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In the center of the arena the three stood.

The Glacier.

The Bomb.

The Warrior.

The three proudly stood strong as the crowd boomed louder and louder. Only 10 minutes remaining on the clock didn't help with the sound problem. The three stood for a few seconds with their proud stances. Suddenly, the crowd stopped cheering, and the other students stopped whispering amongst themselves. A cold aura, almost visible, spread through the arena. Clear confidence... No.... Blood lust filled the three boys eyes.

Midnight spoke into her mic. "For the last ten minutes of the match the arena will be extended to the size of the entire field instead of just the 90% of it before. To eliminate you have to concede or be knocked until unable to fight. Understood? Alright lets go guys!"

"I've been waiting for this part of the fight." Katsuki said to his fellow classmates. "I'll win and take the ball." "You're on, I won't let you win." Shoto spoke. "I'll take the ball and I will win, not you." They both look to Izuku for a response, but did not receive one. They only were met with cold, icy glares emitting from under his hood.

"Those three are giving off an aura like this? Who are they!?"

"The one with the hood's scaring me a little."

"Why is he still wearing a hood?"

The whispers were interrupted by two fists placing themselves onto the hooded contestants chest. Present Mic's voice rang through the arena. "IT SEEMS THE TWO CONTESTANTS, KATSUKI BAKUGO AND SHOTO TODOROKI, HAVE BOTH ATTACKED THE HOODED STUDENT NAMED DEKU AT THE SAME TIME! HOW WILL HE RESPOND?!" The crowd watched carefully as the boy was launched back from the two fists. "No offense Izuku, but you're the main challenge!" Katsuki yelled as the boys body left the connection of their fists. Izuku flew towards the stone wall that separated the audience from the fighters. The crowd returned to its loud state. Cheers filled the audience as they started to bet, no money included, on the winner. After Izuku smashed against the wall, he fell to the ground below and landed on his feet. He dropped down into a kneel and opened his mouth to cough up some blood. Present Mic spoke again.


Izuku looked up to find the two other boys fighting using some sort of mixed martial arts that were accompanied by their respective quirks. Shoto attempted to freeze Katsuki once he grabbed him, but he used his hands to make himself fly over the boy. He than snapped his fingers to represent guns and sent an explosion into his back, which knocked him a foot forward. 


Shoto's feet caught the ground and he turned back around to smash a fist engulfed in fire into Katsuki, sending him flying into the wall just as Izuku had been. Present Mic continued his preaching.


The explosive boy slammed into the wall from his front and fell to the ground. He didn't save the fall with his feet, but got back up. The two students that had made visible indents in the walls ran back to the middle using their quirks. As they continued to fight, they tired. That didn't stop them. The three fought passionately.

A fist placed itself onto Shoto's shoulder, making him slide back a few feet. Katsuki held his fist for a second for he had just smashed his hand into ice. Before he could react, Izuku planted a fist into his stomach, making HIM fly back into the wall. An indent that was bigger than Shoto's own father took it's place on the stone wall that Shoto smashed into. He was visibly injured. Present Mic spoke.

"TODOROKI SEEMS TO HAVE TAKEN A HUGE BLOW TO THE CHEST AND BACK! IS HE STILL IN THE MATCH?!" Present Mic yells to the 18+ teacher. She walks over and inspects the boy and looks back up to the commentator. Her head shakes. "THERE YOU HAVE IT AUDIENCE, THE CONTESTANT TODOROKI SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS! HE HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!" Katsuki stared in shock at the other boy, whose cloak he had given started to even scare him. 'Maybe he really didn't need that.' The boy than looked to his friend, who was locking eyes with him as well. "Lets have a good fight, right?" Izuku said to him. "S-sure, Izuku. Lets have a really good fight." They lunged at each other. Their fists smashing into each other repeatedly, but to no avail not budging each other. The powers of One For All were being thrown off by explosive amounts of wind created by the other contestant. As they fought they felt time slow down.

They were in the middle of an arena filled with a screaming crowd and their fellow classmates, but the two of them felt they were just alone. They felt comfortable. Every time their fists locked, a wave of warmth was sent through their bodies. They saw each others auras. People say that as you fight someone, and only then, you can see the real face behind their mask. Katsuki saw the face behind Izuku's mask clearly.

He was afraid. Katsuki could see fear and sadness in the eyes of his classmate. Everyone thought Izuku had gotten used to the class and school, but he was still extremely afraid of the world he was placed back into, and Katsuki felt horrible that he couldn't recognize what he was afraid of. He couldn't help him. His best friend you could say, was not in the reach of his grasp.

Before he realized the two had been reduced to smaller, less strengthened punches. They were both limping. They couldn't win against something of the same amount of power. They were.... Equal.

They were than reduced to just standing in front of each other. They saw no reason not to, so they spoke. "That.... was a good fight...... right?" Katsuki asked him, worried Izuku didn't have fun. "Y-yeah.... it was fun...." Before he could continue, Izuku fell to the ground. He was lying on the ball. Present Mic spoke out to the remaining contestant. "KATSUKI BAKUGO! WOULD YOU PICK UP THE BALL AND END THE GAME?! THEIR'S ONLY 2 MINUTES LEFT!" Katsuki looked to the crowd, who were waiting in anticipation. He than put his hands up to Present Mic's booth, and did the unthinkable.

His middle fingers never found a better target. He flicked off Present Mic, and felt proud of it. The crowd, and the teachers of course, faces were in full surprise. "He can keep the ball...... We'll share first place!" Katsuki yelled to the crowd. Suddenly the crowd started booing, some cheering.

Katsuki than helped Izuku, who just now woke back up, and put his arm around his shoulder to support him. On the way up, the cloak Izuku was wearing came off to reveal the contestant. Present Mic spoke. "THAT WAS A MEAN WAY OF PUTTING IT, BUT LOOK EVERYONE! FIRST PLACE, WHICH ENSURES A SPOT ON THE NEXT MATCH, IS TIED BETWEEN THE PLAYERS KATSUKI BAKUGO AND IZUKU MIDORIYA OF CLASS 1-A!" The crowd stared in shock. The boy they called a villain was in first place so far in the UA festival. Katsuki watched the crowd as he walked Izuku back to the stairs. Glares filled the arena. The crowd watched the two boys like they were some sort of trash. Suddenly, someones trash hit Izuku. Katsuki's eyes widened as he watched it happen, as well as more and more trash hitting the other boy. A few drinks hit the boy as the crowd booed viciously as him. Katsuki looked to Izuku's face to find drooped eyes, just as sad and afraid as he saw them when time slowed down just minutes ago. He than remembered what he told Izuku. : 

"It's alright, no one thinks that. Actually, everyone will be happy to see you again."

He knew that the crowd would hate Izuku, so he gave him a cloak.

He knew he should've warned him. He hurt Izuku.

He hurt the one person he was trying to protect.

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now