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As the group of students ran along the building tops, they made sure the citizens on the streets below did not detect them. The operation was a secret, after all. "*Pant*.... *Pant* Why... do we.... have to run on the roofs...?" Uraraka asked as they leapt across yet another building. Aizawa landed next to her before speaking up. "Yes, of course we do. If the people knew we sneaking into the League of Villains' base, people would cheer and parade through the town and make an uproar. We have to do this quietly.

As they landed on another building, Aizawa stopped at the ledge and put his hand up.

"Are we stopping?" 

"We're here."

The students gasped as they approached the edge of the roof. They looked to the ground until they saw it. A bar, the sign flickering it's title on and off in the darkness of the ally it was in. 

"T-there?" Katsuki asked. 

"Yes. It seems the villains used this bar as a vantage point, it is very close to the school in terms of distance." Iida added quietly.

Aizawa looked back to the group of students. "You all, remember to be quiet and stay out of site. Shinso you will stay with Neito in the front. You two will be able to handle any goons that follow us through the entrance easily." Hitoshi nodded while Neito started to whine about only fighting smaller troops. "The rest of you, on me."

Aizawa and his students dropped to the ground below. The wet road felt slick, but somewhat rough under the heroes' feet. 

"Itsuka, Todoroki, the guards." Aizawa commanded. The girl slammed a guard with a bandanna covering his mouth into the wall while the boy froze the other. As the two started to walk back, a clicking noise was heard behind them. "Don't move, heroes." The group looked back behind the two to find a third guard with a gun pointed at Itsuka. "Put the gun down before you get hurt." Iida said to the man. "N-no, you guys go home, or I'm calling the boss. Get outta here!" Before he could keep yelling, a foot placed itself onto the back of his head. 

"Wha-?" The bandit yelled before the kick knocked his head into the ground and rendered him unconscious. Iida stood over him. The green flames on his legs died out. "Thanks, Iida." Todoroki said to the other boy as the group started to move again. Aizawa walked in the back of the group with surprise littering his face.

'They've really grown up, huh..."

As the group split up and Hitoshi and Neito stayed at the front, the remaining students entered the bar.

The smell of alcohol lightly scented the bar and the dim lights gave off a warm feeling. No one was in the bar, but a glass of wine sat on the table. "Ice is in the cup, whoever was here was here just a moment ago." Iida stated. "There may be a hidden room or entrance. The trail ended here."

The group of students searched the bar for clues of Izuku, or another villain. After many minutes of searching, hope seemed to be lost. "We should just leave, there's no secret entrance. Maybe there's another way in at the back of this place."  Katsuki told the class. As they started to leave, a loud noise was heard. 

"What was that?" Itsuka asked. "It sounded like something made of metal hit the ground or something... Uraraka are you okay?" Aizawa asked the girl who had fallen to the ground at the sound. "Y-yeah..." As she started to get up her hand press down into the floor. "H-huh?" She asked as another loud noise suddenly rang through the room. "W-what is that noise?" Katsuki asked before the room suddenly started to vibrate. "I think you opened the secret entrance, Uraraka." Iida told the girl. "Heh heh..." She responded while rubbing the back of her head.

In the back of the bar the wall started to open. "There it is..." Itsuka added. 

After opening, the group entered. As the walked down a dark staircase, they found a door. Iida touched the knob before turning it and pushing open the door. As the group walked in, an alarm immediately rang through the halls.

"What the hell!?" Katsuki shouted to his classmates. "We didn't do anything!" Iida yelled back. "Well someo-" Bakugo was cut off by his teacher. "Maybe the alarm isn't about us.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps was echoing through the halls. "INTRUDER ALERT. TWO BOYS ARE ASSAULTING THE GUARDS AT THE FRONT GATE, I REPEAT, TWO HEROES! APPREHEND THEM!" 

"Neito and Shinsou, huh..." Uraraka said.

"Well we still have to run, the guards will find us if we stay here." Todoroki added. As the sound of the footsteps got louder down the left hallway, the group started to run down the right.

"We gotta get away from the entrance!" Katsuki  shouted to his fellow classmates as they raced down the hall. "There! A light! We can hide in the room around that corner!" Itsuka yelled while pointing to a small amount of light around a few yards away. 

As the approached the corner, they turned sharply and stopped as soon as they saw Katsuki bump into someone and fall back onto the ground. "Katsuki what's wro-" Todoroki stopped as soon as he saw the reason. 

There was no room around the corner, only a lantern.

A lantern held by a certain person. 

A certain person they were looking for.


Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now