry 'bout this, Izuku...", he said with a sad face as volts of electricity spread through the cell. The power went through me as I felt my hair rise and my bones shake. "AUUGH!" A short, though painful yell escaped my mouth. "That's enough!" Uraraka said, tears building up in her eyes as she watched. 


Shock spread through the room, and not the electricity. A class of friends watched as pain spread through their old ex-classmate's face. "That's enough!" Uraraka cried out, grabbing Kaminari and pulling him back. The barely conscious Izuku stared at the concrete floor. "Izuku?" Iida questioned. Slowly the villain's head rose back up to glare into the eyes of the boy. Iida backed up a step out of fear, but stopped and re-positioned himself in front of the cell. 

"Will you tell us now? What was your motive in attempting to attack our class?"

"I......won't tell someone like you......"

"Understandable. Kaminari, again."

"Bu-" "Kaminari! Do you not understand what position you are in? This is a villain! Get your head up and do it!" The class president started to look like a devil to his fellow classmates. "Izuku......I'm sorry," Kaminari whispered as he shocked the cell again, with more power this time. "It.........won'" Izuku protested as the electricity flowed through his body. He clearly was in pain, but he could stand it after all this time.



Izuku's words started to sound like death themselves, as he clearly was exhausted and in intense pain. "Again, Kaminari." "I can't....Not Again! I can't hurt him again!" Kaminari was almost full on crying. The others in the class looked upon him in pity, but mixed with somewhat sympathy. The whole class had to watch, but he had to hurt his old friend just for some words. "KAMINARI!" "FINE I'LL DO IT!", he screamed through tears. Again, he placed his hands on the bars. In the past two years, Kaminari had surpassed the limit of electricity he could emit with intense training and mind training. "6.8 MILLION VOLTS!", he shouted as he smashed his arms against the bars, for that amount of electricity to shoot through the entire cell, round around the walls, and flow into Izuku. "AAAAAAAAUAUAUAAUUUGH!!!!", Izuku screamed in complete utter pain. He sounded like someone being tortured, which he was. After finishing, Kaminari fell to the ground, only having .2 million volts until his mind would short circuit. "It's.....enough..." he said while wiping sweat from his brow. Iida thanked him and continued with Izuku.

"Will you talk?" He gave his old friend a few minutes to be able to answer, more or less move. Instead of speaking, Izuku spat a considerable amount of blood onto Iida's shirt, which leaked down all over Iida's pants and shoes, but Iida didn't care. "If you won't answer, we'll get worse." Only a few of the classmates hadn't been reduced to bawling, those few watching with confident, strong eyes, waiting for the answer Iida was working for. "Why are you doing this, Iida?" Jirou asked. Instead of answering that question, Iida looked at her and said, "Attach those jacks to his ears. Bursting your sound there will do more damage than Kaminari's shock. "W-what are you talking about Iida? That would destroy his eardrums, more or less permanently injure his brain. Why do you want to hurt him so much?" "Just do it!" "NO!" Tokoyami and Todoroki intercepted the fight and stood between them. Tokoyami opened his mouth to start his sentence. "Just do it, we need to get to the bottom of this..." Todoroki followed. "It pains me that we have to do this, but please Jirou, just get it over with." Jirou stared at him for a minute, before wiping her tears onto her arm and walking up to Izuku. It really didn't help, for she began crying again almost immediately. As she reach through the bars and placed one jack into his ear, Izuku spoke quietly, but enough for the class here.

"Why are you crying for me, girl?" Izuku sounded like he was on the verge of death. Jirou looked at him straight in the eye to find his eyes dead, but a clear face of pain and sadness lay in front of her. As soon as she saw it, she cried even harder as she placed the second jack into his left ear. "Full power, Jirou," Iida said softly, showing signs that even he was about to cry. "Alright..." Jirou quietly stated. As soon as her quirk started, a high pitch noise was heard from Izuku's ears, followed by quick thumps, or Jirou's heartbeats. The sound was so loud, even the class could here it loudly in the room, but in Izuku's ears, all that was heard was complete and utter pain. His entire body shook violently like he was having a seizure while he screamed loudly enough to be able to hear it over the high pitch noise. His head recoiled straight up and stood up as long as the noise played along with his mouth opened so wide some blood from earlier started to drip down his chin and fell to the floor he sat in. After several minutes, the sound still continued, but his eyes rolled back into his head and his voice ran out, so a terribly painful screech followed it, telling the girl that it was about time she turned off the quirk. As soon as the sound stopped, Izuku's head hung down, with veins popping out of neck clear enough to see. Jirou removed the jacks out of his ears while crying and whispering 'sorry...sorry....sorry' over and over again before huddling back to the door to sit and bawl with Kaminari while some of the class tried to comfort them over their own tears. Iida raised his head while wiping tears off his face to ask once more...

"W-what is your motive for attempting to attack us and our teachers." He cried out. 

Izuku raised his head, painfully slow, and responded with his broken voice. "I-I'm sorry.......I.....I can't answer you...."

The class looked to Iida after the response, wondering who would have to hurt him next. Instead, Iida asked him a slightly different question, but with greater meaning.

"Do you really not know who we are?" 

Is alright, reader~chan, next chapter will be more happy and less messy than this one, but I needed a chapter to put emotion into his having no memories, so you, know, hope you're enjoying this series right now!

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