Copy Cat

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You guys.... thinking of who will fight Neito took so long, anyways here's a chapter


"So, who will you send out to fight me?" Neito asked the class president. "Think wisely. You all know what my quirk is." Iida looked up to him with confidence. "We don't know yet, but who ever will fight you will defeat you. That's a promise." Neito flinched, but responded with a smile. 


The five class 1-A students exited the room and explained the meeting to the rest of the class. A few of them celebrated with excited faces, while some were conscious of the fight about to take place. "How can we get Izuku back, if we have to fight a mirror gero?" Tsuyu asked Iida, worried. "We need to hold faith, if we win we get out friend back." With that answer, Tsuyu's worries left her without a goodbye. 

"So, who will fight Neito tomorrow. We can ask the teachers to have the fight set up during hero practice. If you don't want to fight, no one will hold it against you." The class whispered among themselves, and a few seemed to still lack confidence. "I have an idea, actually." Bakugo said from the back of the classroom. The class looked to him, curious. "What would that be, Bakugo?" Iida responded.

"Why can't Deku fight for his right back into this class?" Bakugo told him. A few of the classmates shot him glares, but others understood. Jirou looked to him. "Why would we ever let Izuku do that, you know the stuff he's been throu-" "Jirou, this is actually a reasonable idea." Uraraka cut her off. "Izuku knows how to fight, he's not a child. He can fight that sadistic bastard for the right to call us his classmates again. If he loses, sorry, but he's not worth my time." Bakugo said it harshly, but the class started to understand. "Understood, we will have them fight then." Iida stated. The class shuddered. The One For All against itself, an insane idea itself. Bakugo smirked wickedly.

Even if the fight would start, Bakugo knew it would last seconds. Even if Izuku didn't move.

That night, the boys from class 1-A convinced Izuku to fight Neito, which wasn't hard, and told him about Neito's powerful quirk.

The next day, the two classes piled into the arena used for the UA festival. Classes A and B stood next to each other as the student council president walked into the newly larger stone platform used for duels. Class B's eyes widened as they saw the opponent, along with some classes and teachers in the crowd who came to watch. In the crowd contained the boy known as Shinso Hitoshi. A head of black hair and green highlights made its way up onto the stone pavement. His eyes opened to reveal confidence. Neito was stunned for a moment, but moved his mouth into a smirk. "You really are alive, huh, Izuku. I thought that maybe Iida was lying to me, but it seems not." "I am here for a fair fight, so you may copy my quirk if you would like." Izuku responded. "Not necessary, I will be able to obtain in mid-fight. I don't need you to have a handicap." 

Though class A was not stunned, along with Neito, the entire audience was paralyzed from the sight of the boy, who's gym outfit couldn't hide major scars on his arms and legs. "You shouldn't get to comfortable in that outfit, you won't need it soon." Neito said to him. "We'll see about that." Izuku responded, smiling back to the other boy.

Kaminari spoke to Kirishima. "Now that I think about this, wouldn't this endanger the school? Two One For All users in one place?" "Well, it may be dangerous, but we need these results. We need to win this fight." A few of the crowd mumbled to each other about the intensity the two gave off. "The fight hasn't even started yet, and I already feel blood lust from the two!" "What is this aura?

Izuku didn't pay attention to the crowd, and neither did Neito. Standing just a few meters from Izuku is the only person he knew other than All Might who could use One For All. Of course, only for the moment. He didn't believe Neito could use the power, or even activate it. The reason? Neito didn't train to use One For All. 

Just a few meters from each other, the King and the Joker stood face to face. The stare down continued until the referee, Aizawa, blew his whistle. "Start!" 

The Joker lunged himself towards the King, his hand aiming straight for his arm. Izuku dodged easily, and jumped to the other side of the arena quickly using just five percent. Uraraka was surprised, 'How did he use the power without flying up into the air?' "Aizawa-sensei?" "Yes, Uraraka?" Eraser-Head responded. "How is it possible Izuku can jump a short distance with One For All like that instead of jumping way up into the air?" "He probably learned to control the amount of strength he used. By comparing his power to All Might's, I believe he only used about 50% back when we found him infiltrating the school." That comment sent a shiver down her and a few of the other classmates who were also listening. 'Only half his power?' She looked to her old friend. 'How much more did you drift away from us, Izuku?' 

The president stopped himself from the lunge using his feet. He then looked back to Izuku. "Hey Izuku, why do you want to even rejoin this school? Aren't you a villain?" Izuku looked at him, confused though hurt somewhat. "I am not a villa-" Izuku stopped halfway through his word. "Deku, why did you stop!" Bakugo shouted. "Get a hold of yourself!" Uraraka and Iida exchanged glances, and looked up to the crowd. They spotted the target, a boy with purple hair, bags under his eyes, and a surprised face still lingering on his own from realizing Izuku was still alive. 

Shinso Hitoshi, the brainwashing quirk. 

Neito Monoma, the copying quirk.

Deja vu, huh.

Fight part two hopefully coming out soon, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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