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As Izuku walked back to the box, yet again, he felt eyes piercing his back. He had just gotten out of the massive manly hug from Kirishima and he started walking away before he realized the other students had not started to follow. "What's wrong, guys?" Izuku asked them with a confused face. 

"Is there anything you want to tell us, Izu?" Denki asked while holding a serious face to match the rest of his class. "We thought something may have happened." Tokoyami said. 

"W-why would you think that?" Izuku asked.  Iida stepped forward. "Uraraka and I heard you say you would become a villain again." Iida held an angry face. Izuku's face changed from a confused one to a serious one as well. "H-hey Izu, just tell us it's not right, it's not right of course?" Kirishima said before walking towards Izuku slowly. "Come on dude, you really didn't mean it, right?" He continued. "Just tell us, no, me?" He was answered with a saddened face. The spiky haired boy stopped in his tracks. His face held complete fear and sadness, as well as a few of the other students from the class. 

"N-no way..."

"I'm sorry, Kirishima..."

Izuku started to turn around. Of course, this meant he was leaving.

"I-Izuku!" Uraraka yelled as she ran forward. She grabbed his uniform. "W-what is it, Uraraka?" Izuku asked with a quiet, caring voice. "D-did you at least have fun? With the class?" She had a tearful, worried face to match her classmates. Izuku realized what he had to do, if he didn't he wouldn't be able to leave. Katsuki walked down the hall to find the other students.

'Please don't hate me for this, everyone...'

"I'm sorry, I did not have any fun the entire time. I was miserable. I wanted to just run away, but I didn't because I pitied you all to much."

Izuku continued to walk.

Katsuki found his classmates bawling in the halls. "What happened, someone beat you all up or some shit?" Katsuki asked them, confused. A slap was met with his face. Uraraka sat back down, and continued bawling. "W-what happened? Why?" "Izuku... Izuku's going back to the villains..." She continued to cry.

Katsuki felt himself freeze. After thinking, he filled with rage. "So, you guys pity him?" The girls glared and the boys gave confused stares. "What do you mean, Bakugo?" Todoroki said as he started to tear up. "Well, you all just let him fucking leave, of course he thinks the villains want him more... You damn idiots!" The bomb yelled as he started to run down the halls.

The class 1-A sat in the hallway, new found ideas sprouted in their heads.

'It really was our faults...'

'It's the same as last time, isn't it...'

'No! We can't be sad now, we need to get him back!'

'Get Izuku back!' 

The class gave each other reassuring looks before getting up and starting to run down the halls, towards the entrance of the arena.

When Katsuki arrived, he spotted the boy he had been looking for. "I-Izuku!" Katsuki yelled to the villain. Izuku looked back at him with a sad face. "What the hell, Deku! You're just going to leave us without saying goodbye to me?" He continued. "Kacchan... You're the one I didn't want to see..." "W-why, because you pity me?" He asked. 

"No... It's because you're the only one that could stop me from going... My motivation to get stronger, the only one that understood what it was like to be put down just like me..."

"What do you mean, put down?"

"I... I regained my memories, Kacchan... I know that you pitied yourself everyday for letting me get stronger. I know you wanted to be the best, but I somehow kept pulling ahead."

Katsuki's face was blank. "H-how did you get your memories back?"

"He gave them back... The man who took them gave them back." A dark portal opened up behind Izuku. "I- I'm sorry, Kacchan, but I have to leave." 

"W-wait Deku!" Kacchan ran towards the portal. "Izuku!" He continued as Izuku walked through and it closed before his very eyes.

"Izuku's... really gone?" Katsuki asked before collapsing onto the ground. He didn't cry, he just sat on his knees with his head in the dirt. His classmates came out the entrance behind him. They were looking around frantically.

"Katsuki, where's Izuku?" A few students asked.

"He's... gone..."

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now