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Pieces of trash flew from the crowd to meet the half-winner of the free for all battle. Izuku was drenched in soda from the waist up and a few scraps of food were stuck onto his gym uniform. Next to him, Katsuki watched in horror. His eyes seemed to get wider and wider as he watched Izuku be publicly humiliated. He finally snapped back from his thoughts after seeing Izuku's depressed and seemingly dead eyes. 'Shit! I knew this would happen and now that it is I can't seem to help him move! He must be so broken about this.' After watching in awe for another minute he finally started to help the limping boy walk towards the exit. A metal can hit Izuku on the forehead and he winced. Katsuki wanted to help him, but all he could do was help him walk. A thought dawned onto the ash-blonde boy.

'I was thinking that the hood was to protect him from them but was it really just a way for the crowd to find out after some suspense, wasn't it. It really was the old me just trying to hurt him again, wasn't it? I ca-' He was snapped out of his thoughts when he realized the trash had stopped flying in their direction. A shadow loomed over the two boys. Katsuki looked up to the man with widened eyes holding an expression of clear salvation.

All Might himself stood above the boys with his back turned. A smile was missing from his face. Suddenly he spoke, and his voice spread through the crowd like a volcano.

"Are you all really heroes?! Is this the respect you give not only the boy who won the match allow with his dear friend and gave you all the show you wanted, but the boy who was kidnapped and tortured with chemicals and brutal beatings for two years!? This is the most humiliating thing that has ever happened on these school grounds! If there is any more problems, the teachers here and I myself will escort you out of the area completely! Did I make myself clear?!"

The crowd seemed shocked, the silence started to become scary. Suddenly nodding faces spread through the crowd. The members of the audience started to quietly chat with their faces either wielding complete shame, or complete confusion. Slowly the faces in the crowd turned to the boy.

"Was he really tortured for two years? With brutal beatings?!"

"I heard chemicals too! I never knew that!"

"Maybe we had the wrong idea..."

"We shouldn't have thrown anything I guess..."

Katsuki was still in shock before he felt a tug at his arm. Izuku had pulled out of his grasp and was running towards the exit. "I-Izuku!" He yelled as he started to chase him. As he ran he looked to the ground to find tear drops lying on some of the grass petals.       'Izuku?'

As he continued the chase, he found that they were now running in the hallways of the arena. No one else was in the halls, just the two. "Izuku you need to  wait up!" Katsuki yelled somewhat angered as he grabbed Izuku's arm aggressively and pinned him to the wall. "Why are you running like that! They realized their mistakes!" Katsuki started yelling at the boy.

When he stopped yelling, he looked down at Izuku's face. He had tears below his eyes and he was glaring with a clear expression that told Katsuki that Izuku was not sad, but angry. "Izuku, what's wrong?" He asked quietly.

"You told me they would accept me happily!" Izuku started to yell. "You told me everyone would accept me without any fear or anger or anything! But that's a complete lie, man!" Katsuki's eyes widened as he realized his thoughts from earlier were correct. 

He had hurt Izuku and he knew it.

"It was just them. No one else hates yo-" "You're wrong!" Katsuki's eyes widened again as Izuku interrupted him. "Kirishima told me that the girls were scared of me, the crowd threw trash at me, and most of all... the biggest lie is you!" Katsuki didn't understand what the other boy, his childhood friend, meant. "What do you mean by that?" He asked with an angry voice as he grabbed Izuku's collar. 

"You don't have to lie anymore, Katsuki! I didn't tell you, but Iida and Uraraka warned we about you. They said that you bullied me back in first year and since we were kids! Why are you so close to me after that unless you're just making fun of me! You probably laugh your ass off every night as you think about how clueless I am, don't you!?" Izuku accused Katsuki while looking him straight in the eyes. Katsuki's face was a mix of surprise and confusion. "W-what do you mean, laughing my ass off... Do you really take me for that kind of shit person, Izuku?!" Katsuki yelled as he accidentally pushed Izuku back into the wall harder than he should have. With the injuries he had, Izuku than winced and held his shoulder wound. Then he coughed a few times before wiping some blood from his forehead onto his uniform sleeve. "Sorry Izuku! I didn't mean to hit you that hard..."

Katsuki swore he heard Izuku start giggling a little before he spoke again. "Heh.... you're holding back from laughing your ass off at me right now, aren't you Katsuki... just laugh, I don't even care anymore..."

Katsuki looked to the floor to find a few tears land below Izuku.

"Izuku..... I never laughed at you once... and for the reason I'm always around you? I care about you not getting hurt like last time... I can't let you die again... so don't be mad..." Katsuki said before pulling Izuku into a hug. "Stop lying Katsuki, I can tell." "I'm not lying at all." Izuku's eyes widened at the genuine response.

"F-fine then..." "Yeah, you shit nerd."

Yeah I updated again my worthy subjects! JK IM JUST A LONELY PIECE OF SHIT! anyways my precious reader~chans i hope you all are breathing heavily and screaming in public from that katsudeku fluffy stuffy! if you all really want comment if you'd rather have this become a katsudeku story or just keep it as a normal villain story! i really like katsudeku so i dont mind my mates! anyways hope you enjoyed! one last thing is bc I'm in school again i might not post everyday like i did over summer, but I will still post every like other day or so... please bear with me! HOPE YOU ENJOYED AND PLEASE COMMENT YOUR CHOICE OF KATSUDEKU OR JUST PLAIN REGULAR!!!!

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