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Izuku's eyes widened as he was pulled into a tight, but meaningful hug. "Izu...Izuku... you're alive..." His mother was crying into his shoulder as they hugged. Izuku looked down to find her eyes red with tears. "You're crying?" She looked up to him and smiled. "Of course. I'm so happy you came back to me."

After she stopped crying, Katsuki attempted to explain what happened to Izuku in the easiest way without hurting her feelings. "He was told to kill our teachers, but we convinced him he had been tricked. Afterwards that led to this." "T-thank you for bringing my son back to me, Kacchan." She said still crying, but now not over her son, but what had been done to him. She looked to her son, then smiled before crying again. "I-I'm sorry..... Izuku...." Inko said as she pulled Izuku into another hug.

They sat there for a few minutes like that before Izuku asked his mom a question that confused her, but hurt Katsuki. "Thank you for worrying about me, but don't apologize. It's not your fault. Anyways, who's Kacchan? Is he someone here too?" Katsuki's eyes widened after realizing Inko had said his old nickname. "Oh, that's what you called Ka-" "Yeah, it's just a spirit that lives around here." Katsuki cut her off with. Inko looked to him, before realizing why he cut her off. She then looked to Izuku and nodded to agree with Katsuki.

'I shouldn't tell him, not after what I've done. I don't deserve it...'

"That's a cute name for a spirit. Why don't I call you that, Katsuki?"

'Don't call me that name... Please...'

"You've been so nice to me, it's like you're a guardian spirit of sorts!"

'Please, I don't deserve your forgiveness, don't call me that name...'

Though he hesitated, his words were opposite of his thoughts as he replied with, "Alright, I'll be Kacchan. You can call me that if you want." In his mind, Katsuki was burning up with guilt. Two years ago, the last thing he thought about Izuku was how he was jealous that Todoroki fought him more seriously than their own fight. As he walked home that day, two years ago, he thought harsh things about his childhood friend.

'Dammit, that shit nerd. How come Todoroki fights him with his flames without hesitation, but he waits until the end to fight me with them. That little fuck. I hope he gets attacked by some villains someday.' The next day in class, his eyes were opened completely as Aizawa spoke. "Class....I'm sorry to say that Izuku Midoriya was done in by villains while walking home yesterday evening...all the police found left were his gloves soaked in his own blood. I'm so sorry, but we need to continue to work on this course in order for you all to strengthen yourselves against stuff like this." Katsuki stuttered in his mind as he thought about the words spoken, as well as his own thoughts. 'I hope he gets attacked by some villains someday.' He then realized what his teacher had said, and immediately retaliated. "Stuff like this?," Bakugo suddenly, though quietly said, "A student died and your'e leaving it as 'Stuff like this'?" "I know this is a terrible event, but if you students train, you can be ready for this someday." 'W-what the hell is this turn of events? After I thought about it yesterday, it happened today? It's like... it's like it's all my fault... why did I have to be like this to him? As a kid I wanted to be friendlier with him, but I was jealous he could be so strong even without a quirk. So I bullied him. How could I be a monster like that, like this? If I ever meet someone like him, I'll protect him with my life, maybe then I can forgive myself... but I can never get his forgiveness...

After orange light littered the sky signaling that is was evening, Izuku got the form signed and was officially part of class 1-A again. He hugged his mother, who allowed him to live at the dorms if he came home to visit her occasionally. Katsuki and Izuku were silently walking down the street towards UA as Izuku felt the need to start a conversation. "Hey, Katsuki." He didn't answer. "Katsuki?" Still, no answer. "K-kacchan?" Katsuki immeditately was pulled from his thoughts to look at his old friend. "W-what's wrong Izuku?" "Are you ready for school tomorrow? Sorry I had you skip today." "That's alright. I'm sure tomorrow will be pretty stressful, but we will get you used to the class soon." After a few minutes and no response, Katsuki seemed a little worried that Izuku was wierded out.

"Thanks, Katsuki."

Whew, that was a short one. Sorry 'bout that, my smol reader~chans. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 

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