Overwhelming Power

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Kiri gave Izuku a suit with a vest over and a tie to top it off. The vest had been coated in a light chemical that resisted heat, that would deny the suit from burning up in the heat of battle. As Izuku left the building on the outskirts of the city, he breathed in, and breathed out. "Lets go...", he said quietly to himself as crouched and the power of All For One coated his legs. He didn't hesitate, and there was no pain. The complete control over his ability was successful, but he already knew that. He could fight without breaking bones. That wouldn't deny the fact he already was covered in scars from both the punishments and from the training in general. He flew across town in less that seconds. As Izuku started to land, he stepped foot on a roof of a tall building. He then continued to leap again. 

After a few minutes, he landed with a small, elegant almost, crater in front on the school of his enemies, UA. He walked straight into the school, right from the front gate. For some reason, the alarms didn't go off?  (lol you guys know, but he doesn't so ples don't tell him) As he walked through the front courtyard of the school, he spotted the door, in which he walked through. The school, if seen from above, was like a square surrounding a huge courtyard in the middle that was about one hundred meters by one hundred meters. Izuku continued to walk until interrupted right when he neared the middle of the stone court. It seems the heroes had detected him soon after entering and suddenly surrounded him. His hair had lengthened, however, almost covering his face. "Who are you? How did you get in?", a more adult like voice stated firmly to Izuku. Eraser-Face stood right in front of him, just six meters apart. The class of 1-A surrounded Izuku quickly and slowly started to move in towards him. Izuku turned around and eyed them through his black hair and slightly green hair. All Might was nowhere to be seen. He must have not accompanied them. The twisted grin reappeared on his face. Izuku moved into a more battle-ready position. "A villain? Stand ready, students." The students, as if always ready, moved into a battle position themselves. The teacher threw himself at Izuku while throwing out his scarf, which started to wrap itself around the found villain. As Aizawa swung his leg towards Izuku's face, Izuku dodged and grabbed the cloth. His arms lit up as he ripped apart the invincible line of light tan cloth. Suddenly everyone sprung into battle. "What power?!" Aizawa exclaimed as he attempted to put his goggles on, but a fist smashed into his face sending him thirty feet back, knocking him unconscious. "Bastard!", an angered voice shouted as an explosive fist was dodged and Izuku threw Bakugo over his shoulder and kicked his body with powered up leg, throwing him a few feet, but not knocking him out. "Who are you? What do you want here with our school?", a black haired engine said as he spun around Izuku. Suddenly Izuku grabbed him out of air, even if he was moving over one hundred miles per hour. He pulled the surprised Iida up to his face and pushed his hair up over his face to reveal the crazed smile. "Wha-!?" he exclaimed as he spotted his face. Izuku attempted to throw him, but Iida rebounded and sped to the ground next to his classmates. He whispered something in the brown haired girls ear. The girl then shot a scary, but frightened glare at Izuku. "Who are you, why have you taken that form? That boy has been dead for two years. You are not fooling anyone here!" She shouted in rage at Izuku. Izuku responded in the only way he thought he could. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, and I am here to exact revenge over the heroes who brought me pain!", he shouted loudly enough for the class of heroes to here. All the faces in the court were in shock. Everyone seemed to hold back tears. Anger or sadness? Izuku didn't know.

Every time someone got up, another student was knocked back to the ground. No one has died yet, but everyone was highly injured. Izuku was playing with them. "How do you bugs feel now, now that I have mastered the power you all tried to use to hurt me before?" Even Bakugo and Todoroki couldn't hold back the rage and insanity that the All For One holder held. "That's really him," Todoroki said to his classmates as he got back up. "No! It can't be him. There's no way he would be like this if he came back! He was so kind before! It's an impostor." "There's no way someone else could handle using One For All unless given the power from All Might, and last time I checked, he was the one given it." Todoroki responded to Uraraka's claim strongly. "The villains must have done something to him. We have to survive this however, so everyone, use full force, don't hold back, even if he is the real thing!" Before he could get ready for another attack, a man smashed down from the sky with a grin missing from his face. His face was in full rage. His student turned into a weapon after a faked death was something he didn't like. 

"Young heroes, stand back.", he said to them calmly. "That's really him, All Might! That's Izuku!", Mineta said to him, half in tears. "I know. I will take care of this. It will be alright." Izuku glared at the man in gold colors as he walked towards him. "All Might. Now all of my targets are here, right in this one place conveniently for me to kill!" An insane laugh came out of the ex-classmate's mouth as he stared at the stars outside. Before he could react, All Might was in front of him, and he was sent flying into the building with a strong punch. "All Mi-", Ojiro was cut off with a hand to stay back from All Might himself. Izuku stood up from the rubble, his suit scratched barely. He laughed quietly as he then lunged himself with the same speed and started locking fists with him. They fought for an hour until All Might knew the inevitable. Izuku had surpassed him long ago. He had to end this fight before the time limit ran out on his power, which had been extended to an hour and twenty minutes due to training. He planted one foot on the ground, and shouted the words of death themselves, "PLUS........ULTRAAAA!!!!" Izuku hesitated when he saw the super charged fist of his nemesis and was hit straight in the stomach. "Izuku!" Some of the class yelled as the punch connected. Then something impossible happened. Izuku didn't fly off miles into the sky. He just staggered back a few steps and held his chest in pain. "Is THAT all the power the great All Might wields? I'm disappointed... How about I give a try?" Izuku then copied the pro hero, planting his foot into the ground and swinging hard into the man's chest. The man spit blood out through his mouth as he was sent flying back into the building behind him, through it, and out to the entrance courtyard. "Teacher!" Iida ran to the entrance to see to the wounded man. "Whew.....that was a good punch....," Izuku said while holding his fist, which wasn't broken, but slightly stung due to the strongest punch he's thrown yet. He then staggered slightly backwards, and fell onto his back on the ground out of exhaustion. Tokoyami quickly held him down with his shadow as Todoroki froze his limbs to prevent movement. "What the hell is this?," Tokoyami asked his classmate, whose flames just died down. "I don't know, but our class is going to change after today, so be ready for that." The 1-A class took Izuku to the Recovery girl along with All Might. Before Izuku could wake back up, he was placed in a cell made to suppress quirks. 

"W-where am I now?" Izuku glanced around the room after he woke up. Suddenly the metal door to the jail opened and his classmates piled in. "We are here to question you, Izuku Midoriya."

Nice chapter if I could say so myself, but I'm not good with writing combat scenes, so bear with me ples readers :p

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