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"Do you really not know who we are?", Iida asked with an almost pale face. His voice almost stuttered, but he kept his composure.

Izuku, barely conscious, answers his question. "I-I'm sorry, but I do not." Iida flinched and stepped a foot back. It was clear that he was holding back tears. The only ones not crying in the room were Tokoyami, Bakugo, Todoroki, and himself. Even Shoji had tears clearly building up in his eyes. The next statement sent everyone into shock, sad shock. "Did......did I know you people before?" Many of the third year students eyes widened as they all stared at Izuku's sad limped body, strapped down in the cell. 

"Yes," Iida responded with tears now coming down his face. "You were our friend and classmate, until you disappeared. We thought you were dead..." Iida backed to the other classmates, where he broke down and starting bawling himself. Izuku, however, was wide-eyed and his mouth parted in shock. In his mind, he thought about times in the past where things would hint towards his enrollment in this school.

Tori and Kiri explained to me what had happened in my past very clearly, almost strangely.  

"That boy has been dead for two years. You are not fooling anyone here!" 

"Do you really not know who we are?"

"You were our friend and classmate"

"You were our friend"

'Friend huh.....then why?' Izuku was clearly deep in thought, even in the state he was in. He looked back up to the class president, who had just wiped his eyes on his sleeve. "If you are all my friends, why would that teacher, All Might, attack me like he did? That's not something you can avoid. I will not be tri-" "He would never do that! All Might cared about you more than anyone! He would never hurt you!" Uraraka interrupted him by crying out loudly to the amnesiac. 'What? This is different than what Kiri told me...' "Then why was I attacked by him and Eraser-Head, before losing my memory?" 

"What brought you to thinking that?"

"I was told by my savior. You cannot fool me, not even with fake tears."

The last comment shook her. Most of the students shot a glare at Izuku.

"My tears are not fake...", Uraraka whimpered out. Izuku felt a blush reach up his face slowly for some reason, watching the brown haired girl's pouting face. "They did something to you, Deku... They hurt you didn't they?" Uraraka had her hands on the bars, she was almost inches away from Izuku's face. He blushed a little more, and she noticed. "D-Deku? Who's Deku?" Uraraka widened her eyes at the statement.

She had an idea.

"Iida, run to the principals office, and get the files on the missing hero : Deku. The principal won't mind if you did. Now!" She commanded as Iida waved and ran out the door with a "Yes!" "Round face, what are you do-" "Izuku, I have proof of your enrollment in this school as well as your friendship." She looked to Bakugo, who had started to walk up to the gravity controller. "Bakugo, I know you kept them, so go get them!" "Get what? What are you even talking abou-.....OH!" Bakugo, who had matured slightly over the years, plastered his signature smile on his face and started to boost run towards the dorms. Izuku's face watched the two run out the door before looking back up to Uraraka. "We can save you! We can help you, Deku!" "Huh? What are you even talking about?"

"Try to remember! Who gave you your One For All?" "All Might." "Izuku was influenced slightly by her confidence as she spoke, it's as if the rooms darkness revived into the light again. (NO OFFENCE TOKOYAMI I LUV U SHADOWBIRB) "Why do you think he gave that to you?" "He wanted to use me until I destroyed myself." Uraraka hesitated, but kept with the barrage of questions, and answers. Izuku, now curious, continued to respond. He ignored the pain still surging through him. "No. All Might gave you his powers as a successor. He did not attack you that day. That's obvious because he was still managing the festival." 'Festival......I think I can remember something like that......

The lights flashed down as the crowd boomed. Class 1-A had taken the first steps onto the field.

Izuku remembered. 'Wh-what is this? I never remembered something like this...' Though he remembered the festival, he only remembered that. Even though minimal, it was enough to tell him that maybe Uraraka was correct. Thinking about it, why would All Might give his power to someone just to have them destroy himself? The two boys returned to the room. First, Bakugo walked up to his childhood friend. He lifted up what he had saved two years ago out of guilt and grief. He showed Izuku thirteen notebooks labeled with his own name. Izuku watched in wonder as Bakugo opened up the pages to show hundreds of heroes names, drawings, and their quirks. He could have misunderstood as a book to tell him how to kill a hero, but somewhat Izuku realized that he had not made them for that reason. "What is this?" Izuku gasped. Bakugo spoke, "You wrote this, nerd. You gotta remember. This one here." He lifted the No. 13 book to Izuku's face. "I'm the reason this one is burned." Izuku had a gaping mouth. He was surprised beyond belief. Tears started forming on the corners of his eyes as he started to remember something...

Tears formed on Izuku's eyes as Kacchan blew up his 13th notebook using the quirk he owned.

"W-what is this memory?" Izuku asked with completely opened eyes. Uraraka started to tear up again. "It's working...." The other girls huddled around her as Bakugo backed up and Iida showed Izuku something that would confirm the accusations about being a student. "Sorry everyone, I couldn't find the file, but I think this will be fine." He lifted up a single paper to show Izuku. One piece of paper, Izuku's writing right in the middle of the page. It read ~


After repeating what was on the page, Izuku looked back up to Iida with tears in his eyes. Sero unlocked the cell, and also took of Izuku's braces. Instead of fighting, escaping, trying to hurt the people his 'father' claimed as the enemy, Izuku walked out of the cell and fell down on his knees, still in pain. He wasn't on the ground due to pain, however. He was crying so much that he had no more energy to stand. "I-I'm sorry, eveyrone! I'm sorry...." He cried as everyone went to hug him and comfort him. Everyone in the room, other than Bakugo, Todoroki, and Tokoyami were crying, but even tears started to form at their eyes. "I'm so sorry..." Izuku repeated.

Uraraka hugged him tightly while whispering lightly, 

"We have our friend back."

whew, 1100 words i suppose, that was a tough chapter, hope you guys enjoy!

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