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The boy the students had been looking for was standing right in front of them. He had on a white shirt and black jeans that seemed to have been worn out over time.  His face wore a confused stare as he looked down at the other boy who had ran into him. 

"W-what do you want?" Katsuki's eyes matched the other students in surprise once again as the group also started to give Izuku a confused look.

"We came to save you?" Uraraka said in a worried manner. "We wanted to bring you home."

"Why? Why would I leave here?" Izuku continued with his questioning of the other teens in front of him. The students faces changed into a grim look. "What are you saying, you don't want to leave here?" Iida asked. 

"Of course, why would I leave from my home here to go with some random people I've never met?" 

Izuku's face still held the same confused eyes as when Katsuki ran into him. The widened eyes of the other people didn't help. 

Katsuki got up from the ground and walked towards Izuku. "W-what?" He suddenly grabbed his shoulders firmly. "What do you mean you don't know us! We came here to save you from the villains! The bad guys! Don't you even know what they did to you!?" Katsuki pinned Izuku to the wall by his shirt before Iida walked up to him and planted his arm on his shoulder. 

"Don't you think that's a little too much?! He's probably had a hard time since he got here!"

"No! Shut up Tenya! He doesn't even understand that he's in the place he felt so much pain from! They even took his memories!" The room grew quiet. Katsuki's angered face changed to a much more understanding, but worried face. 

"They did it again, didn't they..."

"W-what do you mean Katsuki?" Todoroki asked with a surprised expression matching the other students. "There's no way they did it aga-" "I'm sorry, but I have no clue what you people are talking about. If you just leave quietly, I won't call the guards in this direction." 

"Y-you really don't remember us then?" Uraraka asked. "Like I said, I have no damn ideas what you all are trying to say. I'm calling the guards if you don't leave." 

The group stood quietly for a minute before Katsuki whispered to Itsuka a small plan. She nodded quickly.

"Hurry up, leave now before I seriously ca-" He was cut off by a large hand wrapping around him tightly. "W-what the hell?" Suddenly the two culprits were running down the hall as fast as they could.

"Itsuka! Katsuki! What are you doing?!" Iida yelled to the two. "Follow us, we need to find an empty room or something!" At that note the rest of them followed. "You all!" Aizawa called out. "What is it sir?" Iida answered quickly. "Go on ahead! I'm going to see that the two in the front don't get taken down by that army of guards!" The students nodded as their teacher left and ran back towards the entrance.

"It's on us now guys, we can't fail this!" Katsuki yelled back to the other four students. "Yeah!" They responded enthusiastically. "There!" Uraraka yelled as she spotted a door in the distance.

As they entered the room, Shoto froze the knob on the door. "It's alright, I can unfreeze it when we're done." 

After entering, they realized they were in a sort of torture chamber. "W-what is this place?" Itsuka asked. "It's probably for the poor souls that can't follow orders..." Shoto answered quietly. "Well it'll work for now." Katsuki added. He walked to the end of the room and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. "These probably hold down quirks using the chemical-guy's stuff. Izuku said before that one of them could make those sorts of things..." After handcuffing Izuku, the grip on him was released. He gasped air quickly.

"How... long.... were you.... going to squeeze me like that....?" He looked up to the orange haired girl, who looked away and chuckled to herself. 

"Izuku, we have some stuff we want to talk about, is that okay?" Katsuki asked.

"Are you going to pin me to a wall again?" Izuku said with his eyes closed. "N-no." He opened them. "I guess I have a few minutes. You all seemed surprised when you saw me, so you all probably know something that I might want to know."

"Who are you?"

Any other question would've been fine. That question made Izuku think. "I am Izuku Midoriya."

"We know that, we are asking who do you think you are, not just your name."

"I-I am a villain that has been working for the villain league for my whole life, my family died when I was younger, the boss here has taken care of me ever since. He may give me a few scars but I still love him as a father." The other students eyes widened in a mix of worry and anger at the very specifically made lie that had him tricked."

"T-that's a lie!" A shout echoed through the dark room. Uraraka ran up to the boy and fell onto her knees. She held the boy's hands. "You were a student in our class. You worked very hard and everyone loved you. You weren't hurt or lied to by anyone! You were.." She paused. "Our friend..." 

Izuku's eyes widened. "Why would I believe a lie like tha-" He stopped after he heard the girl start crying onto his hands, which she had placed her head in. "W-why would you cry for me, girl?"

"Last time you were lied to like this you said the same things to us... How could you never change but change so much....?" 

His eyes widened once again as he looked up to see the other students with tears in their eyes.

"C-come back to us, Izuku. We will help you get your memories back again. It won't take long." Katsuki pleaded.

"I-I'm sorry, I can't do something like that... Not now... Even if that was the truth, which I don't believe..." The other students looked down at the boy, who had charged up his quirk and broken through the cuffs, but still held the girl's head in his hands. The other students looked confused. "This cell isn't for torturing normal people by the way..." 

Katsuki's ears thought they were playing games with him. 

"This chamber is for those filthy quirkless people..."

The bomb couldn't believe his ears, nor control his body as he lunged forward and wrapped his hands onto Izuku's collar and pinned him to the wall once again.

"You don't even remember that you were quirkless before that damn hero came to meet you?! You are being played by these villains, Izuku! Snap out of this shit!" He screamed at the other boy. 

Suddenly, his grip loosened as he backed up. He quietly spoke with a guilty, but soft voice. 

"S-sorry. I told you I wouldn't do that."

"It's alright. You all should leave this place now. Before I call the guards that is." 

"I-Izuku..." Katsuki said quietly.

He looked up to meet an angry face with grim eyes. "I said leave before I call the guards."

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now